
See also: Appendix:Variations of "ol", oel, and OEL



From -ö- + -l.


  • IPA(key): [øl]



  1. (personal suffix) Forms the second-person singular present tense of verbs ending in -s, -sz, -z, -dz (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation).
    söröz (to drink beer) + -ölsörözöl (you drink beer, you are drinking beer)
  2. (verb-forming suffix) Added to a noun to form a verb.
    jel (a mark) + -öljelöl (to mark)

Usage notes

  • (personal suffix) Variants:
    -sz added to verbs not in the categories listed below
    vár (to wait) + -szvársz (you wait, you are waiting)
    -asz added to back-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or -ít
    hall (to hear) + -aszhallasz (you hear, you are hearing)
    tanít (to teach) + -asztanítasz (you teach, you are teaching)
    -esz added to front-vowel verbs ending in two consonants or -ít
    dönt (to decide) + -eszdöntesz (you decide, you are deciding)
    segít (to help) + -eszsegítesz (you help, you are helping)
    -ol added to back-vowel verbs ending in s, sz, z, dz
    olvas (to read) + -ololvasol (you read, you are reading)
    -el added to unrounded front-vowel verbs ending in s, sz, z, dz
    vesz (to buy) + -elveszel (you buy, you are buying)
    -öl added to rounded front-vowel verbs ending in s, sz, z, dz
    főz (to cook) + -ölfőzöl (you cook, you are cooking)
  • (verb-forming suffix) Variants:
    -l is added to words ending in a vowel. Final -a changes to -á-. Final -e changes to -é-. Final long vowels may shorten, e.g. űü.
    -ol is added to some back-vowel words ending in a consonant
    -al is added to other back-vowel words ending in a consonant
    -el is added to unrounded (and some rounded) front-vowel words ending in a consonant
    -öl is added to most rounded front-vowel words ending in a consonant
    -ál is added to some back-vowel words ending in a consonant

Note: Certain words take another, synonymous suffix, -z/-oz/-az/-ez/-öz/-áz or -zik/-ozik/-azik/-ezik/-özik.

Derived terms

Hungarian verbs suffixed with -öl

See also

  • Category:Hungarian verb forms
  • Appendix:Hungarian suffixes
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