Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), is a country in East Asia. The Republic of China, originally based in mainland China, now governs the island of Taiwan, which constitutes more than 99% of its territory, as well as Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and other minor islands, following its loss of the mainland China territory in 1949 in the Chinese Civil War. This remaining area is also constitutionally called the "Free area of the Republic of China" which is not ruled by the Communist Party of China in Beijing. Neighboring states include the People's Republic of China (PRC) to the west (mainland China), Japan to the east and northeast, and the Philippines to the south. Taiwan is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Taipei is the seat of the central government, and together with the surrounding cities of New Taipei and Keelung forms the largest metropolitan area on the island.
- Taiwan is a good global citizen.
- Chen Chien-jen, as quoted in "Taiwan: Pariah and Poster Child" (18 May 2020), by Jay Nordlinger, National Review
- I made a mistake. I'm so, so sorry for my mistake. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry. You have to understand I love and respect China and Chinese people. I'm sorry.
- John Cena, in apology on Weibo for referring to Taiwan as a "country" in an interview promoting Fast & Furious 9 on TVBS.
- Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China. It is the sacred duty of all the Chinese people, including our fellow Chinese in Taiwan, to achieve the great reunification of the motherland.
- A catastrophe also separates the fragile from the resilient and the antifragile―Nassim Taleb's wonderful word to describe something that gains under stress (Remember Nietzsche: "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.") Some cities, corporations, states, and empires collapse under the force of the shock. Others survive, though weakened. But a third, Nietzschean category emerges stronger. I suspect that, despite appearances, the United States in category two, not one, while the People's Republic of China may ultimately prove to be in category one, not two, much less three. The Republic of China, Taiwan is in category three―unless Beijing annexes it.
- Niall Ferguson, Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe (2021), p. 383
- But democracies also took root because they generally outperformed autocracies in raising living standards. Markets do not always require democracy in order to function: South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and China all developed successful economies under less than democratic conditions. The Cold War experience showed, though, that it is not easy to keep markets open and ideas constrained at the same time. And since markets proved more efficient than command economies in allocating resources and enhancing productivity, the resulting improvement in people s lives, in turn, strengthened democracies.
- John Lewis Gaddis, The Cold War: A New History, pp. 265 (2006)
- All this saber-rattling is despicable. Neither Russia nor Iran threaten the U.S. and there is no reason why the U.S. should be eager to defend Taiwan or Ukraine (and also Israel). China’s military budget is miniscule compared to the U.S. and the only real threat it represents is as a competitor on world markets, where it is already dominant in a number of key sectors. The U.S. has to get off this global dominance militarism wagon but how do we do it when both major parties embrace it?
- Philip Giraldi quoted in In truth the U.S has become a weak and therefore dangerous country, By Martin Love, Tehran Times, December 5, 2021
- At the time, Wu's young son was starting first grade, and he worried about Taiwan's sky-high rates of myopia. Around 90 percent of teens there have it by the end of high school. Wu says the academic culture in Taiwan's primary schools didn't allow for much outdoor recess. "Many teachers want students to practice their homework during recess," he says.
But Wu convinced his son's elementary school to increase outdoor time. He also recruited a control school. A year later, his son's school had half as many new myopia cases as the other school. "We saw the results – they were very successful," Wu says.
He did more research, at more schools, and eventually convinced Taiwan's Ministry of Education to encourage all primary schools to send students out doors for at least 2 hours a day, every day. The program launched in September 2010. And after decades of trending upward, the rate of myopia among Taiwan's elementary school students began falling – from an all-time high of 50% in 2011 down to 45.1% by 2015. It's a major achievement, says Ian Morgan.
"Certainly the people who have led the field are the people in Taiwan," Morgan says.- Maria Godoy quoting Pei-Chang Wu and Ian Morgan in “Outdoor time is good for your kids' eyesight. Here's why”, NPR, MORNING EDITION, (MAY 13, 2024)
- I hope the Taiwan side can preserve and safeguard the political foundation and correct orientation of the peaceful development of bilateral relations, urge that the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement be put into effect as soon as possible, and promptly allow the people and enterprises on both sides to benefit. Otherwise, even despite good preparation, the efforts will amount to nothing.
- Gao Hucheng, as quoted in UNPO (UNREPRESENTED NATIONS AND PEOPLES ORGANIZATION), "Taiwan: China Pressures for Ratification of Controversial Trade Pact", February 25, 2016.
- We reiterated to President Yu and President Chen that we love Taiwan, stand for Taiwan against international threats, and appreciate Taiwan’s effort to prove to the world that Chinese tradition and culture are fully compatible with democracy.
On the other hand, we noted that no country is perfect, including our own countries in the West, and unsolved issues of human rights and freedom of religion or belief exist everywhere.
If we noted some in Taiwan, it is precisely because we are Taiwan’s friends and care for its international image.- Massimo Introvigne, "Bitter Winter Goes to Taiwan: Witnessing for Freedom of Religion or Belief", Bitter Winter (17 April, 2023)
- At the end of last month of January, I attended in Washington DC the International Religious Freedom Summit. It was a wonderful event where many religious liberty issues were presented. Yet, I remained with the impression that there is an unwritten rule in these American gatherings that Taiwan’s domestic religious liberty problems should not be mentioned. The only (and understandable) concern is protecting Taiwan from Mainland China. This explains the problems in bringing the Tai Ji Men case to the attention of the worthy American agencies dealing with freedom of religion.
While the situation in today’s democratic Taiwan obviously cannot be compared to the White Terror or the Martial Law period, in a way [George H.] Kerr’s American dilemma is still there. Should cases such as Tai Ji Men be ignored based on the [notion] that Taiwan’s government should never be criticized? My answer is no. History has vindicated [George H.] Kerr’s position. Yet, there is a risk that the same mistakes will continue to be committed.- Massimo Introvigne, “Formosa Betrayed”: George Kerr, the 228 Incident, and the Tai Ji Men Case, Bitter Winter (February 12, 2024)
- Taiwan is not a vital Australian interest. We have no alliance with Taipei. There is no piece of paper sitting in Canberra which has an alliance with Taipei. We do not recognise it as a sovereign state – we’ve always seen it as a part of China... My view is Australia should not be drawn into a military engagement over Taiwan, US-sponsored or otherwise...
- Paul Keating (former Australian prime minister), 'It would make a cat laugh’: key moments from Paul Keating’s National Press Club appearance, The Guardian (November 10, 2021)
- On Formosa, the government of the Republic of China has had the opportunity to refute by action much of the malicious gossip which so undermined the strength of its leadership on the Chinese mainland. The Formosan people are receiving a just and enlightened administration with majority representation on the organs of government, and politically, economically, and socially they appear to be advancing along sound and constructive lines.
- We got used to dividing the world into industrialized countries and developing countries – rich and poor. However, four East Asian tigers would soon disrupt our worldview. The British colony of Hong Kong and the city-state of Singapore did the opposite of all other countries, and opened their economies wide, without trade barriers. The experts claimed that free trade would knock out the small manufacturing sectors they had, but, on the contrary, they industrialized at a record pace and shocked the outside world by becoming even richer than the old colonial master, Britain. Taiwan and South Korea learned from this and began to liberalize their economies with amazing results. Their rapid growth took them from being some of the poorest countries in the world to some of the richest in a few generations. It was a global wake-up call because it was so easy to compare what the Chinese in Taiwan achieved compared to the Chinese in Mao’s China, and what the Koreans in the capitalist south created compared to the Koreans in the communist north. In the mid-1950s, Taiwan was only marginally richer than China. In 1980, it was four times richer. In 1955, North Korea was richer than South Korea. (The north was, after all, where mineral resources and power generation were located when the country was partitioned.) Today, South Korea is twenty times richer than North Korea.
- Johan Norberg, The Capitalist Manifesto: Why the Global Free Market Will Save the World (2023)
- It is hard to think of a state less deserving of pariah status than Taiwan: a country that evolved from dictatorship to become a splendid example of liberal democracy in a region sorely in need of such an example.
- Jay Nordlinger, "Taiwan: Pariah and Poster Child" (18 May 2020), National Review
- There is only one China. Taiwan is not independent. It does not enjoy sovereignty as a nation, and that remains our policy, our firm policy.
- Colin Powell, Interview with CNN (27 October 2004), as quoted in "Warnings by Powell to Taiwan Provoke a Diplomatic Dispute" in The New York Times (28 October 2004).
- We want to see both sides not take unilateral action that would prejudice an eventual outcome, a reunification that all parties are seeking.
- Colin Powell, On Chinese and Taiwanese relations, in interview with Phoenix Television of Hong Kong (27 October 2004), as quoted in "Warnings by Powell to Taiwan Provoke a Diplomatic Dispute" in The New York Times (28 October 2004).
- People in quarantine should not think they won't be fined for leaving their hotel room
- Taiwan department of health Man fined $5000 for breaking Taiwan Covid-19 quarantine for 8 seconds December 7, 2020
External links
Encyclopedic article on Taiwan on Wikipedia
The dictionary definition of Taiwan on Wiktionary
Media related to Taiwan on Wikimedia Commons
Works related to Portal:Taiwan on Wikisource
- "The Fourth Industrial Revolution in Taiwan: Science Without Conscience?" by Daniel Y. C. Lee