Impression, Sunrise, 1872, by Claude Monet

Sunrise is the instant at which the upper edge of the Sun appears above the horizon in the east. Sunrise should not be confused with dawn, which is the (variously defined) point at which the sky begins to lighten, some time before the sun itself appears, ending twilight. Because atmospheric refraction causes the sun to be seen while it is still below the horizon, both sunrise and sunset are, from one point of view, optical illusions. The sun also exhibits an optical illusion at sunrise similar to the moon illusion.
- Prayer is good at any time, yet there are two periods of change of currents when turning to the Higher World is especially desirable—at sunrise and after sunset.
- Agni Yoga, Aum, 71, (1936)
- The sun had long since in the lap
Of Thetis taken out his nap,
And, like a lobster boil'd, the morn
From black to red began to turn.- Samuel Butler, Hudibras, Part II (1664), Canto II, line 29.
- Utu, shepherd of the land, father of the black-headed, when you go to sleep, the people go to sleep with you; youth Utu, when you rise, the people rise with you.
- Lugalbanda to Utu, the ancient Mesopotamian Sun god, in Lugalbanda in the Mountain Cave, Ur III Period (21st century BCE).
- The heavenly-harness'd team
Begins his golden progress in the east.- William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part I (c. 1597), Act III, scene 1, line 221.
- He fires the proud tops of the eastern pines
And darts his light through every guilty hole.- William Shakespeare, Richard II (c. 1595), Act III, scene 2, line 42.
- As when the golden sun salutes the morn,
And, having gilt the ocean with his beams,
Gallops the zodiac in his glistering coach,
And overlooks the highest-peering hills.- William Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus (c. 1584-1590), Act II, scene 1, line 5.
- Hail, gentle Dawn! mild blushing goddess, hail!
Rejoic'd I see thy purple mantle spread
O'er half the skies, gems pave thy radiant way,
And orient pearls from ev'ry shrub depend.- William Somervile, The Chase (1735), Book II, line 79.
- But yonder comes the powerful King of Day,
Rejoicing in the East.- James Thomson, The Seasons, Summer (1727), line 81.
Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations

Quotes reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 769.
- Oh the road to Mandalay
Where the flyin'-fishes play
An' the dawn comes up like thunder outer
China 'crost the Bay!- Rudyard Kipling, Mandalay.
- The east is blossoming! Yea, a rose,
Vast as the heavens, soft as a kiss,
Sweet as the presence of woman is,
Rises and reaches, and widens and grows
Large and luminous up from the sea,
And out of the sea, as a blossoming tree,
Richer and richer, so higher and higher,
Deeper and deeper it takes its hue;
Brighter and brighter it reaches through
The space of heaven and the place of stars,
Till all is as rich as a rose can be,
And my rose-leaves fall into billows of fire.- Joaquin Miller, Sunrise in Venice.
- Night is the time for rest;
How sweet, when labours close,
To gather round an aching breast
The curtain of repose,
Stretch the tired limbs, and lay the head
Down on our own delightful bed!- James Montgomery, Night, Stanza 1.
- The whole east was flecked
With flashing streaks and shafts of amethyst,
While a light crimson mist
Went up before the mounting luminary,
And all the strips of cloud began to vary
Their hues, and all the zenith seemed to ope
As if to show a cope beyond the cope!- Epes Sargent, Sunrise at Sea.
- As the sun rises, decisions are made.
- And yonder fly his scattered golden arrows,
And smite the hills with day.- Bayard Taylor, The Poet's Journal, Third Evening, Morning.
- See! led by Morn, with dewy feet,
Apollo mounts his golden seat,
Replete with seven-fold fire;
While, dazzled by his conquering light,
Heaven's glittering host and awful night
Submissively retire.- Thomas Taylor, Ode to the Rising Sun.
- See how there
The cowlèd night
Kneels on the Eastern sanctuary-stair.- Francis Thompson, A Corymbus for Autumn, Stanza 5.
- East, oh, east of Himalay
Dwell the nations underground,
Hiding from the shock of day,
For the sun's uprising sound…
So fearfully the sun doth sound,
Clanging up beyond Cathay;
For the great earthquaking sunrise
Rolling up beyond Cathay.- Francis Thompson, The Mistress of Vision.
- The rising sun complies with our weak sight,
First gilds the clouds, then shows his globe of light
At such a distance from our eyes, as though
He knew what harm his hasty beams would do.- Edmund Waller, To the King upon His Majesty's Happy Return, line 1.
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