


From the compounding of the prefix her and gehen.


  • IPA(key): [ˈheːɐ̯ˌɡeːən]
  • (file)


hergehen (class 7 strong, third-person singular present geht her, past tense ging her, past participle hergegangen, auxiliary sein)

  1. (intransitive) to follow, to be going with
    Synonym: mitkommen
  2. (intransitive, Southern Germany, Austria) to come
    Synonym: kommen
  3. (impersonal, slang) to happen
    Synonym: passieren
    Es ging gestern ziemlich hoch her.(please add an English translation of this usage example)
  4. (intransitive, idiomatic) to turn active
    Die Försterin stand da bis sie her ging und den Baum entwurzelte, damit der Bach dort eingelassen werden konnte.
    The foresteress stood there until she disentangled the tree to let a brook be built there.


Derived terms

Further reading

  • hergehen” in Duden online
  • hergehen” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
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