

FWOTD – 27 April 2019


Borrowed from Arabic اَلزُّقَاق (az-zuqāq, narrow street).



atzucac m (plural atzucacs)

  1. dead end (a street or path that goes nowhere or is blocked on one end)
    Synonyms: cul-de-sac, carreró que no passa, carreró sense sortida, carreró sense eixida
  2. (figuratively) dead end, impasse (a position that offers no hope of progress)
    • 2006, Francesc Masriera i Ballescà, Jordi Arenas, la sublimació de l'art, →ISBN, page 175:
      Se'n va sortir amb el sentiment de trobar-se en un atzucac artístic poc encoratjador.
      He got out of it with the feeling of finding himself in an unencouraging artistic dead end.

Further reading

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