See also: agenturą
- IPA(key): [ˈaɡɛntura]
- Rhymes: -ura
agentura f
- agency
- cestovní agentura ― travel agency
- personální agentura ― (please add an English translation of this usage example)
- překladatelská agentura ― translation agency
- reklamní agentura ― advertising agency
See also
Borrowed from German Agentur. By surface analysis, agent + -ura. First attested in 1811.[1]
- IPA(key): /a.ɡɛnˈtu.ra/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -ura
- Syllabification: a‧gen‧tu‧ra
Related terms
- (spy network):
- peerelowska agentura ― a spy network of The Polish People's Republic
- bolszewicka agentura ― a Bolshevik spy network
- reakcyjna agentura ― a reactive spy network
- postkomunistyczna agentura ― a post communist spy network
- najcenniejsza agentura ― the most precious spy network
- rozbudowana agentura ― a branch office
- wszechobecna agentura ― an extensive spy network
- komunistyczna agentura ― a communist spy network
- wykaz agentury ― a spy network schedule
- rozwój agentury ― the development of a spy network
- sowiecka/radziecka agentura ― a soviet spy network
- antypolska agentura ― an anti-Poland spy network
- wroga agentura ― an enemy spy network
- tajna agentura ― a secret spy network
- ukryta agentura ― a hidden spy network
- zagraniczna agentura ― a foreign spy network
- agentura wywiadowcza/wywiadu ― an intelligence spy network
- werbunek agentury ― spy network recruitment
- siatka/sieć agentur ― a spy network
- budowanie agentury ― construction of a spy network
- działanie agentury ― spy network operation/activity
- wpływ agentury ― the effect of a spy network
- akta agentury ― a spy network's files
- temat agentur ― the topic of spy networks
- działalność agentury ― the activity of a spy network
- rola agentury ― the role of a spy network
- sprawa agentury ― a spy network case/matter/issue
- tworzenie agentury ― the creation of a spy network
- obecność agentury ― the presence of a spy network
- lista agentur ― a list of spy networks
- praca agentury ― a spy network's work
- agentura wpływu ― a spy network of influence
- agentura gestapo ― a gestapo spy network
- werbować agenturę ― to conscript a spy network
- ujawniać/ujawnić agenturę ― to reveal a spy network
- prowadzić agenturę ― to lead a spy network
- stanowić agenturę ― to make up/comprise a spy network
- agentura działa ― a spy network operates/runs/works
- agentura robi/zrobiła ― a spy network does/makes/did/made (something)
- (branch office):
- dzięki agenturze ― thanks to a branch office
- za pomocą/przy pomocy agentury ― with the help of a branch office
- obca agentura ― a foreign branch office
- esbecka agentura ― a branch office of The Ministry of Public Security
- jawna agentura ― a public branch office
- dziennikarska agentura ― a journalists branch office
- rodzima agentura ― a native branch office
- policyjna agentura ― a police branch office
- dawna agentura ― an old branch office
- kościelna agentura ― a church branch office
- liczne agentury ― countless branch offices
- lokalna/miejscowa agentura ― a local branch office
- cywilna agentura ― a civil branch office
- polityczna agentura ― a political branch office
- nowa agentura ― a new branch office
- agentura ulokowana gdzieś ― a branch office located somewhere
- agentura kryminalna ― a criminal branch office
- agentura pocztowa ― a postal branch office
- agentura informacyjna ― an information branch office
- agentura umieszczona gdzieś ― a branch office tucked somewhere
- agentura wojskowa ― a military branch office
- rejestracja agentury ― the registration of a branch office
- rząd agentury ― a government's branch office
- agentura bezpieki ― a branch office of secret police
- agentura służb ― a service branch office
- agentura wsi ― a village branch office
- agentura bezpieczeństwa ― a branch office of safety
- zwalczać agenturę ― to fight a branch office
- wprowadzić agenturę ― to launch/establish a branch office
- agentura stoi ― a branch office is somewhere
- agentura rządzi ― a branch office operates/runs something
(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
agentura f (plural agenturas)
(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)
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