


Variant of flitzen, which see.


  • (file)


flitschen (weak, third-person singular present flitscht, past tense flitschte, past participle geflitscht, auxiliary haben or sein)

  1. (regional, including western Germany, transitive) to tighten something and let it shoot off [auxiliary haben]
    jemanden mit den Fingern flitschen
    to flick one's fingers (usually the forefinger) against someone's skin (in order to hurt or alert them)
    ein Gummiband flitschen
    to flip or fire a rubber band
    Synonyms: schnippen, wegschnippen
  2. (regional, transitive) to skim; to throw or shoot closely over a surface [auxiliary haben]
    Synonyms: springen lassen, titschen, flippen, schiefern (all but the first also regional)
  3. (regional, intransitive) to be shot or thrown in one of these ways [auxiliary sein]

Usage notes

  • Auxiliary is haben in transitive and sein in intransitive use.


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