
See also: Kredit



  • IPA(key): [ˈkrɛdɪt]
  • (file)


kredit m inan

  1. credit


Further reading

  • kredit in Příruční slovník jazyka českého, 1935–1957
  • kredit in Slovník spisovného jazyka českého, 1960–1971, 1989



From German Kredit, from French crédit, from Latin creditum.[1]


  • IPA(key): [ˈkrɛdit]
  • Hyphenation: kre‧dit
  • Rhymes: -it


kredit (plural kreditek)

  1. (business) credit (a privilege of delayed payment extended to a buyer or borrower on the seller's or lender's belief that what is given will be repaid)
  2. (education) credit (a unit of study in colleges and universities)


Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony)
singular plural
nominative kredit kreditek
accusative kreditet krediteket
dative kreditnek krediteknek
instrumental kredittel kreditekkel
causal-final kreditért kreditekért
translative kreditté kreditekké
terminative kreditig kreditekig
essive-formal kreditként kreditekként
inessive kreditben kreditekben
superessive krediten krediteken
adessive kreditnél krediteknél
illative kreditbe kreditekbe
sublative kreditre kreditekre
allative kredithez kreditekhez
elative kreditből kreditekből
delative kreditről kreditekről
ablative kredittől kreditektől
possessive - singular
kredité krediteké
possessive - plural
kreditéi kreditekéi
Possessive forms of kredit
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. kreditem kreditjeim
2nd person sing. kredited kreditjeid
3rd person sing. kreditje kreditjei
1st person plural kreditünk kreditjeink
2nd person plural kreditetek kreditjeitek
3rd person plural kreditjük kreditjeik

Derived terms

  • kreditrendszer


  1. Tótfalusi, István. Idegenszó-tár: Idegen szavak értelmező és etimológiai szótára (’A Storehouse of Foreign Words: an explanatory and etymological dictionary of foreign words’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2005. →ISBN



Ultimately from Middle French crédit (belief, trust), from Latin creditum (a loan, credit), neuter of creditus, past participe of credere (to believe).

  • Borrowed from Dutch credit (liabilities) for sense of liabilities
  • Borrowed from Dutch krediet for sense of credit (finance and accounting senses), debt.
  • Semantic loan from English credit for sense of value, distinction or honour; course credit.


  • IPA(key): [ˈkrɛ.dɪt̪̚]
  • Hyphenation: krè‧dit


krèdit (plural kredit-kredit, first-person possessive kreditku, second-person possessive kreditmu, third-person possessive kreditnya)

  1. liabilities
    1. (finance) an amount of money in a company that is owed to someone and has to be paid in the future, such as tax, debt, interest, and mortgage payments.
      Synonyms: kewajiban, liabilitas, utang
    2. (accounting) the right side of a balance sheet.
  2. credit:
    1. a privilege of delayed payment extended to a buyer or borrower on the seller's or lender's belief that what is given will be repaid.
      Synonym: kreditan
    2. (accounting) an addition to certain accounts; the side of an account on which payments received are entered.
    3. a source of value, distinction or honour.
    4. (education) a course credit, a credit hour – used as measure if enough courses have been taken for graduation
  3. (finance) debt: money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another, generally as a result of a loan or other financial transaction.
    Synonyms: kreditan, utang


Affixed terms

  • kreditan
  • mengkredit
  • mengkreditkan
  • pengkredit
  • pengkreditan
  • perkreditan


  • kredit amortisasi
  • kredit antarbank
  • kredit bermasalah
  • kredit cicilan
  • kredit dagang
  • kredit diragukan
  • kredit griya sembada
  • kredit investasi
  • kredit investasi kecil
  • kredit jangka menengah
  • kredit jangka panjang
  • kredit jangka pendek
  • kredit komersial
  • kredit konsumtif
  • kredit lunak
  • kredit macet
  • kredit mikro
  • kredit modal kerja
  • kredit murah
  • kredit partisipasi
  • kredit pembeli
  • kredit pemilikan apartemen
  • kredit pemilikan rumah
  • kredit penyimpanan
  • kredit produktif
  • kredit semerta
  • kredit seret
  • kredit slip
  • kredit swagriya
  • kredit talangan
  • kredit tata niaga
  • kredit terbimbing
  • kredit upakara
  • kredit usaha kecil
  • kredit usaha rakyat
  • kredit usaha tani
  • pemindahan kredit
  • sistem kredit

Further reading



  • IPA(key): /krědiːt/
  • Hyphenation: kre‧dit


krèdīt m (Cyrillic spelling крѐдӣт)

  1. credit, loan


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