Borrowed from Latin āctus, perfect passive participle of agō (“make, do”). The nude sense is possibly from German Akt.
- IPA(key): [ˈakt]
- Rhymes: -akt
akt m inan
Related terms
- abreakce
- agenda
- agent
- agentura
- agitace
- agitátor
- agitovat
- akce
- akční
- akta
- aktér
- aktivace
- aktivní
- aktivismus
- aktivista
- aktivistický
- aktivita
- aktivovat
- aktivum
- aktovka
- aktuální
- aktualita
- aktualizace
- aktualizovat
- deaktivovat
- deaktivace
- interakce
- interakční
- interaktivní
- interaktivita
- interagovat
- jednoaktovka
- navigace
- navigační
- navigátor
- navigovat
- reagovat
- reakce
- reakční
- reaktant
- reaktivace
- reaktivovat
- reaktor
- transakce
- transakční
From two different, but related Latin words: 1. āctus (“act, performance”), a noun derived from the verb agō (“make, do”), and 2. ācta (“documents”), the neuter plural of the past participle of the same verb.
- IPA(key): [ˈɑɡ̊d̥]
- Homophone: agt
Further reading
- “akt” in Den Danske Ordbog
Declension of akt (ÕS type 22e/riik, length gradation) | |||
singular | plural | ||
nominative | akt | aktid | |
accusative | nom. | ||
gen. | akti | ||
genitive | aktide | ||
partitive | akti | akte aktisid | |
illative | akti aktisse |
aktidesse aktesse | |
inessive | aktis | aktides aktes | |
elative | aktist | aktidest aktest | |
allative | aktile | aktidele aktele | |
adessive | aktil | aktidel aktel | |
ablative | aktilt | aktidelt aktelt | |
translative | aktiks | aktideks akteks | |
terminative | aktini | aktideni | |
essive | aktina | aktidena | |
abessive | aktita | aktideta | |
comitative | aktiga | aktidega |
- IPA(key): [ˈɒkt]
- Hyphenation: akt
- Rhymes: -ɒkt
Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | akt | aktok |
accusative | aktot | aktokat |
dative | aktnak | aktoknak |
instrumental | akttal | aktokkal |
causal-final | aktért | aktokért |
translative | akttá | aktokká |
terminative | aktig | aktokig |
essive-formal | aktként | aktokként |
essive-modal | — | — |
inessive | aktban | aktokban |
superessive | akton | aktokon |
adessive | aktnál | aktoknál |
illative | aktba | aktokba |
sublative | aktra | aktokra |
allative | akthoz | aktokhoz |
elative | aktból | aktokból |
delative | aktról | aktokról |
ablative | akttól | aktoktól |
non-attributive possessive - singular |
akté | aktoké |
non-attributive possessive - plural |
aktéi | aktokéi |
Possessive forms of akt | ||
possessor | single possession | multiple possessions |
1st person sing. | aktom | aktjaim |
2nd person sing. | aktod | aktjaid |
3rd person sing. | aktja | aktjai |
1st person plural | aktunk | aktjaink |
2nd person plural | aktotok | aktjaitok |
3rd person plural | aktjuk | aktjaik |
Further reading
- akt in Bárczi, Géza and László Országh. A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (‘The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language’, abbr.: ÉrtSz.). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992: →ISBN
- akt in Ittzés, Nóra (ed.). A magyar nyelv nagyszótára (‘A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Hungarian Language’). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2006–2031 (work in progress; published A–ez as of 2024)
Norwegian Bokmål

- IPA(key): /akt/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -akt
- Hyphenation: akt
Etymology 1
From Latin āctus (“act, action; performance”), perfect passive participle of agō (“I make, do”), from Proto-Italic *agō (“drive, push; do, act”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂éǵeti (“to be driving”), from *h₂eǵ- (“to drive”).
akt f or m (definite singular akta or akten, indefinite plural akter, definite plural aktene)
- a solemn occurrence; a ceremony (an official gathering to celebrate, commemorate, or otherwise mark some event)
- 2001 May 21, Aftenposten, page 22:
- den høytidelige akten [på Akershus festning 1945] beseglet den ufravikelige seieren over naziveldet
- the solemn act [at Akershus Fortress 1945] sealed the inevitable victory over the Nazi regime
- Akten fant sted i Domkirken.
- The act took place in the Cathedral.
- (obsolete) an action, task (a piece of work done as part of one’s duties)
- 1858, Nicolai Ramm Østgaard, Fra Skov og Fjeld, page 125:
- budeien sad … ifærd med at melke. Jeg maatte … vente med at staa op, indtil den akt var forbi
- budeien sat … in the process of milking. I had to … wait to get up until that task was over
- (chiefly in compound nouns) more or less an instinctive act
- 2001, Helene Uri, Dyp rød:
- han hadde en lei tendens til å rope ut obskøne ord og vendinger under akten
- he had a sad tendency to shout out obscene words and phrases during the act
- 2014, Lotta Elstad, Et eget rom, page 71:
- hun hadde en elsker som alltid måtte ut av senga straks etter akten for å spille piano
- she had a lover who always had to get out of bed immediately after the act to play the piano
- (drama, theater) an act (a division of a theatrical performance)
- 1896, Henrik Ibsen, John Gabriel Borkman, page 93:
- så tænkte jeg, det kanske kunde adsprede dig at høre en akt eller to
- then I thought it might distract you to hear an act or two
- 1874, Henrik Ibsen, Peer Gynt, page 209:
- man dør ej midt i femte akt
- one does not die in the middle of the fifth act
- 1951, Agnar Mykle, Morgen i appelsingult, page 5:
- hvis dette stykke hadde vært skrevet for den profesjonelle scene, ville det kanskje ha fremstått som en enhet i tid og sted, uten oppdeling i akter
- if this piece had been written for the professional stage, it might have appeared as a unit in time and place, without division into acts
- 2010 March 16, Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad[sa.no]:
- veilys på riks- og fylkesveier i Sarpsborg har vært gjennom en særdeles omstendelig politisk behandling i mange akter
- road lights on national and county roads in Sarpsborg have been through a very elaborate political treatment in many acts
Derived terms
- dåpsakt
- kjønnsakt
- mellomakt
- paringsakt
- sanseakt
- statsakt
Etymology 2
From German Akt (“act, nude; artwork of a naked person”), from Latin āctus (“act, action; performance”), perfect passive participle of agō (“I make, do”), from Proto-Italic *agō (“drive, push; do, act”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂éǵeti (“to be driving”), from *h₂eǵ- (“to drive”).
akt f or m (definite singular akta or akten, indefinite plural akter, definite plural aktene)
- a nude model (a model posing nude or naked, with the intent of being painted by an artist)
- kvinnelig akt ― painting depicting a naked woman
- male akt ― to paint a nude
- 1944, Christian Skredsvig, Romaner og fortællinger I, page 69:
- hun kunde vælge stilling selv, en, som var let, da det var første gang, hun stod akt
- she could choose position herself, one that was easy when it was the first time she stood naked for a painting
- 2004 November 24, Ranablad[ranablad.no]:
- Rana kunstforening har ingen lokale modeller som vil sitte akt for dem
- Rana Art Association has no local models who will appear naked for them
- 2014 January 18, Trønder-Avisa, page 21:
- å tegne og male akt er noe av det viktigste i kunstundervisningen
- drawing and painting nude models is one of the most important things in art education
Derived terms
- aktmaleri (“a nude; a painting of a naked model”)
Etymology 3
From Latin ācta (“acts, transactions; proceedings”), from the verb agō (“I make, do”), from Proto-Italic *agō (“drive, push; do, act”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂éǵeti (“to be driving”), from *h₂eǵ- (“to drive”).
akt m (definite singular akten, indefinite plural akter, definite plural aktene)
- (chiefly in the plural) an act (a printing of court proceedings, in the form of a document or writing)
- Coordinate term: ad acta
- 1920, Jonas Lie, Samlede Digterverker VI, page 26:
- skrive akter
- write legal documents
- 2011 April 18, Dagbladet[dagbladet.no]:
- via hjelpere i politiet … begynner han å undersøke alle sakens akter om igjen og finner spor ingen har tenkt på før
- via helpers in the police… he begins to examine all the files in the case again and finds clues no one has thought of before
Derived terms
- parlamentsakt (“parliamentary act”)
Etymology 4
From Middle Low German ācht, āchte (“lawlessness”), from Old Saxon *āhta, ōht, from Proto-West Germanic *ą̄htu (“persecution”), from Proto-Germanic *anhtō (“persecution”), from Proto-Indo-European *h₂enḱ- (“fate, destiny”), *h₂enk- (“curve, bend”), perhaps related to *h₂eng- (“curve, bend”), *h₂enǵʰ- (“to constrict”) or *h₂eḱ- (“sharp”).
akt m (definite singular akten, indefinite plural akter, definite plural aktene)
- (chiefly concerning older Germany) lawlessness (a lack of law and order)
- Synonym: fredløshet
- 1921, Jonas Lie, Samlede Digterverker IX, page 92:
- jeg er kommet i rigets akt her i staden
- I have come in the lawlessness of the kingdom here in the city
Etymology 5
From Middle Low German acht, from Proto-West Germanic *ahtu (“consideration, attention”), possibly from Proto-Germanic *ahjaną (“to think”), possibly from Proto-Indo-European *h₃ekʷ- (“to see; eye”).
- IPA(key): /ɑːkt/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -ɑːkt
- Hyphenation: akt
akt m (definite singular akten, indefinite plural akter, definite plural aktene)
- (obsolete) attention (something expressing concern for or interest; a state of alertness in the standing position)
- 1907, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons fortællinger, page 360:
- noget usynligt, der gav agt på hendes adfærd
- something invisible that paid attention to her behavior
- 1873, Henrik Ibsen, Kejser og Galilæer, page 453:
- giv nøje agt på denne fremmede
- pay close attention to this stranger
- 1909, Sigrid Undset, Fortællingen om Viga-Ljot og Vigdis, page 5:
- den anden kvinde talte til Vigdis, men … Vigdis gav ikke agt derpaa
- the other woman spoke to Vigdis, but… Vigdis did not give it any thought thereafter
- 1920, Sigrid Undset, Kransen, page 49:
- ingen gav akt paa Kristin
- no one paid attention to Kristin
- 2000, Kari Bøge, For alt jeg vet:
- jeg må behandle alt som blir sagt varsomt, jeg må gi akt på hvert ord som faller
- I must treat everything that is said carefully, I must pay attention to every word that falls
- 1907, Johan Sebastian Welhaven, Samlede Digterverker II, page 104:
- forsamling givagt, jeg vil tale om Polen!
- assembly at attention, I want to talk about Poland!
- 1920, Jonas Lie, Digterverker V, page 131:
- med et rettede hun sig op som en militær ved en appel og gav agt
- at once she straightened up like a military man on appeal and was at attention
- 1873, Henrik Ibsen, Kejser og Galilæer, page 416:
- det er dette, som du ikke har taget i act
- it is this that you have not taken at attention
- 2005 December 15, Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening, page 125:
- [i] beskrivelsen av Becks kognitive terapi [har ikke] forfatteren … tatt i akt Wittgensteins poeng om at ords mening er deres bruk i språket
- [i] the description of Beck's cognitive therapy, the author [has not] … taken into account Wittgenstein's point that the meaning of words is their use in language
- 1920, Sigrid Undset, Kransen, page 125:
- en skal ta tiden vel iagt, for her har hver time sit bruk og sin sysselsættelse
- one must take time carefully, because here every hour has its use and its use
- 1907, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons fortællinger, page 326:
- jeg vil ha det vist, så ingen tør undskylde sig, men ta sig i agt for mig
- I want to show it, so no one dares to apologize, but take care of me
- 1909, Henrik Ibsen, Efterladte Skrifter I, page 249:
- nei det er nok bedst at tage sig iagt; forsigtighed er en stor dyd
- no it is probably best to take care; caution is a great virtue
- 2010, Lars Saabye Christensen, Bernhard Hvals forsnakkelser:
- hvis de ikke tok seg i akt ville Franck i Bogstadveien miste en villig kunde og arbeidsplasser
- if they were not careful, Franck in Bogstadveien would lose a willing customer and jobs
- gi akt (på) ― pay attention to
- giv / gi akt ― listen!; at attention
- ta i akt ― consider, take into account; utilize
- ta seg i akt ― be careful; watch out
- (obsolete) perception, opinion; reputation
- 1874, Henrik Ibsen, Peer Gynt, page 184:
- af byrd er jeg Apis i landet, men Fellah i andres agt
- of burden I am Apis in the land, but Fellah in the perception of others
- (obsolete) reputation (what somebody is known for)
- 1874, Henrik Ibsen, Peer Gynt, page 162:
- på samme sted bør man ikke for længere tid slå sig ned; man mister i agt, hvad man vinder i kendskab
- in the same place one should not settle down for a long time; one loses in reputation what one gains in knowledge
- 1870, Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, Norske Huldre-Eventyr og Folkesagn, page 113:
- det var en gaardmandskone [som hodeskallen hadde sittet på], og hun bar baade i agt og ære
- it was a farmer's wife [on whom the skull had sat], and she wore both in honor and glory
- 1907, Johan Sebastian Welhaven, Samlede Digterverker IV, page 161:
- [han] stod i agt og berømmelse hos alle
- [he] had a good reputation and fame of all
- 1883, Henrik Ibsen, Gildet på Solhaug, page 35:
- du, som nylig stod højt i agt
- you who recently stood high in honour
- 1992, Odd Selmer, Og verden var som ny:
- fordi han kjente bordets historie, men også fordi han hadde sans for godt håndverk, holdt August Arntzen bordet høyt i akt og ære
- because he knew the history of the table, but also because he had a sense of good craftsmanship, August Arntzen kept the table highly respected
- 2003 February 25, Stavanger Aftenblad, page 22:
- i dag er samvittighetens stemme satt i skammekroken, også hos oss, et folk som i generasjoner har holdt den i akt og ære
- today the voice of conscience is put to shame, even with us, a people who for generations have kept it in honor and glory
- være i akt og ære ― be highly regarded
- stå (høyt) i akt ― have a good reputation
- holde i akt (og ære) ― appreciate
- reverence; respect (the state of being revered; respectful)
- 1917, Knut Hamsun, Markens Grøde II, page 9:
- du vil vise mig den agt og ære at du vil møte paa auktionen min?
- you want to show me the respect and honor that you will show up at my auction?
- 1907, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnsons fortællinger, page 101:
- [de] viste … hende endnu større agt
- [they] showed… her even greater reverence
- 1873, Henrik Ibsen, Kærlighedens komedie, page 142:
- agt for bud og pligt
- respect for commandment and duty
- Synonyms: aktelse, ærbødighet
- (obsolete or archaic) a purpose or meaning; intent or intention (something that is intended)
- 1874, Henrik Ibsen, Fru Inger til Østråt, page 38:
- det er visselig ikke min agt at tvinge dig
- it is certainly not my intention to force you
- 1874, Henrik Ibsen, Peer Gynt, page 150:
- det var såmen ikke min agt at bedrage
- it was not my intention to deceive
- 1884, Alexander Kielland, Fortuna, page 50:
- det var hans agt at gifte sig strax
- it was his intention to marry immediately
- 1903, Otto Sverdrup, Nyt Land II, page 427:
- det var vor agt at nedlægge et lidet depot
- it was our intention to close down a small depot
- 1909, Sigrid Undset, Fortællingen om Viga-Ljot og Vigdis, page 14:
- far til dine frænder … som din agt var
- father to your kinsmen… as was your purpose
- 1920, Sigrid Undset, Kransen, page 115:
- det er nu ikke min agt at vi skal sætte os ned på Formo straks
- it is now not my intention that we should sit down at Formo immediately
- “akt” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
- “akt_1” in Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB).
- “akt_2” in Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB).
- “akt_3” in Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB).
- “akt_4” in Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB).
- “akt” in Store norske leksikon
- “akt (billedkunst)” in Store norske leksikon
- “akt (drama)” in Store norske leksikon
- “akt (fredløshet)” in Store norske leksikon
- “akt (handling)” in Store norske leksikon
Norwegian Nynorsk
Etymology 2
From Middle Low German acht.
Derived terms
- “akt” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.

- IPA(key): /akt/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -akt
- Syllabification: akt
Etymology 1
Learned borrowing from Latin āctus.[1][2] Sense 5 is a semantic loan from German Akt.[3] First attested in 1529.[4]
akt m inan (diminutive akcik)
- (literary) act (action) [from 16th c.][4]
- (literary) act (official celebration emphasizing the significance of something) [from 16th c.][4]
- (law) act, bill, decree (legislative document) [from 16th c.][4]
- (theater) act (part of a play) [from 16th c.][4]
- (art) nude (painting or other artwork of an unclothed person) [from 20th c.][5]
- (religion) prayer [from 17th c.][6]
- w trakcie aktu ― during the act (sex)
- uroczysty akt ― a solemn act
- symboliczny akt ― a symbolic act
- formalny akt ― a formal act
- swoisty akt ― a peculiar act
- wielki akt ― a great act
- spektakularny akt ― a spectacular act
- pojedynczy akt ― an individual act
- brutalny akt ― a brutal act
- wrogi akt ― a hostile act
- autentyczny akt ― an authentic act
- jedyny akt ― a singular act
- specjalny akt ― a special act
- akt erekcyjny ― a foundation/erection act
- akt intencjonalny ― a deliberate act
- akt kreacyjny ― a creative act
- akt poznawczy ― a cognitive act
- akt twórczy ― a creative act
- akt płciowy ― a sexual act
- akt terrorystyczny ― a terrorist act
- akt percepcyjny ― a perceptual act
- akt seksualny ― an act
- akt sądowy ― an act
- akt osobowy ― a personal act
- akt małżeński ― a marital/marriage/conjugal act
- akt komunikacyjny ― a communication act
- akt samobójczy ― a suicidal act
- akt myślowy ― a thought act
- akt rytualny ― a ritual act
- akt moralny ― a moral act
- akt zbiorowy ― a collective act
- popełnianie aktów ― comming the act
- wykonanie aktu ― executing/performing an act
- sprawca aktu ― the perpatrator/doer of an act
- świadek aktu ― the witness of an act
- uczestnik aktu ― a participant of an act
- akt terroru ― an act of terror'
- akt wandalizmu ― an act of vandalism
- akt przemocy ― an act of violence
- akt kapitulacji ― a capitulation act
- akt sabotażu ― an act of sabotage
- akt sprawy ― a case file
- akt agresji ― an act of aggression
- akt odwagi ― an act of bravery
- akt terroryzmu ― an act of terrorism
- akt zemsty ― an act of vengence
- akt bohaterstwa ― an act of heroism
- akt łaski ― an act of mercy
- akt dywersji ― an act of diversion
- akt zawierzenia ― an act of trust
- akt kreacji/stworzenia/tworzenia ― act of creation
- akt bezprawia/samowoli ― an act of lawlessness
- akt afirmacji ― an act of affirmation
- akt gwałtu ― an act of violence
- akt desperacji/rozpaczy ― an act of desperation
- akt percepcji ― an act of perception
- akt poddania się ― an act of giving up/surrender
- akt lokacji ― an act of location
- akt barbarzyństwa ― an act of barbarism
- akt komunikowania ― an act of communicating
- akt komunikacji ― an act of communication
- akt woli ― an act of will
- akt poświęcenia ― an act of dedication
- akt wiary ― an act of faith
- akt świadomości ― an act of awareness
- akt mówienia ― the act of talking
- akt zdrady ― an act of betrayal/cheating (on someone)
- akt lojalności ― an act of loyalty
- akt odwetu ― an act of revenge
- akt wyzwolenia ― an act of liberation
- akt pojednania ― an act of reconciliation
- akt rezygnacji ― an act of resignation
- akt protestu ― an act of protest
- akt komisji ― a commission's file
- akt adopcji ― an act of adoption
- akt nominacji ― an act of nomination
- akt przekazania ― an act of transfer/transmission
- akt represji ― an act of repression
- akt odbioru ― an act of collection
- akt oddania ― an act of giving away/back
- akt miłosierdzia ― an act of charity/compassion
- akt wyobraźni ― an act of imagination
- akt spostrzeżenia ― the act of observation
- akt wdzięczności ― an act of gratitude
- akt poznania ― the act of recognizing'
- akt buntu ― an act of rebellion/defiance
- akt sprawiedliwości ― an act of justice
- akt wyboru ― an act of election
- akt refleksji ― a reflex act
- akt zakupu ― an act of purchase
- akt odwołania ― the act of cancelling
- akt władzy ― an act of power/authority
- akt procesu ― an act of process
- akt decyzji ― an act of a decision
- akt przedstawienia ― the act of presenting
- akt dyskryminacji ― an act of discrimination
- dokonywać/dokonać aktu ― to carry out an act
- akty miłości ― an act of love
- pod aktem (czyimś) (Middle Polish) ― under someone's control
- ostatni akt (życia) (Middle Polish) ― death
- smutny akt (Middle Polish) ― a sad act
- straszny akt (Middle Polish) ― an awful act
- akt uczynić z kim (Middle Polish) ― to crack down on someone
- akt rozumu (Middle Polish) ― an act of reason
- akt pogrzebowy/pogrzebny/funeralny (Middle Polish) ― a funeral ceremony
- akt żałobny/żałosny (Middle Polish) ― a mourning ceremony
- akt koronacji ― a corronation ceremony
- akt mianowania ― an appointing ceremony
- na podstawie aktu ― on the basis of an act
- na mocy aktu ― under/in accordance with an act
- w postaci aktu ― in the form of an act
- w wyniku aktu ― as a result of an act
- w drodze aktu ― by means of an act
- w światle aktu ― in light of an act
- w sprawie aktu ― regarding an act
- objęty aktem ― covered by an act
- akt sądowny ― a legal act
- omawiany akt ― the act in question
- jednorazowy akt ― a one-time act
- polski akt ― a Polish act
- jednostronny akt ― a unilateral act
- nowy akt ― a new act
- doniosły akt ― a momentous act
- jednostkowy akt ― a unitary act
- odrębny/osobny akt ― a separate act
- słynny akt ― a famous act
- ważny akt ― an important act
- następujące akty ― the following acts
- akt notarialny ― a notarial act/deed
- akt prawny ― a legal act
- akt normatywny ― a normative act
- akt ratyfikacyjny ― a ratification act
- akt nominacyjny ― an appointment act
- akt wykonawczy ― an executive act
- akt prawotwórczy ― a law-making act
- akt prawodawczy/ustawodawczy ― a legislative act
- akt lokacyjny ― a location act
- akt założycielski ― a founding charter/deed of foundation/charter/act of incorporation
- akt bezwarunkowy ― an unconditional act
- akt ― a legislative act
- akt urzędowy ― an official act
- akt administracyjny ― an administrative act
- akt wyborczy ― an electoral act
- akt dyplomatyczny ― a diplomatic act
- akt krytyczny ― a critical act
- akt królewski ― a royal act
- akt publiczny ― a public act
- akt generalny ― a general act
- akt państwowy ― a state act
- odpis aktu ― a duplicate of an act
- opiniowanie aktów ― reviewing acts
- unieważnienie aktu ― making an act null
- kserokopia aktu ― a xerox of an act
- wypis aktu ― an excerpt of act
- kontrasygnata aktów ― a counter signature of an act
- projekt aktów ― a draft act
- zgodność aktów ― congruence in an act
- niezgodność aktu ― incongruence in an act
- konstytucyjność aktu ― the constitutionality an act
- sygnatariusz aktu ― an act petitioner
- anulowanie aktu ― annuling an act
- treść aktu ― the content of an act
- kopia aktu ― a copy of an act
- legalność aktu ― the legality of an act
- sformułowanie aktu ― the wording of an act
- postanowienie aktu ― the provision/resolution of an act
- konstytucja aktów ― constitution of acts
- tytuł aktu ― the title of an act
- ratyfikacja aktu ― ratification of an act
- wystawienie aktu ― issuing an act
- oryginał aktu ― the original of an act
- wysłuchanie aktu ― haering of an act
- uzasadnienie aktu ― justification of an act
- zbiór aktów ― a collection of acts
- tłumaczenie aktów ― translation of an act
- tworzenie aktów ― creation of an act
- przegląd aktów ― review of an act
- opracowanie aktów ― developing an act
- publikacja aktów ― publication of an act
- ważność aktu ― the validity of an act
- nieważność aktu ― the invalidity of an act
- istota aktu ― the core/essence of an act
- opis aktu ― the description of an act
- znaczenie aktu ― the meaning of an act
- przedmiot aktu ― the subject matter of an act
- etap aktu ― a stage of an act
- fragment aktu ― a fragment act
- tekst aktu ― the text of an act
- interpretacja aktu ― an interpretation of an act
- uznanie aktu ― legitimization of an act
- nowelizacja aktów ― novelization of an act
- akt oskarżenia ― an indictment
- akt nadania ― an deed of endowment
- akt synodu ― an act of the synode
- akt urodzenia ― an birth certificate
- akt zaślubin/ślubu/małżeństwa ― a marriage certificate
- akt kupna ― an act/deed of purchase/buy
- akt powołania ― an appointment letter
- akt własności ― a property deed/title
- akt chrztu ― a baptismal certificate
- akt konfederacji ― a confederation's act
- akt rządu ― a govenment act
- akt wydziału ― a faculty's/department's act
- akt śledztwa ― an investigation file
- wydawać/wydać akt ― to issue an act
- sporządzać/sporządzić akt ― to draw up an act
- wmurować akt ― to lay (out) an act
- akt wpłynął na coś ― an act affected something
- podpisywać/podpisać akt ― to sign an act
- ogłaszać/ogłosić akt ― to announce an act
- wypisywać/wypisać akt ― to write out an act
- odczytać akt ― to read out an act
- spisać akt ― to prepare an act in writing
- zatwierdzać/zatwierdzić akt ― to approve/sanction an act
- uchwalać/uchwalić akt ― to enact/pass an act
- przygotowywać/przygotować akt ― to prepare an act
- wręczać/wręczyć akt ― to hand in an act
- wnosić/wnieść akt ― to file an act
- akta miesckie (Middle Polish) ― urban acts
- akta trybunalskie (Middle Polish) ― tribunal acts
- akt darowizny (Middle Polish) ― an act of donation
- akt prawa (Middle Polish) ― an act of law
- akta radzieckie (Middle Polish) ― consultation acts
- akta synodowe (Middle Polish) ― synod acts
- akta kapturowe (Middle Polish) ― sąd kapturowy acts
- akta komisarskie (Middle Polish) ― commissioner's acts
- akta zapisowe (Middle Polish) ― record acts
- akt końcowy/ostatni ― the final act
- akt poetycki ― a poetic act
- zakończenie aktu ― the ending of an act
- akt dramatu ― an act of a drama
- akt kobiecy ― an female nude
- fotograf aktów ― a photogorapher of nudes
- akt skruchy ― a prayer of repentance
- akty miłości ― a prayer of love
- akt pokory ― a prayer of humility
- akty pokuty (Middle Polish) ― prayers of
- akt strzelisty ― ejaculatory prayer
- akt modlitwy ― an act of prayer
- akty zbawienne (Middle Polish) ― prayers of salvation
- akty nabożne (Middle Polish) ― devotional prayers
Etymology 2
See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.
- Mirosław Bańko, Lidia Wiśniakowska (2021) “akt”, in Wielki słownik wyrazów obcych, →ISBN
- Witold Doroszewski, editor (1958–1969), “akt”, in Słownik języka polskiego (in Polish), Warszawa: PWN
- Bańkowski, Andrzej (2000) “akt”, in Etymologiczny słownik języka polskiego [Etymological Dictionary of the Polish Language] (in Polish)
- Maria Renata Mayenowa, Stanisław Rospond, Witold Taszycki, Stefan Hrabec, Władysław Kuraszkiewicz (2010-2023) “akt”, in Słownik Polszczyzny XVI Wieku [A Dictionary of 16th Century Polish]
- J. Karłowicz, A. Kryński, W. Niedźwiedzki, editors (1900), “akt”, in Słownik języka polskiego (in Polish), volume 1, Warsaw, page 19
- Teresa Sokołowska (30.08.2016) “AKT”, in Elektroniczny Słownik Języka Polskiego XVII i XVIII Wieku [Electronic Dictionary of the Polish Language of the XVII and XVIII Century]
Further reading
- akt in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
- akt in Polish dictionaries at PWN
- Samuel Bogumił Linde (1807–1814) “akt”, in Słownik języka polskiego
- Aleksander Zdanowicz (1861) “akt”, in Słownik języka polskiego, Wilno 1861
Audio (file)
akt c
Declension of akt | ||||
Singular | Plural | |||
Indefinite | Definite | Indefinite | Definite | |
Nominative | akt | akten | akter | akterna |
Genitive | akts | aktens | akters | akternas |