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-endeshea (infinitive kuendeshea)

  1. Applicative form of -endesha


Conjugation of -endeshea
Positive present -naendeshea
Subjunctive -endeshee
Negative -endeshei
Imperative singular endeshea
Positive kuendeshea
Negative kutoendeshea
Singular endeshea
Plural endesheeni
Tensed forms
Habitual huendeshea
Positive past positive subject concord + -liendeshea
Negative past negative subject concord + -kuendeshea
Positive present (positive subject concord + -naendeshea)
Singular Plural
1st person ninaendeshea/naendeshea tunaendeshea
2nd person unaendeshea mnaendeshea
3rd person m-wa(I/II) anaendeshea wanaendeshea
other classes positive subject concord + -naendeshea
Negative present (negative subject concord + -endeshei)
Singular Plural
1st person siendeshei hatuendeshei
2nd person huendeshei hamwendeshei
3rd person m-wa(I/II) haendeshei hawaendeshei
other classes negative subject concord + -endeshei
Positive future positive subject concord + -taendeshea
Negative future negative subject concord + -taendeshea
Positive subjunctive (positive subject concord + -endeshee)
Singular Plural
1st person niendeshee tuendeshee
2nd person uendeshee mwendeshee
3rd person m-wa(I/II) aendeshee waendeshee
other classes positive subject concord + -endeshee
Negative subjunctive positive subject concord + -siendeshee
Positive present conditional positive subject concord + -ngeendeshea
Negative present conditional positive subject concord + -singeendeshea
Positive past conditional positive subject concord + -ngaliendeshea
Negative past conditional positive subject concord + -singaliendeshea
Gnomic (positive subject concord + -aendeshea)
Singular Plural
1st person naendeshea twaendeshea
2nd person waendeshea mwaendeshea
3rd person m-wa(I/II) aendeshea waendeshea
m-mi(III/IV) waendeshea yaendeshea
ji-ma(V/VI) laendeshea yaendeshea
ki-vi(VII/VIII) chaendeshea vyaendeshea
n(IX/X) yaendeshea zaendeshea
u(XI) waendeshea see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) kwaendeshea
pa(XVI) paendeshea
mu(XVIII) mwaendeshea
Perfect positive subject concord + -meendeshea
"Already" positive subject concord + -meshaendeshea
"Not yet" negative subject concord + -jaendeshea
"If/When" positive subject concord + -kiendeshea
"If not" positive subject concord + -sipoendeshea
Consecutive kaendeshea / positive subject concord + -kaendeshea
Consecutive subjunctive positive subject concord + -kaendeshee
Object concord (indicative positive)
Singular Plural
1st person -niendeshea -tuendeshea
2nd person -kuendeshea -waendeshea/-kuendesheeni/-waendesheeni
3rd person m-wa(I/II) -mwendeshea -waendeshea
m-mi(III/IV) -uendeshea -iendeshea
ji-ma(V/VI) -liendeshea -yaendeshea
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -kiendeshea -viendeshea
n(IX/X) -iendeshea -ziendeshea
u(XI) -uendeshea see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -kuendeshea
pa(XVI) -paendeshea
mu(XVIII) -muendeshea
Reflexive -jiendeshea
Relative forms
General positive (positive subject concord + (object concord) + -endeshea- + relative marker)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -endesheaye -endesheao
m-mi(III/IV) -endesheao -endesheayo
ji-ma(V/VI) -endeshealo -endesheayo
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -endesheacho -endesheavyo
n(IX/X) -endesheayo -endesheazo
u(XI) -endesheao see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -endesheako
pa(XVI) -endesheapo
mu(XVIII) -endesheamo
Other forms (subject concord + tense marker + relative marker + (object concord) + -endeshea)
Singular Plural
m-wa(I/II) -yeendeshea -oendeshea
m-mi(III/IV) -oendeshea -yoendeshea
ji-ma(V/VI) -loendeshea -yoendeshea
ki-vi(VII/VIII) -choendeshea -vyoendeshea
n(IX/X) -yoendeshea -zoendeshea
u(XI) -oendeshea see n(X) or ma(VI) class
ku(XV/XVII) -koendeshea
pa(XVI) -poendeshea
mu(XVIII) -moendeshea
Some forms not commonly seen in modern Standard Swahili are absent from the table. See Appendix:Swahili verbs for more information.
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