


Borrowed from English shock.


  • IPA(key): /ˈʃɔkn̩/
  • (file)
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: scho‧cken


schocken (weak, third-person singular present schockt, past tense schockte, past participle geschockt, auxiliary haben)

  1. (transitive, colloquial) to shock
    Synonym: schockieren
  2. (transitive, medicine) to shock, to give an electric shock
  3. (intransitive, dated slang) to rock (to thrill, to be very favorable)
    • 1998, “Susanne zur Freiheit”, in Power, performed by Fischmob:
      Und 'ne Kiste Hip Hop-Oldies / Für die Rapper und die Chauvis / Denn im Radio läuft nur Schrott / Der nicht schockt
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1998, “Geld abheben”, in Fettes Brot lässt grüßen, performed by Fettes Brot:
      Unser Shit, ja der rockt / Du sagst mein Gott, dieser Banküberfall hat echt geschockt
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)


Derived terms

  • Schocker m (shocker [in a film, television program or novel])

Further reading

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