- IPA(key): [ˈfɔˀ]
- Rhymes: -ɑː
Etymology 2
From Old Norse fá, from Proto-Germanic *fanhaną, cognate with German fangen, Dutch vangen, Gothic 𐍆𐌰𐌷𐌰𐌽 (fahan).
få (imperative få, infinitive at få, present tense får, past tense fik, perfect tense har fået)
Norwegian Bokmål
få (neuter singular få, definite singular and plural få, comparative færre, indefinite superlative færrest, definite superlative færreste)
- few
- Hun syntes hun fikk få gaver til jul.
- She thought she got few presents for Christmas.
- De færreste vet om hendelsen.
- Very few know of the incident. (literally: "The fewest know of the incident.")
Etymology 2
From Danish få, from Old Norse fá (to grab, capture, conquer), from Proto-Germanic *fanhaną.
få (imperative få, present tense får, passive fås or fåes, simple past fikk, past participle fått, present participle fående)
- to get; to have; to obtain; to receive.
- Be, så skal dere få. Let, så skal dere finne. Bank på, så skal det lukkes opp for dere. (The Bible, Matt. 7,7)
- Pray, and you shall receive. Search, and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened to you.
- Hva fikk du til jul?
- What did you get for Christmas?
- Hvor mange fisk fikk du?
- How many fish did you get?
- Det beste er godt nok, bare man kan få det. (proverb)
- The best is good enough, if only one can get it.
- Be, så skal dere få. Let, så skal dere finne. Bank på, så skal det lukkes opp for dere. (The Bible, Matt. 7,7)
- (as an auxiliary verb) to get done; to accomplish
- Husk å få gjort leksene!
- Remember to get your homework done!
- (medicine) to get; to catch; to acquire
- Jeg får hodepine av alt det bråket!
- All that noise is giving me a headache! (literally: I'm getting a headache from all that noise)
- Han fikk en alvorlig skade.
- He got a serious injury.
- Jeg får hodepine av alt det bråket!
- (as an auxiliary verb) will; have to; better
- Det får vente.
- It will have to wait.
- (as an auxiliary verb) may, can, be allowed
- Pasienten får ikke ta imot besøk.
- The patient is not allowed to have visits.
- (as an auxiliary verb) shall, will
- Vi får se hva som skjer.
- We'll see what happens.
Derived terms
- det får så være
- få det for seg
- få det med å
- få det som en vil
- få det til å gå for
- få det til å gå opp for
- få fatt i
- få igjen
- få med seg
- få av gårde, få av garde
- få seg til
- få til
- få ut fingeren
- “få” in The Ordnett Dictionary
- “få” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
- Old Norse dictionary
Norwegian Nynorsk
- IPA(key): /foː/
Alternative forms
få (definite singular and plural få, comparative færre, indefinite superlative færrast, definite superlative færraste)
- few
- Ho syntest ho fekk få gåver til jul.
- She thought she got few presents for Christmas.
- Dei færraste veit om hendinga.
- Very few know of the incident. (literally: "The fewest know of the incident.")
Derived terms
få (present tense får, past tense fådde, past participle fått/fådd, passive infinitive fåast, present participle fåande, imperative få)
Usage notes
This verb is rarely used; the synonyms mentioned here are far more common.
få (present tense får, past tense fekk, past participle fått, present participle fåande, imperative få)
- To get; to have; to obtain; to receive; to obtain.
- Kva fekk du til jul?
- What did you get for Christmas?
- Kor mang fiskar fekk du?
- How many fish did you get?
- Det beste er godt nok, berre ein kan få det.
- The best is good enough, if only one can get it. (proverb)
- (Can we date this quote?), The Bible, Matthew 7:7:
- Be, så skal de få. Leit, så skal de finna. Bank på, så skal det latast opp for dykk.
- Pray, and you shall receive. Search, and you shall find. Knock, and the door shall be opened to you.
- (auxiliary) to get done; to accomplish
- (medicine) to get; to catch; to acquire
- Eg får hovudpine av alt det bråket!
- All that noise is giving me a headache! (literally: "I'm getting a headache from all that noise.")
- Han fekk ein alvorleg skade.
- He got a serious injury.
- (auxiliary) will; have to; better; have got to
- Det får vente.
- It will have to wait.
- (auxiliary) may, can, be allowed; get to
- Pasienten får ikkje ta imot besøk.
- The patient is not allowed to have visits.
- (auxiliary) shall, will
- Vi får sjå kva som skjer.
- We shall see what happens.
- (to get, obtain, receive): erverve, innhente, innkassere, ta imot/take imot, oppdrive, oppnå, skaffe, skaffe seg, ta heim/take heim, tene, vinne
- (to catch, acquire): bli råka av/verte råka av, bli til del/verte til del, bli utsete for/verte utsete for, pådra seg/pådrage seg
- (may, can; shall, will): måtte, skulle, munde
Derived terms
- det får så vere
- få det for seg
- få det med å
- få det som ein vil
- få det til å gå for
- få det til å gå opp for
- få fatt i
- få igjen
- få med seg
- få av garde
- få seg til
- få til
- få ut fingeren
- “få” in The Ordnett Dictionary
- “få” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.
- Old Norse dictionary
- IPA(key): /foː/, [f̪oə̯]
audio (Gotland) (file) - Rhymes: -oː
Etymology 1
From Old Swedish fār, from Old Norse fár, from Proto-Germanic *fawaz.
Usage notes
The superlative form färst is extremely rare and was considered extinct for the whole 20th century. Usually, minst is used, or, when used as a noun, a rewording on the lines of “det minsta antalet” (literally: “the least number of”, or “the smallest number of”) is done.
Etymology 2
From Old Swedish fā, from Old Norse fá, from Proto-Germanic *fanhaną, whence also German fangen, Dutch vangen.
få (present får, preterite fick, supine fått, imperative få)
- to get, to receive
- Jag fick paketet idag. ― I got the package today.
- to be allowed to, may; to have the opportunity to
- Du får ta så många du vill. ― You may take as many as you want.
- to be forced to, to have to
- Om ingen annan vill, får jag göra det själv. ― If nobody else wants to, I'll have to do it myself.
- to get, to cause to happen, to make someone to do something
- Få ut honom därifrån! ― Get him out of there!
- Pavlov fick hundarna att dregla när middagsklockan ringde. ― Pavlov made the dogs salivate when the dinner bell chimed.
- (with an adverb) to manage to do something, often to cause a movement (in a figurative or literal sense)
- Vi kan inte få upp låset: det har rostat fast. ― We can't get the lock to open: it has rusted shut.
- Regeringen fick igenom budgeten efter en lång debatt. ― The government got the budget past [parliament] after a long debate.
- to get; to cause to become; to bring about.
- Jag hoppas jag hinner få det här gjort innan lunch. ― I hope I have time to get this done before lunchtime.
- to get; to catch a disease
- Han har fått vinterkräksjukan. ― He has caught the winter vomiting bug.
- to get; to catch out, trick successfully.
- to get; to catch (e.g. fish, game, a criminal)
- Hur mycket fisk fick ni? ― How much fish did you get?
- to get (as an answer)
- Han fick "nej" som svar. ― He got a "no" for an answer.
- to score; to achieve a test score
Usage notes
The modern past participle is fådd. Fången, though etymologically the past participle, is interpreted as a standalone adjective by most native speakers.
Active | Passive | |||
Infinitive | få | fås | ||
Supine | fått | fåtts | ||
Imperative | få | — | ||
Imper. plural1 | fån | — | ||
Present | Past | Present | Past | |
Indicative | får | fick | fås | ficks |
Ind. plural1 | få | fingo | fås | fingos |
Subjunctive2 | få | finge | fås | finges |
Participles | ||||
Present participle | fående | |||
Past participle | fådd, fången | |||
1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs. |
- erhålla (formal)
Derived terms
- få barn
- få bort
- få dissen
- få fatt i
- få fram
- få för sig
- få napp
- få om bakfoten
- få ont
- få på moppe
- få sina fiskar varma / få fiskarna varma
- få spader
- få sparken
- få spel
- få syn på
- få tag på
- få till (det)
- få upp den
- få ut
- få över
- återfå
See also
- ta emot (the physical action of being handed something)
Further reading
- få in Svensk ordbok.