


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)



  1. spring (water source)
  2. source
  3. origin


Inflection of purde (inflection type 36/kaste)
nominative sing. purde
genitive sing. purtken
partitive sing. purdet
partitive plur. purtkid
singular plural
nominative purde purtked
accusative purtken purtked
genitive purtken purtkiden
partitive purdet purtkid
essive-instructive purtken purtkin
translative purtkeks purtkikš
inessive purtkes purtkiš
elative purtkespäi purtkišpäi
illative purtkehe purtkihe
adessive purtkel purtkil
ablative purtkelpäi purtkilpäi
allative purtkele purtkile
abessive purtketa purtkita
comitative purtkenke purtkidenke
prolative purdetme purtkidme
approximative I purtkenno purtkidenno
approximative II purtkennoks purtkidennoks
egressive purtkennopäi purtkidennopäi
terminative I purtkehesai purtkihesai
terminative II purtkelesai purtkilesai
terminative III purtkessai
additive I purtkehepäi purtkihepäi
additive II purtkelepäi purtkilepäi


  • Zajceva, N. G., Mullonen, M. I. (2007) “источник, ключ, родник”, in Uz’ venä-vepsläine vajehnik / Novyj russko-vepsskij slovarʹ [New Russian–Veps Dictionary], Petrozavodsk: Periodika
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