

Alternative forms


Affixation of baca + -kan.


  • IPA(key): /baˈtʃa.kan/
  • Hyphenation: ba‧ca‧kan


bacakan (active membacakan, passive dibacakan)

  1. (transitive) to read (indirect object...) something
    Semalam aku membacakan adikku suatu dongeng hingga dia tertidur.
    Last night I read my sister a fairy tale until she fell asleep.
    Semalam adikku dibacakan suatu dongeng olehku hingga dia tertidur.
    Last night my sister was reading a fairy tale by me until she fell asleep.
  2. (transitive) to recite
    Bacakan doa ini agar kau terlindung dari hantu.
    Recite this prayer so that you are protected from ghosts.
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