Alternative forms
- IPA(key): /abeseː/, [æb̥eˈseːˀ]
After the first three letters of the Latin alphabet.
- IPA(key): /aː.beːˈseː/
Audio (file)
- IPA(key): /
Audio (file)
abc m (plural abc)
- ABC, basics, fundamentals, rudiments
- l’abc des mathématiques ― the rudiments of mathematics
Middle English
Norwegian Bokmål

Title page of "Abc Bok", the first alphabet book in Norwegian, by Andreas Austlid.
Alternative forms
abc f or m (definite singular abc-a or abc-en, indefinite plural abc-er, definite plural abc-ene)
- an ABC (a primer for teaching the Latin alphabet and first elements of reading and spelling)
- 1909, Alexander L. Kielland, Breve til hans datter, page 144:
- paa bogstavet E stod i gamle tyske ABC’er 2 dyr: Esel og Elephant
- on the letter E stood in old German ABCs 2 animals: Donkey and Elephant
- 1989, Ebba Haslund, Med vingehest i manesjen, page 50:
- Foreldreaksjonen mot samnorsk … oppfordret til retting av samnorskformene i skolebarnas ABC’er
- The parental reaction against Samnorsk… called for the correction of Samnorsk forms in school children's ABCs
- 2004, Fredrik Skagen, En by som ingen ainnen:
- jeg kunne [lese] før jeg begynte i første klasse, og det var kjedelig å høre på når andre elever stotret seg gjennom avsnitt i ABC-en
- I could [read] before I started first grade, and it was boring to listen to other students stumble through sections of the ABC
- 2008, Karsten Alnæs, Bakenfor alle farger:
- vi hadde lært bokstavene og tallene, lest vår ABC og fylt ut atskillige skrivebøker
- we had learned the letters and numbers, read our ABCs and filled out several exercise books
- Synonyms: abc-bok, stavebok
- (figuratively) basic knowledge of a subject
- 1911, Fredrik Viller, Gamle Friks diamant, page 66:
- det hører jo til en politimands ABC, at han bør mistænke alle, saalænge den skyldige ikke er opdaget
- it belongs to a policeman's ABC that he should suspect everyone, as long as the culprit is not discovered
- 2006, Kjell Ola Dahl, Lindeman & Sachs, page 465:
- det er jo børsens ABC: Man selger i hausse og kjøper i baisse
- it is the stock exchange's ABC: You sell hausse and buy in baisse
- 2008 July 18,
- «scoringen kom etter et angrep som var tatt rett ut av fotballens ABC» er en typisk setning i avisene
- "The score came after an attack that was taken straight out of football's ABC" is a typical phrase in the newspapers
- vitenskapens og politikkens abc
- the ABC's of science and politics
- kunne sin abc ― know your ABCs
- kunne mer enn sin abc ― know more than your ABCs (to understand many things)
- a textbook that contains elementary knowledge within a topic or subject
- abc for førerprøven ― ABC for the driving test
- abc for matlaging ― ABC for cooking
- Synonyms: grunnbok, lærebok
- (rare) alphabet (the set of letters used when writing in a language)
Usage notes
Most often capitalised, except for the inflected endings.
Etymology 2
The first letter of each term; atom, biologisk and kjemisk, borrowed from English English atomic, biological and chemical.
- (weaponry) Initialism of atom-, biologisk and kjemisk: ("atomic, biological and chemical") the three main categories of weapons of mass destruction.
Norwegian Nynorsk
Alternative forms
Usage notes
Often capitalised, except for the inflected part.
- “abc” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.
From abecadło.
- IPA(key): /a.bɛˈt͡sɛ/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -ɛt͡sɛ
- Syllabification: a‧b‧c
Derived terms
Further reading
- “abc”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014
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