Sranan Tongo
Likely a learned borrowing from Dutch publiek, from Middle French public, publique, from Latin pūblicus (“pertaining to the people”).
- public
- 1822, P.A. Wennekers, Roomsch-Catholyke catechismus of kort begrip der Christelijke leering, in de Neger-Engelsche taal, voor de Kolonie Suriname, met de gebeden van den nooddoop, de morgen- en avondgebeden, zoo als die dagelijks voorgebeden worden in de R.K. Kerk te Paramaribo; met meer andere gebeden, litanien en gezangen [Roman Catholic catechism or brief comprehension of Christian doctrine, in the Negro English language, for the Colony of Suriname, with the prayers of emergency baptism, the morning and evening prayers as they are recited daily in the Roman Catholic Church in Paramaribo; with further prayers, litanies and hymns], Amsterdam: Wed. F.J. van Tetroode, pages 54-55:
- So langa da zonde va tarawan no dee publiki, a dee zonde va takki datti na den disi no habi van noode foe sabi. Kabà a dee publiki, effi da kroetoe ben gi wan vonnisi na datti tappo; offo effi wan sani ben passa na stratoe na publiki presi, foe iniwan soeman kan zie datti, ma a no noffo foe iniwan soema takki bikasi datti tokko kan dee falsi.
- [Solanga a sondu fu trawan no de publiki, a de sondu fu taki dati na den disi no abi fanowdu fu sabi. Kba a de publiki efi a krutu ben gi wan vonnis na dati tapu, ofo efi wan sani ben psa na strati na publiki presi, fu iniwan suma kan si dati, ma a no nofo fu iniwan suma taki, bikasi dati toku kan de falsi.]
- As long as the sin of others isn't public, it's a sin to tell those who don't need to know. It's already public if the court gave a verdict upon it, or if something happened on the street in a public place for anyone to see it, but this is not enough for any person to talk [about it], because it can still be untrue.
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