- IPA(key): /ˈlad͡ʒu/
- Hyphenation: la‧ju
- Rhymes: -d͡ʒu, -u
laju (plural laju-laju, first-person possessive lajuku, second-person possessive lajumu, third-person possessive lajunya)
Derived terms
- berlaju-laju
- bersilaju
- dilaju
- dilajukan
- kelajuan
- melaju
- melajukan
- perlajuan
- laju alir
- laju angin
- laju baud
- laju bita
- laju bocoran
- laju disintegrasi
- laju endapan
- laju infiltrasi
- laju inflasi
- laju informasi
- laju kematian spesifik
- laju ketukan
- laju metabolik
- laju metabolik minimum
- laju molekul
- laju mula
- laju pembakaran linier
- laju penurunan adiabatik
- laju penurunan adiabatik kering
- laju penurunan suhu
- laju penurunan suhu autokonvektif
- laju penurunan super adiabatik
- laju perkembangan
- laju perkolasi
- laju permeabilitas
- laju pertambahan tenaga kerja
- laju puncak langkisau
- laju rambat
- laju reaksi
- laju transfer informasi
Derived terms
- melaju
- pelaju
Further reading
- “laju” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Agency for Language Development and Cultivation – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016.
- IPA(key): /lad͡ʒu/
- Rhymes: -ad͡ʒu, -d͡ʒu, -u
Audio (MY) (file)
Derived terms
Affixed terms and other derivations
Regular affixed derivations:
- kelajuan (“speed”) [resemblance / passive] (ke-an)
- pelajuan (“acceleration”) [agentive / qualitative / instrumental / abstract / measure + repetition / reciprocity] (peN- + -an)
- melaju (“to go fast”) [agent focus] (meN-)
- melajukan (“to speed up”) [agent focus + causative benefactive] (meN- + -kan)
- memperlaju (“to make more fast”) [causative agent focus] (mempeR-)
Irregular affixed derivations, other derivations and compound words:
- lajunya
Further reading
- “laju” in Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu | Malay Literary Reference Centre, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2017.
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