


From horreō (I shudder) + -scō (inchoative).



horrēscō (present infinitive horrēscere, perfect active horruī); third conjugation, no supine stem

  1. to begin to bristle up; one's hair rises on end
  2. to become terrified
  3. to begin to shiver, shake, tremble, shudder
    Synonyms: cohorrēscō, tremēscō
    • 29 BCE – 19 BCE, Virgil, Aeneid 2.203–205:
      “Ecce! Autem geminī ā Tenedō tranquilla per altā —
      horrēscō referēns! — immēnsīs orbibus anguēs
      incumbunt pelagō, pariterque ad lītora tendunt.”
      “Look! And now, [coming] from Tenedos, through the placid deep – I shudder [in] retelling [it]! – twin snakes with endless coils lean into the sea, and advance together toward the shore.” – Aeneas
  4. (transitive) to start to dread


   Conjugation of horrēscō (third conjugation, no supine stem)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present horrēscō horrēscis horrēscit horrēscimus horrēscitis horrēscunt
imperfect horrēscēbam horrēscēbās horrēscēbat horrēscēbāmus horrēscēbātis horrēscēbant
future horrēscam horrēscēs horrēscet horrēscēmus horrēscētis horrēscent
perfect horruī horruistī horruit horruimus horruistis horruērunt,
pluperfect horrueram horruerās horruerat horruerāmus horruerātis horruerant
future perfect horruerō horrueris horruerit horruerimus horrueritis horruerint
passive present horrēscor horrēsceris,
horrēscitur horrēscimur horrēsciminī horrēscuntur
imperfect horrēscēbar horrēscēbāris,
horrēscēbātur horrēscēbāmur horrēscēbāminī horrēscēbantur
future horrēscar horrēscēris,
horrēscētur horrēscēmur horrēscēminī horrēscentur
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present horrēscam horrēscās horrēscat horrēscāmus horrēscātis horrēscant
imperfect horrēscerem horrēscerēs horrēsceret horrēscerēmus horrēscerētis horrēscerent
perfect horruerim horruerīs horruerit horruerīmus horruerītis horruerint
pluperfect horruissem horruissēs horruisset horruissēmus horruissētis horruissent
passive present horrēscar horrēscāris,
horrēscātur horrēscāmur horrēscāminī horrēscantur
imperfect horrēscerer horrēscerēris,
horrēscerētur horrēscerēmur horrēscerēminī horrēscerentur
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present horrēsce horrēscite
future horrēscitō horrēscitō horrēscitōte horrēscuntō
passive present horrēscere horrēsciminī
future horrēscitor horrēscitor horrēscuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives horrēscere horruisse horrēscī
participles horrēscēns horrēscendus,
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
horrēscendī horrēscendō horrēscendum horrēscendō



  • Albanian: urrej
  • Aromanian: urãscu
  • Romanian: urî
  • Sardinian: orròschere


  • horresco”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • horresco”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • horresco in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
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