- IPA(key): /ˈdel/, [ˈd̪el]

Compass rose
Borrowing from an Oghur language, before the times of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin (at the turn of the 9th and 10th centuries), from Proto-Turkic *tüĺ (“noon”).[1] Compare Tuvan дүш (düş, “noon”), dialectal Turkish düş (“noon”).
- IPA(key): [ˈdeːl]
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -eːl
dél (countable and uncountable, plural delek)
Usage notes
- (noon):
Adverbs of temporal nouns (see also: Appendix:Hungarian words of time) | |
no suffix (the noun can act as an adverb) | nappal (“daytime”), reggel (“early morning”), délelőtt (“late morning”), délután (“afternoon”), este (“evening”), éjjel / éjszaka (“night”), and vasárnap (“Sunday”) |
-kor (“at”) | pirkadat / virradat (“dawn”), napkelte (“sunrise”), napnyugta (“sunset”), alkonyat (“dusk”), szürkület (“twilight”), éjfél (“midnight”), hours and minutes, and the names of holidays (húsvét (“Easter”) etc.) |
-ban/-ben (“in”) | dél (“noon”), hajnal (“daybreak”), names of months (január–december) and hónap (“month”), évszak (“season”), év (“year”) and specific years, évtized (“decade”) and longer periods |
-n/-on/-en/-ön (“on”) | days of the week (hétfő–szombat) except Sunday, days of the month (elseje (“1st”), másodika (“2nd”) etc.), nap (“day”), hét (“week”), nyár (“summer”), and tél (“winter”) |
-val/-vel (“with”, assimilated: -szal/-szel) | tavasz (“spring”), ősz (“autumn, fall”) |
- (south): Names of compass points are not capitalized in Hungarian unless they refer to a given bloc of countries or states[2] or when they are part of a proper name (e.g. Nyugat-Szahara). However, their abbreviations are capitalized and have no dot at the end. (The dotted forms are the abbreviations of the related adjectives suffixed with ‑i.)
Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | dél | delek |
accusative | delet | deleket |
dative | délnek | deleknek |
instrumental | déllel | delekkel |
causal-final | délért | delekért |
translative | déllé | delekké |
terminative | délig | delekig |
essive-formal | délként | delekként |
essive-modal | — | — |
inessive | délben | delekben |
superessive | délen | deleken |
adessive | délnél | deleknél |
illative | délbe | delekbe |
sublative | délre | delekre |
allative | délhez | delekhez |
elative | délből | delekből |
delative | délről | delekről |
ablative | déltől | delektől |
non-attributive possessive - singular |
délé | deleké |
non-attributive possessive - plural |
déléi | delekéi |
Possessive forms of dél | ||
possessor | single possession | multiple possessions |
1st person sing. | delem | deleim |
2nd person sing. | deled | deleid |
3rd person sing. | dele | delei |
1st person plural | delünk | deleink |
2nd person plural | deletek | deleitek |
3rd person plural | delük | deleik |
Inflection (stem in -e-, front unrounded harmony) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | dél | — |
accusative | délt | — |
dative | délnek | — |
instrumental | déllel | — |
causal-final | délért | — |
translative | déllé | — |
terminative | délig | — |
essive-formal | délként | — |
essive-modal | — | — |
inessive | délben | — |
superessive | délen | — |
adessive | délnél | — |
illative | délbe | — |
sublative | délre | — |
allative | délhez | — |
elative | délből | — |
delative | délről | — |
ablative | déltől | — |
non-attributive possessive - singular |
délé | — |
non-attributive possessive - plural |
déléi | — |
Possessive forms of dél | ||
possessor | single possession | multiple possessions |
1st person sing. | délem | — |
2nd person sing. | déled | — |
3rd person sing. | délje | — |
1st person plural | délünk | — |
2nd person plural | déletek | — |
3rd person plural | déljük | — |
Coordinate terms
(compass points) égtájak;
északnyugat (ÉNy) | észak (É) | északkelet (ÉK) |
nyugat (Ny) | ![]() |
kelet (K) |
délnyugat (DNy) | dél (D) | délkelet (DK) |
Derived terms
- (noon):
Compound words
- (south):
Compound adjectives and common nouns
Compounds proper nouns
- Dél-Afrika → dél-afrikai → Dél-afrikai Köztársaság
- Dél-Amerika
- Dél-Európa
- Dél-Karolina
- Dél-Korea
- Dél-Oszétia
- Dél-Szudán
- Új-Dél-Wales
- dél in Zaicz, Gábor (ed.). Etimológiai szótár: Magyar szavak és toldalékok eredete (‘Dictionary of Etymology: The origin of Hungarian words and affixes’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2006, →ISBN. (See also its 2nd edition.)
- Tóth, Etelka, editor (2017), Magyar helyesírási szótár: A magyar helyesírás szabályai tizenkettedik kiadása szerint [Dictionary of Hungarian orthography: according to the 12th edition of the Rules of Hungarian orthography], Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, →ISBN. Online version
Further reading
- dél in Bárczi, Géza and László Országh. A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (‘The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language’, abbr.: ÉrtSz.). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992: →ISBN
- dél in Ittzés, Nóra (ed.). A magyar nyelv nagyszótára (‘A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Hungarian Language’). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2006–2031 (work in progress; published A–ez as of 2024)
(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
- IPA(key): /del/
- Syllabification: dél
Further reading
- “dél”, in Internetowi Słowôrz Kaszëbsczégò Jãzëka [Internet Dictionary of the Kashubian Language], Fundacja Kaszuby, 2022
- Jan Trepczyk (1994) “deska”, in Słownik polsko-kaszubski (in Kashubian), volumes 1–2
- Eùgeniusz Gòłąbk (2011) “deska”, in Słownik Polsko-Kaszubski / Słowôrz Pòlskò-Kaszëbsczi
Further reading
- “dél”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014
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