
See also: Appendix:Variations of "as"



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  • IPA(key): [aːʃ]
  • (file)



  1. (noun-forming suffix) Added to a verb to form a noun. It may refer to a thing involved in the action or the action itself.
    fut (to run) + -ásfutás (running)
    ír (to write) + -ásírás (document; writing)
    lakik (to live) + -áslakás (dwelling, home, flat)

Usage notes

  • (noun-forming suffix) Variants:
    -ás is added to back-vowel words
    -és is added to front-vowel words
  • The suffix can be attached to any verb to make a noun that expresses the action or the process described by the verb itself, essentially like a gerund, more specifically an action noun (verbal noun):
    olvas (to read) + -ásolvasás (reading)
    eszik (to eat) + -ásevés (eating)
  • Another fairly common suffix in the same sense is -t, -tt, invariably followed by a possessive suffix and often by a case suffix as well, e.g. létrejötte, tudtommal, láttán, hallatán, futtában/kutyafuttában, jártában-keltében, ültében, együltében, szálltában, röptében, jártányi [ereje sincs], nyugtával [dicsérd a napot], megszűntével etc., and some of them have become nouns: napkelte, napnyugta.
  • -tal/-tel/-atal/-etel also occur synonymously: kivitel, behozatal, jövetel, menetel, vétel (especially derivatives of the small irregular group of vesz, visz, tesz, hoz, megy, jön).
  • Aside from the primary (action noun) meaning above, for some verbs, the derived noun also expresses the result or measurement (extent) of the process or action:
    ír (to write) + -ásírás (the act of writing; document)
    fizet (to pay) + -ásfizetés (the act of paying; salary)
    Note: for other verbs the result may be expressed by -mány, -vány, -alom, -at, -ék, -ály, -ám, -am, etc.


Inflection (stem in -o-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative -ás -ások
accusative -ást -ásokat
dative -ásnak -ásoknak
instrumental -ással -ásokkal
causal-final -ásért -ásokért
translative -ássá -ásokká
terminative -ásig -ásokig
essive-formal -ásként -ásokként
inessive -ásban -ásokban
superessive -áson -ásokon
adessive -ásnál -ásoknál
illative -ásba -ásokba
sublative -ásra -ásokra
allative -áshoz -ásokhoz
elative -ásból -ásokból
delative -ásról -ásokról
ablative -ástól -ásoktól
possessive - singular
-ásé -ásoké
possessive - plural
-áséi -ásokéi
Possessive forms of -ás
possessor single possession multiple possessions
1st person sing. -ásom -ásaim
2nd person sing. -ásod -ásaid
3rd person sing. -ása -ásai
1st person plural -ásunk -ásaink
2nd person plural -ásotok -ásaitok
3rd person plural -ásuk -ásaik

Derived terms

Hungarian nouns suffixed with -ás

See also

  • Appendix:Hungarian suffixes
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