


rugg + -ig and rugga + -ig


ruggig (comparative ruggigare, superlative ruggigast)

  1. frightening or discomforting
    Synonyms: (colloquial) läbbig, läskig, ruskig, skrämmande
    En ruggig skräckfilm
    A scary horror movie
    Det var riktigt ruggigt att vara på olycksplatsen direkt efter olyckan
    It was really disturbing to be at the site right after the accident
  2. (colloquial) great
    En ruggig talang
    A (scarily) great talent
    Ruggig fart
    Very (scarily) high speed
  3. (of weather) cold and unpleasant
    Det är ruggigt ute
    The weather outside is cold and unpleasant
  4. rugged, rough, matted, tangled, (of birds) ruffled
  5. (figurative) out of sorts (and feeling a bit chilly)

Usage notes

A more literal translation of "riktigt ruggigt" in the second example in (sense 1) would be "really uncomfortable." See the usage notes at obehaglig, which is what it's trying to convey. You may find something ruggigt while being calm.


Inflection of ruggig
Indefinite Positive Comparative Superlative2
Common singular ruggig ruggigare ruggigast
Neuter singular ruggigt ruggigare ruggigast
Plural ruggiga ruggigare ruggigast
Masculine plural3 ruggige ruggigare ruggigast
Definite Positive Comparative Superlative
Masculine singular1 ruggige ruggigare ruggigaste
All ruggiga ruggigare ruggigaste
1) Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.
2) The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
3) Dated or archaic

Derived terms

  • ruggighet (ruggigness)

See also


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