
See also: , в., В., в, В, and Appendix:Variations of "b"


Alternative forms

  • во- (vo-) before certain consonant clusters


Inherited from Old East Slavic въ- (vŭ-), from Proto-Slavic *vъ(n)-, from Proto-Indo-European *h₁én. The /n/ persists in внять (vnjatʹ). See also в (v), Old East Slavic въ (), Proto-Slavic *vъ(n). Compare the similar development in с- (s-) from Proto-Slavic *sъ(n)-.


  • IPA(key): [v] (before vowels and voiced consonants)
  • IPA(key): [f] (before voiceless consonants)


в- • (v-)

  1. added to verbs, forms verbs with the approximate meaning 'in' or 'into'
    во- (vo-) + -йти́ (-jtí, to go)войти́ (vojtí, to go in, to enter)
  2. added with -ся (-sja) to verbs, forms verbs with the approximate meaning of thoroughness or completeness of action
    в- (v-) + чита́ть (čitátʹ, to read) + -ся (-sja)вчита́ться (včitátʹsja, to read carefully, delving into the content to better understand)
  3. added to adjectives, forms adverbs with the approximate meaning 'in the manner of [the adjective]'
    в- (v-) + ручно́й (ručnój, (relational) hand; manual)вручну́ю (vručnúju, manually (by hand))
  4. added to nouns, forms adverbs with the approximate meaning 'in the direction or location of [the noun]'
    в- (v-) + нутро́ (nutró, the inside)внутри́ (vnutrí, inside)
    в- (v-) + низ (niz, the bottom)вниз (vniz, downwards)
  5. added to numerals, forms adverbs based on the numeral
    в- (v-) + дво́е (dvóje, two (in a group together))вдво́е (vdvóje, twice, by half)
    в- (v-) + дво́е (dvóje, two (in a group together))вдвоём (vdvojóm, as a two)

Derived terms

Russian terms prefixed with в-
Russian terms prefixed with во-



  • IPA(key): [ʋ]

Etymology 1

Inherited from Old Ruthenian в-, въ- (v-, v-), from Old East Slavic въ- (vŭ-), from Proto-Slavic *vъ(n)-.

Alternative forms

  • вві- (vvi-)
  • уві- (uvi-)
  • у- (u-) (used after consonants or at the beginning of a clause)


в- • (v-)

  1. (added to verbs) into, in (indicates inward movement)
    в- (v-) + бі́гти impf (bíhty, to run)вбі́гти pf (vbíhty, to run in, to run into)
    в- (v-) + нести́ impf (nestý, to carry, to bring)внести́ pf (vnestý, to carry in, to bring in, to contribute)
    в- (v-) + ключ impf (ključ, key) + -ити (-yty)включи́ти pf (vključýty, to include, to turn on)
  2. (added to verbs in combination with -ся (-sja)) indicates thoroughness, profoundness
    в- (v-) + чита́ти (čytáty, to read) + -ся (-sja)вчита́тися pf (včytátysja, to read carefully, study carefully)
    в- (v-) + ду́мати (dúmaty, to think) + -ся (-sja)вду́матися pf (vdúmatysja, to consider, to think over, to ponder over)
  3. (used to form adverbs) -wise
    в- (v-) + шир (šyr, width, breadth)вшир (všyr, widthwise, breadthwise)
    в- (v-) + довж (dovž, length)вдовж (vdovž, lengthwise)
  4. (used to form adverbs) -ward, -wards
    в- (v-) + пере́д (peréd, front)впере́д (vperéd, forward, forwards)
    в- (v-) + лі́во (lívo, left)влі́во (vlívo, left, leftward)
    в- (v-) + середи́на (seredýna, middle, center)всере́дині (vserédyni, inside, inward)
    в- (v-) + гора́ (horá, mountain)вго́ру (vhóru, up, upward, upwards)
  5. (used to form adverbs) time
    в- (v-) + пе́рший (péršyj, first) + (-e)впе́рше (vpérše, first time, for the first time)
    в- (v-) + чотирна́дцятий (čotyrnádcjatyj, fourteenth) + (-e)вчотирна́дцяте (včotyrnádcjate, for the fourteenth time)
    в- (v-) + со́тий (sótyj, hundredth) + (-e)всо́те (vsóte, for the hundredth time)
  6. (used to form adverbs) -fold, by
    в- (v-) + дві́чі (dvíči, twice)вдві́чі (vdvíči, twofold, by two)
    в- (v-) + дво́є (dvóje, two of, two)вдво́є (vdvóje, twofold, by two, in two)
    в- (v-) + десятеро (desjatero, ten of, ten)вде́сятеро (vdésjatero, tenfold, by ten)
    в- (v-) + полови́на (polovýna, half)вполови́ну (vpolovýnu, by half)
  7. (used to form adverbs) by, -ly (describes manner in which something is done)
    в- (v-) + плав (plav, swimming, sailing)вплав (vplav, by swimming, by sailing)
    в- (v-) + роздроби́ти (rozdrobýty, to fragment, to split up)вро́здріб (vrózdrib, one by one, separately, by retail)
    в- (v-) + лад (lad, order, accord, harmony)влад (vlad, appropriately, harmoniously, to rhythmically, in accord)
    в- (v-) + ручни́й (ručnýj, manual, hand)вручну́ (vručnú, by hand, manually)

Etymology 2

Inherited from Old Ruthenian у-, в- (u-, v-), from Old East Slavic оу-, въ- (u-, vŭ-), from Proto-Slavic *u-.

Alternative forms


в- • (v-)

  1. Alternative form of у- (u-) (used after consonants or at the beginning of a clause)

Derived terms

Ukrainian terms prefixed with в-
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