


From en- + courir, calque of Latin incurrō.


  • IPA(key): /ɑ̃.ku.ʁiʁ/
  • (file)



  1. (transitive) to incur (to expose oneself to something inconvenient)
    • 2020 June 19, “Stopper la haine sur Internet”, in Le Monde:
      Selon leur décision, ces difficultés d’appréciation combinées au fort montant des amendes encourues « ne peuvent qu’inciter les opérateurs (…) à retirer les contenus qui leur sont signalés, qu’ils soient ou non manifestement illicites ».
      According to their decision, these difficulties of assessment combined with the high fines incurred "can only encourage operators (...) to remove content reported to them, whether or not it is manifestly illegal".
  2. (transitive) to run [the risk], to bring upon (something unfavourable)
    encourir le risque d’être rattrapérun the risk of being caught


This verb is conjugated like other regular -ir verbs, except that in the conditional and future tenses an extra 'r' is added to the end of the stem and the past participle ends in -u. All verb ending in -courir are conjugated this way.


  • For quotations using this term, see Citations:encourir.

Further reading


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