kafirness (uncountable)
- (rare) The quality of being kafir
- 2014 Francis Connell, With One Fool Left in the World, No One is Stranded, p 166
- ... accepted their kafirness without comment, and their money. They had seen him only a few days before in the bazaar ...
- 2013, Sedanand Dhume, My Friend the Fanatic: Travels with a Radical Islamist:
- I felt glad for my goatee: along with Herry's company, it made my kafirness less apparent.
- 2009 Faizur Rahman, re: [progressive interactions217] re: intelligence squared debate: catholics humiliated by ... Group: Progressive interactions
- ... our ulema must stop playing god and let him decide on the muslimness or the kafirness of a person
- 2014 Francis Connell, With One Fool Left in the World, No One is Stranded, p 166
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