From aiz- + mirst (“to forget”) (q.v.), where mirst is now attested only dialectally. From a different ablaut form came aizmārša (“forgetful person”) (from *aizmarša) and related terms. Cognates include Lithuanian užmir̃šti, mir̃šti (“to forget”), maršùs (“forgettable”), Sanskrit मृष्यतॆ (mṛ́ṣyate, “to forget, to neglect”), मृषा (mṝṣā, “in vain, invalid, wrong”), Old Armenian մոռանամ (moṙanam, “I forget”) (with ṙ corresponding to rs).[1]
- IPA(key): [àjzmìɾst]
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aizmirst (transitive, 1st conjugation, present aizmirstu, aizmirsti, aizmirst, past aizmirsu)
- (of data, facts) to forget (to let slip from memory, to remember no longer)
- aizmirst formulu ― to forget a formula
- aizmirst telefona numuru ― to forget a telephone number
- aizmirst dziesmai vārdus ― to forget the lyrics of a song
- ātri aizmirst ― to forget quickly
- viņš šo notikumu sen aizmirsis ― he has long forgotten this event
- (of objects) to leave (something, somewhere) inadvertently, to forget to take it along
- aizmirst lietussargu vilcienā ― to leave (inadvertently) one's umbrella in the train
- aizmirst grāmatu mājās ― to leave (inadvertently) one's book home
- (of actions, duties) to forget (about), to not think about, to neglect
- aizmirst pateikt labdienu ― to forget to say good morning
- aizmirst nopirkt biļeti ― to forget to buy the tickets
- aizmirst savus pienākumu ― to forget about one') obligations, duties
- viņš bija tik uztraucies, ka pat cepuri aizmirsa noņemt un apsveicināties ar māti ― he was so excited that he even forgot to take off his hat and greet (his) mother
- (of experiences, events) to forget, to not pay attention anymore
- aizmirst sevi ― to forget (about) oneself
- klausoties mūziku, viņa aizmirst visu citu ― listening to music, she forgets all else
- Mirdza nodevās meža burvībai un aizmirsa laiku ― Mirdza went into the enchanted forest and forgot (about) time
- gluži noskumis, Klauss dodas uz bibliotēku, lai pie interesantas grāmatas aizmirstu savu vilšanos ― rather saddened, Klauss went to the library, in order to forget his disappointment with an interesting book
- (of activities) to forget (to lose the ability to do something)
- aizmirst spēlēt klavieres ― to forget (how to) play the piano
- aizmirst adīt zeķes ― to forget (how to) knit socks
- putni bija aptūkuši un, kā likās, pavisam aizmirsuši lidot ― the birds were a little bloated and, it seemed, had completely forgotten (how to) fly
conjugation of aizmirst
Related terms
- aizmārša, aizmāršīgs, aizmāršība
- aizmirsīgs, aizmirsība
- aizmirsties
- aizmirstība
- Karulis, Konstantīns (1992) “aizmirst”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN
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