Han character
習 (Kangxi radical 124, 羽+5, 11 strokes, cangjie input 尸一竹日 (SMHA), four-corner 17602, composition ⿱羽白)
Derived characters
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 956, character 23
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 28672
- Dae Jaweon: page 1402, character 3
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 5, page 3345, character 1
- Unihan data for U+7FD2
trad. | 習 | |
simp. | 习 | |
alternative forms | 𮊸 |
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 習 | ||
Shang | Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) | Liushutong (compiled in Ming) |
Oracle bone script | Small seal script | Transcribed ancient scripts |
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Ideogrammic compound (會意/会意) : 羽 (“wings”) + 日 (“sun”) – to learn to fly, to practice flying.
In the current form, 日 (rì, “sun”) has changed to 白 (bái, “white”), so the present form is 羽 (“wings”) + 白 (“white”).
Alternatively, the original form may have been a phono-semantic compound (形聲/形声, OC *ljub) : phonetic 彗 (OC *sɢʷeds, *ɢʷeds, *sɢʷids) + semantic 日 (“sun”).
Two general semantic fields are found in the senses: "to flap the wings; to flutter" and "to practice". They are generally considered to be the same word, with the link being "to repeatedly flap the wings (in order to learn to fly)", a sense attested in Liji.
Area word:
- Proto-Sino-Tibetan *s-lwap (“to learn”): Tibetan སློབ (slob, “to learn”), སློབས (slobs, “exercise; training”); Mizo tlip (“to repeat; to do again; to perfect”),
- Mon-Khmer: Khmer ធ្លាប់ (thlŏəp, “to become accustomed to; to have the habit of; marker of continuous action in the past”); Proto-Mon *le̤p ("to know how to, be skilled in") > Mon လေပ် (lèp, “to be versed in”).
- (obsolete) to flap (the wings); to flutter; to repeatedly flap the wings
- to practice; to exercise; to review
- to study; to learn
- to become familiar with; to be used to
- habit; custom
- (literary, obsolete) trusted follower
- often; frequently
- a surname
- 習近平/习近平 ― Xí Jìnpíng ― Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China
- 修習/修习
- 傳習/传习 (chuánxí)
- 凡習/凡习
- 刻苦學習/刻苦学习
- 學習/学习 (xuéxí)
- 實習/实习 (shíxí)
- 惡習/恶习 (èxí)
- 抓緊學習/抓紧学习
- 溫習/温习 (wēnxí)
- 演習/演习 (yǎnxí)
- 熟習/熟习 (shúxí)
- 痼習/痼习
- 相沿成習/相沿成习
- 研習/研习 (yánxí)
- 積習/积习 (jīxí)
- 積習難改/积习难改 (jīxínángǎi)
- 練習/练习 (liànxí)
- 習以成俗/习以成俗
- 習以成性/习以成性
- 習以為常/习以为常 (xíyǐwéicháng)
- 習俗/习俗 (xísú)
- 習俗移性/习俗移性
- 習坎/习坎
- 習家店/习家店 (Xíjiādiàn)
- 習得性/习得性
- 習得性無助感/习得性无助感
- 習性/习性 (xíxìng)
- 習慣/习惯 (xíguàn)
- 習慣性/习惯性
- 習慣成自然/习惯成自然 (xíguàn chéng zìrán)
- 習慣法/习惯法 (xíguànfǎ)
- 習慣用法/习惯用法
- 習慣用語/习惯用语 (xíguàn yòngyǔ)
- 習慣自然/习惯自然
- 習慣若自然/习惯若自然
- 習氣/习气 (xíqì)
- 習水/习水
- 習水縣/习水县
- 習用/习用 (xíyòng)
- 習習/习习 (xíxí)
- 習近平/习近平
- 習題/习题 (xítí)
- 聯想學習/联想学习
- 自習/自习 (zìxí)
- 舊習/旧习
- 補習/补习 (bǔxí)
- 複習/复习 (fùxí)
- 見習/见习 (jiànxí)
- 軍事演習/军事演习 (jūnshì yǎnxí)
- 陋習/陋习 (lòuxí)
- 陳規舊習/陈规旧习
- 陳規陋習/陈规陋习
- 預習/预习 (yùxí)
- Ding, Fubao (丁福保) (1922),
“習” in 佛學大辭典 [A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms].
- “習”, in 漢語多功能字庫 (Multi-function Chinese Character Database), 香港中文大學 (the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014–
Shinjitai | 習 | |
Kyūjitai [1] |
習󠄁 習+ 󠄁 ?(Adobe-Japan1) |
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習󠄃 習+ 󠄃 ?(Hanyo-Denshi) (Moji_Joho) | ||
The displayed kanji may be different from the image due to your environment. See here for details. |
- “習”, in 漢字ぺディア (Kanjipedia) (in Japanese), 日本漢字能力検定協会, 2015–2024
(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium. Particularly: “Middle Korean readings, if any”)
- (SK Standard/Seoul) IPA(key): [sʰɯp̚]
- Phonetic hangul: [습]