- IPA(key): /ˈprɛ
- Rhymes: -ɛndersi
- Hyphenation: prèn‧der‧si
prèndersi (first-person singular present mi prèndo, first-person singular past historic mi prési, past participle préso)
- reflexive of prendere
- (with a) to grab or take hold (of)
- to grab (each other)
- to begin to feel (an emotion) (for each other)
- si sono presi in simpatia
- they began to like each other
- to hit (each other)
- prendersi a pugni ― to punch each other (literally, “hit each other with fists”)
- (informal) (with con) to get along (with)
- (rare) to fight or attack
- (archaic or literary) (with di) to fall in love (with)
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