


Internationalism. Compare Finnish foneettinen and Estonian foneetiline.


  • (Ala-Laukaa) IPA(key): /ˈfonetːine/, [ˈfo̞ne̞tʲˌtʲine̞]
  • (Soikkola) IPA(key): /ˈfonetːiːn/, [ˈfo̞ne̞tːiːn]
  • Rhymes: -ine, -onetːiːn
  • Hyphenation: fo‧net‧tiin


fonettiin (not comparable)

  1. phonetic (relating to sounds in a language)
    • 1936, V. I. Junus, Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka, Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 47:
      Näis sanois vaihto ono tapahtunt fonettisist syist, kummist läätää ees.
      In these words the exchange happened due to phonetic reasons, which are discussed above.


Declension of fonettiin (type 1/jokahiin, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative fonettiin fonettiset
genitive fonettisen fonettissiin
partitive fonettista, fonettist fonettissia
illative fonettissee fonettissii
inessive fonettises fonettisis
elative fonettisest fonettisist
allative fonettiselle fonettisille
adessive fonettisel fonettisil
ablative fonettiselt fonettisilt
translative fonettiseks fonettisiks
essive fonettisenna, fonettisseen fonettisinna, fonettissiin
exessive1) fonettisent fonettisint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.
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