See also: 迫
Han character
追 (Kangxi radical 162, 辵+6, 10 strokes, cangjie input 卜竹口口 (YHRR), four-corner 37307, composition ⿺辶𠂤)
See also
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 1256, character 10
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 38836
- Dae Jaweon: page 1739, character 27
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 6, page 3829, character 5
- Unihan data for U+8FFD
trad. | 追 | |
simp. # | 追 |
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 追 | |
Western Zhou | Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) |
Bronze inscriptions | Small seal script |
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Characters in the same phonetic series (追) (Zhengzhang, 2003)
Phono-semantic compound (形聲/形声, OC *tul) : semantic 辶 (“movement”) + phonetic 𠂤 () – moving after, pursuit.
- to chase after; to pursue (someone)
- to hunt; to track
- to pursue (fame, etc.); to seek
- 追夢/追梦 ― zhuīmèng ― to chase one's dreams
- (literary, or in compounds) to recall; to recollect
- (literary, or in compounds) posthumously
- 追贈/追赠 ― zhuīzèng ― to bestow an honour posthumously
- (literary, or in compounds) to do something as a make-up measure
- (literary, or in compounds) to get to the bottom of; to look into and find out
- (literary, or in compounds) to expel
- (slang, neologism) to watch in succession
- (to chase after):
- (to recall):
- 回味 (huíwèi) (to recall something and ponder it)
- 回念 (huíniàn)
- 回想 (huíxiǎng)
- 回憶/回忆 (huíyì)
- 回溯 (huísù)
- 回顧/回顾 (huígù)
- 回首 (huíshǒu)
- 思古 (sīgǔ) (literary, to be nostalgic for antiquity)
- 感念 (gǎnniàn) (to recall fondly)
- 感懷/感怀 (gǎnhuái) (to recall with emotion)
- 想起 (xiǎngqǐ)
- 憶/忆 (yì)
- 憶想/忆想 (yìxiǎng)
- 懷古/怀古 (huáigǔ) (literary, to be nostalgic for antiquity)
- 浮想 (fúxiǎng)
- 留戀/留恋 (liúliàn) (to recall with nostalgia)
- 緬想/缅想 (miǎnxiǎng)
- 緬懷/缅怀 (miǎnhuái) (to cherish the memory of, especially the deceased)
- 記/记 (jì)
- 記得/记得 (jìde)
- 記憶/记忆 (jìyì)
- 記起/记起 (jìqǐ)
- 諗起/谂起 (nam2 hei2) (Cantonese)
- 追念 (zhuīniàn)
- 追思 (zhuīsī) (especially the deceased)
- 追想 (zhuīxiǎng)
- 追憶/追忆 (zhuīyì)
- 追懷/追怀 (zhuīhuái)
- 遙想/遥想 (yáoxiǎng)
- (to get to the bottom of): 查究 (chájiū)
- 乘勝追擊/乘胜追击 (chéngshèngzhuījī)
- 來者可追/来者可追
- 勾追
- 奮起直追/奋起直追
- 密切追隨/密切追随
- 尾追 (wěizhuī)
- 形影相追
- 心慕手追
- 心慕筆追/心慕笔追
- 急起直追 (jíqǐzhízhuī)
- 慎終追遠/慎终追远 (shènzhōngzhuīyuǎn)
- 撫今追昔/抚今追昔 (fǔjīnzhuīxī)
- 死追活追
- 狗追耗子
- 當官追究/当官追究
- 窮寇勿追/穷寇勿追
- 窮寇莫追/穷寇莫追
- 窮追不捨/穷追不舍 (qióngzhuībùshě)
- 緊追/紧追
- 緊追不捨/紧追不舍
- 緊追權/紧追权
- 覓愛追歡/觅爱追欢
- 訴追/诉追 (sùzhuī)
- 謹終追遠/谨终追远
- 買笑追歡/买笑追欢
- 賣笑追歡/卖笑追欢
- 躡影追風/蹑影追风
- 躡景追飛/蹑景追飞
- 追亡逐北 (zhuīwángzhúběi)
- 追光
- 追兵 (zhuībīng)
- 追剿 (zhuījiǎo)
- 追劇/追剧 (zhuījù)
- 追加 (zhuījiā)
- 追加預算/追加预算
- 追問/追问 (zhuīwèn)
- 追奔逐北
- 追封
- 追尋/追寻 (zhuīxún)
- 追尾 (zhuīwěi)
- 追念 (zhuīniàn)
- 追思 (zhuīsī)
- 追悔 (zhuīhuǐ)
- 追悔不及
- 追悔何及
- 追悼 (zhuīdào)
- 追悼會/追悼会 (zhuīdàohuì)
- 追想 (zhuīxiǎng)
- 追憶/追忆 (zhuīyì)
- 追懷/追怀 (zhuīhuái)
- 追拿 (zhuīná)
- 追捕 (zhuībǔ)
- 追撞
- 追擊/追击 (zhuījī)
- 追敘/追叙 (zhuīxù)
- 追星族 (zhuīxīngzú)
- 追星趕月/追星赶月
- 追晉/追晋
- 追本溯源 (zhuīběnsùyuán)
- 追本窮源/追本穷源
- 追查 (zhuīchá)
- 追根 (zhuīgēn)
- 追根溯源
- 追根究底 (zhuīgēnjiūdǐ)
- 追根究柢 (zhuīgēnjiūdǐ)
- 追歡/追欢
- 追歡取樂/追欢取乐
- 追歡買笑/追欢买笑
- 追殲/追歼
- 追殺/追杀 (zhuīshā)
- 追求 (zhuīqiú)
- 追溯 (zhuīsù)
- 追究 (zhuījiū)
- 追索 (zhuīsuǒ)
- 追索權/追索权
- 追緝/追缉 (zhuījī)
- 追繳/追缴 (zhuījiǎo)
- 追肥 (zhuīféi)
- 追胥
- 追薦/追荐
- 追補/追补
- 追討/追讨
- 追記/追记 (zhuījì)
- 追訴/追诉 (zhuīsù)
- 追訴權/追诉权
- 追認/追认 (zhuīrèn)
- 追諡/追谥
- 追賠/追赔
- 追贈/追赠
- 追贓/追赃
- 追趕/追赶 (zhuīgǎn)
- 追蹤/追踪 (zhuīzōng)
- 追蹤覓影/追踪觅影
- 追蹤躡跡/追踪蹑迹
- 追述 (zhuīshù)
- 追逐 (zhuīzhú)
- 追逼
- 追遠/追远
- 追隨/追随 (zhuīsuí)
- 追隨驥尾/追随骥尾
- 追風捕影/追风捕影
- 追風覓影/追风觅影
- 追風躡影/追风蹑影
- 追風逐電/追风逐电 (zhuīfēngzhúdiàn)
- 追駟不及/追驷不及
- 追魂攝魄/追魂摄魄
- 逐電追風/逐电追风
- 遹追
- 雷達追蹤/雷达追踪
- 靡追
- 駟馬難追/驷马难追 (sìmǎnánzhuī)
- 毋追
- 追人
- 追師/追师
- 追琢
- 追蠡
- (Hokkien) Alternative form of 逐 (“to chase; to pursue”)
- 2017, “最美的路”, 潘協慶 [Tom Pan] (lyrics), 蕭煌奇 [Ricky Hsiao] (music)performed by 蕭煌奇 [Ricky Hsiao]:
- 2018, 陳宏銘 [Chen Hung-ming] (lyrics and music), “我在傷心你在笑”performed by 洪榮宏 [Chris Hung]:
- 美姑娘啊是眾人追 [Taiwanese Hokkien, trad.]
- súi ko͘-niû--ah sī chèng-lâng liok [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
- Pretty girls, everyone would pursue
美姑娘啊是众人追 [Taiwanese Hokkien, simp.]
- 遠遠追無你的形影 [Taiwanese Hokkien, trad.]
- hn̄g-hn̄g jiok-bô lí ê hêng-iáⁿ [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
- In a distance, I cannot chase after your form and shadow
远远追无你的形影 [Taiwanese Hokkien, simp.]
- “追”, in 漢語多功能字庫 (Multi-function Chinese Character Database), 香港中文大學 (the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014–
Shinjitai | 追 | |
Kyūjitai [1] |
追󠄁 追+ 󠄁 ?(Adobe-Japan1) |
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追󠄃 追+ 󠄃 ?(Hanyo-Denshi) (Moji_Joho) | ||
The displayed kanji may be different from the image due to your environment. See here for details. |
- “追”, in 漢字ぺディア (Kanjipedia) (in Japanese), 日本漢字能力検定協会, 2015–2024
Etymology 1
From Middle Chinese 追 (MC trwij).
Historical readings |
- (SK Standard/Seoul) IPA(key): [t͡ɕʰu]
- Phonetic hangul: [추]
- 추가 (追加, chuga)
- 추적 (追跡, chujeok)
- 추구 (追求, chugu)
- 추모 (追慕, chumo)
- 추억 (追憶, chueok)
- 추도 (追悼, chudo)
- 소추 (訴追, sochu)
- 추궁 (追窮, chugung)
- 추월 (追越, chuwol)
- 추후 (追後, chuhu)
- 추격 (追擊, chugyeok)
- 추방 (追放, chubang)
- 추종 (追從, chujong)
- 추시 (追試, chusi)
- 추구 (追究, chugu)
- 추징 (追徵, chujing)
- 추회 (追懷, chuhoe)
- 추인 (追認, chu'in)
- 추서 (追敍, chuseo)
- 급추 (急追, geupchu)
- 추론 (追論, churon)
- 추기 (追記, chugi)
- 추살 (追殺, chusal)
- 추완 (追完, chuwan)
- 추돌 (追突, chudol)
- 추습 (追襲, chuseup)
- 추축 (追逐, chuchuk)
Etymology 2
From Middle Chinese 追 (MC twoj).
Historical readings |
- (SK Standard/Seoul) IPA(key): [tʰwe̞] ~ [tʰø̞]
- Phonetic hangul: [퉤/퇴]
- 퇴탁 (追琢, toetak)
- 무퇴 (毋追, mutoe)
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