


From con- (together) + teneō (I hold).



contineō (present infinitive continēre, perfect active continuī, supine contentum); second conjugation

  1. to hold, keep, connect, contain, maintain
    Synonyms: obtineō, servō, teneō, apprehendō, prehendō, retineō, comprehendō, praeservō, cū̆stōdiō
  2. to hold or keep together/close; connect, surround
  3. (of places) to enclose, bound, limit; comprise
    Synonyms: includo, claudo, obsideo
  4. to fasten, to hold in position, to post
    Synonyms: imponō, collocō, locō, sistō, struō, ponō
  5. to detain, restrain, repress, enclose
    Synonyms: retineō, arceō, includō, teneō, cohibeō, claudō
  6. to check, curb, stop, tame, subdue
    Synonyms: refrēnō, coerceō, saepiō, officiō, obstō, perimō, inclūdō, intersaepiō, cohibeō, retineō, impediō, arceō, reprimō, supprimō, comprimō, premō, moror
    Antonyms: līberō, eximō, absolvō, excipiō, exonerō, ēmittō
  7. to comprise, involve, contain
    Synonyms: complector, inclūdō, apprehendō, teneō, amplector


   Conjugation of contineō (second conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present contineō continēs continet continēmus continētis continent
imperfect continēbam continēbās continēbat continēbāmus continēbātis continēbant
future continēbō continēbis continēbit continēbimus continēbitis continēbunt
perfect continuī continuistī continuit continuimus continuistis continuērunt,
pluperfect continueram continuerās continuerat continuerāmus continuerātis continuerant
future perfect continuerō continueris continuerit continuerimus continueritis continuerint
passive present contineor continēris,
continētur continēmur continēminī continentur
imperfect continēbar continēbāris,
continēbātur continēbāmur continēbāminī continēbantur
future continēbor continēberis,
continēbitur continēbimur continēbiminī continēbuntur
perfect contentus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect contentus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect contentus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present contineam contineās contineat contineāmus contineātis contineant
imperfect continērem continērēs continēret continērēmus continērētis continērent
perfect continuerim continuerīs continuerit continuerīmus continuerītis continuerint
pluperfect continuissem continuissēs continuisset continuissēmus continuissētis continuissent
passive present continear contineāris,
contineātur contineāmur contineāminī contineantur
imperfect continērer continērēris,
continērētur continērēmur continērēminī continērentur
perfect contentus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect contentus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present continē continēte
future continētō continētō continētōte continentō
passive present continēre continēminī
future continētor continētor continentor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives continēre continuisse contentūrum esse continērī contentum esse contentum īrī
participles continēns contentūrus contentus continendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
continendī continendō continendum continendō contentum contentū

Derived terms



  • contineo”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • contineo”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • contineo in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • the vegetable kingdom: ea, quae a terra stirpibus continentur
    • the vegetable kingdom: ea quorum stirpes terra continentur (N. D. 2. 10. 26)
    • to be shut in on all sides by very high mountains: altissimis montibus undique contineri
    • Gaul is bounded by the Rhone.[TR1: Gallia Rhodano continetur (vid. sect. V. 4., note contineri aliqua re...)
    • four successive days: quattuor dies continui
    • to hold one's breath: animam continere
    • to be scarcely able to restrain one's laughter: risum aegre continere posse
    • to be hardly able to restrain one's tears: vix me contineo quin lacrimem
    • to depend upon a thing: contineri aliqua re
    • it is a matter of conjecture, supposition: aliquid coniectura nititur, continetur (Div. 1. 14. 24)
    • to be brought up under strict discipline: severa disciplina contineri
    • theoretical, speculative philosophy: philosophia, quae in rerum contemplatione versatur, or quae artis praeceptis continetur
    • the book contains something... (not continet aliquid): libro continetur aliquid
    • to restrain, master one's passion: iracundiam continere, cohibere, reprimere
    • to have self-control; to restrain oneself, master one's inclinations: sibi imperare or continere et coercere se ipsum
    • to overcome one's passions: coercere, cohibere, continere, domitas habere cupiditates
    • to hold the people in one's power, in check: plebem continere
    • to keep good discipline amongst one's men: milites coercere et in officio continere (B. C. 1. 67. 4)
    • to keep the troops in camp: copias castris continere
    • to keep some one in subjection: aliquem in officio continere
    • (ambiguous) to be contented: rebus suis, sorte sua contentum esse
    • (ambiguous) to be satisfied with a little: paucis, parvo contentum esse
    • (ambiguous) to be content with 12 per cent at compound interest: centesimis cum anatocismo contentum esse (Att. 5. 21. 12)
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