- IPA(key): [ˈkʰasd̥ə]
- Rhymes: -astə
Etymology 1
Via German Kaste from Portuguese casta (“bloodline, race, caste”), probably from the feminine of the adjective casto (“chaste”), from Latin castus.
Etymology 2
From Old Danish kastæ, from Old Norse kasta, from Proto-Germanic *kastōną (“to throw, cast”), cognate with Norwegian kaste and Swedish kasta. English cast is borrowed from Old Norse.
kaste (imperative kast, infinitive at kaste, present tense kaster, past tense kastede, perfect tense har kastet)
Related terms
- kaste anker
- kaste et blik på
- kaste masken
- kaste op
- kastebold
- kasteskyts
- kastevind
From Portuguese casta (“lineage, race”), from the feminine of casto (“pure, chaste”), from Latin castus (“pure, clean”). Cognate with Danish, Norwegian (see below), German Kaste, English caste, French caste etc.
- IPA(key): /ˈkɑstə/
Audio (file) - Hyphenation: kas‧te
- Rhymes: -ɑstə
kaste f (plural kasten, diminutive kastetje n)
- a caste, hereditary Indian socio-religious class (except the 'unclean' lowest) (depreciated in specialist usage)
- a similarly closed social class, especially if rather impenetrable -notably (de facto) hereditary-, as in Ancient Egypt or various tribal and feudal societies
- any closed, social and/or hierarchic group, such as a priesthood or a military corps
- (obsolete) national/ethnic group or character
Derived terms
- (by caste type) officierenkaste, priesterkaste m or f
- kastegeest m
- kastenregel m
- kastenstelsel n
- kasteverdeeling, kastenverdeeling
- kastenwezen n
Etymology 1
From Proto-Finnic *kastëk.
Declension of kaste (ÕS type 6/mõte, length gradation) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | kaste | kasted | |
accusative | nom. | ||
gen. | kaste | ||
genitive | kastete | ||
partitive | kastet | kasteid | |
illative | kastesse | kastetesse kasteisse | |
inessive | kastes | kastetes kasteis | |
elative | kastest | kastetest kasteist | |
allative | kastele | kastetele kasteile | |
adessive | kastel | kastetel kasteil | |
ablative | kastelt | kastetelt kasteilt | |
translative | kasteks | kasteteks kasteiks | |
terminative | kasteni | kasteteni | |
essive | kastena | kastetena | |
abessive | kasteta | kasteteta | |
comitative | kastega | kastetega |
Declension of kaste (ÕS type 5/liige, length gradation) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | kaste | kastmed | |
accusative | nom. | ||
gen. | kastme | ||
genitive | kastmete | ||
partitive | kastet | kastmeid | |
illative | kastmesse | kastmetesse kastmeisse | |
inessive | kastmes | kastmetes kastmeis | |
elative | kastmest | kastmetest kastmeist | |
allative | kastmele | kastmetele kastmeile | |
adessive | kastmel | kastmetel kastmeil | |
ablative | kastmelt | kastmetelt kastmeilt | |
translative | kastmeks | kastmeteks kastmeiks | |
terminative | kastmeni | kastmeteni | |
essive | kastmena | kastmetena | |
abessive | kastmeta | kastmeteta | |
comitative | kastmega | kastmetega |
From Proto-Finnic *kastëk. Equivalent to kastaa (“to wet, soak”) + -e.
- IPA(key): /ˈkɑsteˣ/, [ˈkɑ̝s̠te̞(ʔ)]
- Rhymes: -ɑste
- Syllabification(key): kas‧te
Inflection of kaste (Kotus type 48/hame, no gradation) | ||||
nominative | kaste | kasteet | ||
genitive | kasteen | kasteiden kasteitten | ||
partitive | kastetta | kasteita | ||
illative | kasteeseen | kasteisiin kasteihin | ||
singular | plural | |||
nominative | kaste | kasteet | ||
accusative | nom. | kaste | kasteet | |
gen. | kasteen | |||
genitive | kasteen | kasteiden kasteitten | ||
partitive | kastetta | kasteita | ||
inessive | kasteessa | kasteissa | ||
elative | kasteesta | kasteista | ||
illative | kasteeseen | kasteisiin kasteihin | ||
adessive | kasteella | kasteilla | ||
ablative | kasteelta | kasteilta | ||
allative | kasteelle | kasteille | ||
essive | kasteena | kasteina | ||
translative | kasteeksi | kasteiksi | ||
abessive | kasteetta | kasteitta | ||
instructive | — | kastein | ||
comitative | See the possessive forms below. |
Possessive forms of kaste (Kotus type 48/hame, no gradation) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Derived terms
- aamukaste
- aikuiskaste
- henkikaste
- hunajakaste
- hätäkaste
- kasteallas
- kasteenraikas
- kastehelmi
- kasteinen
- kastejuhla
- kastejumalanpalvelus
- kastekaapu
- kastekaava
- kastekappeli
- kastekirja
- kastekirkko
- kastekäsky
- kasteliero
- kastemalja
- kastemato
- kastemekko
- kastepisara
- kastepiste
- kasteristi
- kastetilaisuus
- kastetodistus
- kastetoimitus
- kastevaate
- kastevesi
- lapsikaste
- mesikaste
- tulikaste
- upotuskaste
- uppokaste
- valelukaste
- vesikaste
- yökaste
Further reading
- “kaste”, in Kielitoimiston sanakirja [Dictionary of Contemporary Finnish] (in Finnish) (online dictionary, continuously updated), Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 35, Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (Institute for the Languages of Finland), 2004–, retrieved 2023-07-02
Related to Medieval Latin castō, from Proto-West Germanic *kastō (“box, case”).
This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.
- IPA(key): /ˈkɑstʲe/
- Hyphenation: kas‧te
- Rhymes: -ɑstʲe
Declension of kaste (Type 23/päre, no gradation) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | kaste | kastiet |
genitive | kastien | kastieloin |
partitive | kastettu | kastieloi |
illative | kastieh | kastieloih |
inessive | kasties | kastielois |
elative | kastiespäi | kastieloispäi |
allative | kastiele | kastieloile |
adessive | kastiel | kastieloil |
ablative | kastielpäi | kastieloilpäi |
translative | kastiekse | kastieloikse |
essive | kastiennu | kastieloinnu |
abessive | kastiettah | kastieloittah |
comitative | kastienke | kastieloinke |
instructive | kastieloin | |
prolative | kastieči |
- Tatjana Boiko (2019) Suuri Karjal-Venʹalaine Sanakniigu (livvin murreh) [The Big Karelian-Russian dictionary (Livvi dialect)], 2nd edition, →ISBN, page 96
Norwegian Bokmål
Etymology 1
From Portuguese casta (“lineage, race”), from the feminine of casto (“pure, chaste”), from Latin castus (“pure, clean”) (cognate with Dutch kastijden (“to chastise”), English chasten, French chaste etc.), cognate with Danish, Dutch (see above) etc.
Etymology 2
From Old Norse kasta (compare with Danish kaste, Faroese, Icelandic, Swedish kasta and English cast).
kaste (imperative kast, present tense kaster, passive kastes, simple past and past participle kasta or kastet, present participle kastende)
Derived terms
Related terms
- “kaste” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
Norwegian Nynorsk
kaste (present tense kastar, past tense kasta, past participle kasta, passive infinitive kastast, present participle kastande, imperative kaste/kast)
- Alternative form of kasta
Derived terms
From Proto-Finnic *kastëk.
Inflection of kaste (inflection type 36/kaste) | |||
nominative sing. | kaste | ||
genitive sing. | kastken | ||
partitive sing. | kastet | ||
partitive plur. | kastkid | ||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | kaste | kastked | |
accusative | kastken | kastked | |
genitive | kastken | kastkiden | |
partitive | kastet | kastkid | |
essive-instructive | kastken | kastkin | |
translative | kastkeks | kastkikš | |
inessive | kastkes | kastkiš | |
elative | kastkespäi | kastkišpäi | |
illative | kastkehe | kastkihe | |
adessive | kastkel | kastkil | |
ablative | kastkelpäi | kastkilpäi | |
allative | kastkele | kastkile | |
abessive | kastketa | kastkita | |
comitative | kastkenke | kastkidenke | |
prolative | kastetme | kastkidme | |
approximative I | kastkenno | kastkidenno | |
approximative II | kastkennoks | kastkidennoks | |
egressive | kastkennopäi | kastkidennopäi | |
terminative I | kastkehesai | kastkihesai | |
terminative II | kastkelesai | kastkilesai | |
terminative III | kastkessai | — | |
additive I | kastkehepäi | kastkihepäi | |
additive II | kastkelepäi | kastkilepäi |
- Zajceva, N. G., Mullonen, M. I. (2007) “роса”, in Uz’ venä-vepsläine vajehnik / Novyj russko-vepsskij slovarʹ [New Russian–Veps Dictionary], Petrozavodsk: Periodika