

Alternative forms


Inherited from Old Swedish stekare. Suffix of steka (fry) + -are (-er). According to SAOB attested since 1608.

In lifestyle sense; unknown origin. According to SO attested since 2000.


stekare c

  1. A roaster; one who roasts and fries food.
    • 1926, Sigfrid Siwertz, “Den hundramila oasen”, in En färd till Abessinien, page 22:
      Gäss och tranor gödas, bagare och stekare synas i fullt arbete, hus och båtar byggas och tredskande skattebetalare släpas inför stränga skrivare, []
      Geese and cranes are fattened, bakers and roasters are seen at full work, houses and boats are built and demanding taxpayers are dragged before stern clerks, []
  2. (colloquial, lifestyle) A member of the (Swedish) upper class with an expensive, flashy lifestyle, especially one perceived to flaunt their wealth.


Declension of stekare 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative stekare stekaren stekare stekarna
Genitive stekares stekarens stekares stekarnas

See also

  • backslick (slicked-back hair)
  • dompa (Dom Pérignon)
  • vaska (to buy champagne and pour it down the drain)
  • grilljanne (style; mix of dandy and fin de siècle)
  • swingpjatt (style; influenced by zoot suits)


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