

Alternative forms


From des- + carn + -ar.



descarnar (first-person singular present descarno, first-person singular preterite descarní, past participle descarnat)

  1. (transitive) to flesh (remove the flesh)
    • 1927, Emerencià Roig i Raventós, La pesca a Catalunya:
      La fitora té l'inconvenient que fa malbé el peix, omplint-lo de forats i descarnant-lo, la qual cosa li dóna un aspecte desagradable i fa que hagi d'ésser venut a baix preu.
      The fish spear has the disadvantage that it damages the fish, filling it with holes and stripping flesh from it, which gives it a disagreeable appearance and forces it to be sold cheaply.
  2. (transitive) to emaciate
  3. (transitive) (of terrain, etc.) to wash out (strip away the softer parts, as soil from rocks)
    • 1931, Prudenci Bertrans, L'hereu:
      En Joanet, en un banc rústec que basculava en el sòl de greda pura els sots del qual eren enfondits quotidianament per l'escombra de bruc de la Dolors, en tanta manera que ja arribava a descarnar els fonaments de les parets.
      Joanet, on a rough bench that swayed on a floor of pure clay, the holes in which were deepened daily by Dolors' heather broom in such a way that she ended up exposing the foundations of the walls.


Derived terms

  • descarnador
  • descarnament

Further reading



  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /des.kaʁˈna(ʁ)/ [des.kaɦˈna(h)], /d͡ʒis.kaʁˈna(ʁ)/ [d͡ʒis.kaɦˈna(h)]
    • (São Paulo) IPA(key): /des.kaɾˈna(ɾ)/, /d͡ʒis.kaɾˈna(ɾ)/
    • (Rio de Janeiro) IPA(key): /deʃ.kaʁˈna(ʁ)/ [deʃ.kaʁˈna(χ)], /d͡ʒiʃ.kaʁˈna(ʁ)/ [d͡ʒiʃ.kaʁˈna(χ)]
    • (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): /des.kaɻˈna(ɻ)/
  • (Portugal) IPA(key): /dɨʃ.kɐɾˈnaɾ/
    • (Southern Portugal) IPA(key): /dɨʃ.kɐɾˈna.ɾi/


descarnar (first-person singular present descarno, first-person singular preterite descarnei, past participle descarnado)

  1. to flesh (remove the flesh)




  • IPA(key): /deskaɾˈnaɾ/ [d̪es.kaɾˈnaɾ]
  • Rhymes: -aɾ
  • Syllabification: des‧car‧nar


descarnar (first-person singular present descarno, first-person singular preterite descarné, past participle descarnado)

  1. to flesh (remove the flesh)


Further reading

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