
See also: Appendix:Variations of "e"



The final vowel of hamster, as the initial vowel would be a homonym of -a- from rat.



  1. (pharmacology) a monoclonal antibody derived from a hamster source
  • -mab is the base suffix common to all monoclonal antibodies. (See that entry for full paradigm.)


  • USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names, U.S. Pharmacopeia, 2000




  1. An interfix inserted in some compounds.

Derived terms

Danish terms interfixed with -e-

See also



Originally often represented a thematic vowel or a (genitive) case ending; also sometimes added simply for ease of pronunciation. This etymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.



  1. A linking vowel added in compound words.

Derived terms

Dutch terms interfixed with -e-



From Proto-Finnic *-dë-.



  1. The second infinitive marker.

Usage notes

  • In the active, attaches to the same stem as the first infinitive (by replacing the final -a or ). In the passive, attaches to the strong passive stem (same as the passive conditional without the final -isiin) and does not replace the final -a or .
  • Always followed by a case marker: in standard Finnish, either the inessive or the instructive case (the latter for active only).




  1. used to link elements in some compounds

Derived terms

German terms interfixed with -e-



  • IPA(key): [ɛ]



  1. A suffix-initial vowel (or linking vowel) inserted interconsonantally between the word stem and the suffix, to ease pronunciation, without contributing to the meaning.
    öreg (old) + -e- + -bböregebb (older)

See also

Norwegian Bokmål



  1. A morph interjected between word roots to give pronunciation a better sense of flow, but which gives no change in meaning.

Derived terms

Norwegian Bokmål terms interfixed with -e-

Norwegian Nynorsk

Alternative forms

  • -ar- (in older standards when the first element is strong feminine)
  • -a-


From the Old Norse genitive plural ending, -a, such as in manna mál (> mannemål). Also from the strong feminine genitive singular, -ar, whence also -ar- and -a-.



  1. Genitival interfix indicating that the former element is a characteristic of the latter.
    hest (horse) + hov (hoof)hestehov (horse’s hoof)

Usage notes

This interfix is often used in compounds where the first element is plural, as opposed to singular -s-. Example: gudetru (polytheism, belief in gods) and gudstru (monotheism, belief in a god).

Derived terms

Norwegian Nynorsk terms interfixed with -e-

Saterland Frisian


Akin to German -n-/-e-, Dutch -en-/-e- and Swedish -e-.


  • IPA(key): /-ə-/



  1. Genitival interfix indicating that the former element is a characteristic of the latter.
    Múus (mouse) + Buk (male animal)Muzebuk (male mouse)

Derived terms

Saterland Frisian terms interfixed with -e-



  • IPA(key): /ɛ/



  1. Interfix used to link elements in some compounds

Usage notes

  • The interfix -e- is sometimes used in compounds where the first element ends in -a:
    • This is especially productive when the word is the second element in a longer compound, e.g. högskola (university)högskoleexamen (university degree); kolgruva (coal mine)kolgruvearbetare (coal mine worker).
    • It is also used in shorter compounds when the first element ends in the female suffixes -inna or -erska, e.g. hjältinna (heroïne)hjältinneroll (part as a heroïne); sköterska (nurse)sköterskedräkt (nurse’s uniform).
    • It is also used for nouns ending in -ja or -ia, e.g. olja (oil)oljeplattform (oil rig), historia (history)historielektion (history lesson).
    • It is also used for some nouns ending in a consonant + /l r n/ + -a, e.g. ödla (lizard)ödleart (lizard species); åsna (donkey)åsneföl (donkey’s foal).
    • It is also used in some compounds of words ending in -a, e.g. ära (honor)ärekränka (defame); hjärta (heart)hjärtesorg (grief, heartache).
  • It is also used in some compounds ending in a consonant, e.g. natt (night)nattetid ((during) nighttime); skörd (harvest)skördetröska (combine harvester); tjänst (service)tjänsteman (civil servant); tid (time)tideräkning (chronology).
  • In some cases, -e- is found in more literary or archaic compounds, but not otherwise, e.g. stjärna (star)stjärnevalv (stellar vault), cf. stjärnkikare (astronomical telescope)
  • The interfix -e- is also more common in southern and western dialects, and thus in compounds derived from those dialects, cf. -a-, e.g. spettekaka (skewer cake), pilevall (avenue of willow trees).

Derived terms

Swedish terms interfixed with -e-

See also


  • Teleman, Ulf; Hellberg, Staffan; Andersson, Erik & Holm, Lisa (1999). Svenska akademiens grammatik 2 Ord. Stockholm: Svenska akad.
  • Wessén, Elias (1958). Svensk språkhistoria. 2, Ordbildningslära. 3. ed. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell
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