Saw III is a 2006 American horror film. After twice eluding the police, the Jigsaw Killer and his new apprentice Amanda Young set into motion two tests: Doctor Lynn Denlon, who must find a way to keep both Jigsaw (now on the verge of death) and herself alive; and her husband Jeff, whose choices will ultimately decide the fates of eight people.[1]

Directed by Darren Lynn Bousman. Written by Leigh Whannell.
Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet...(taglines)

John Kramer/Jigsaw/Billy The Puppet


  • I want to play a game.
  • [Referring to Lawrence Gordon] I was his patient and he was mine.
  • Leave it to a doctor to find such a cold, clinical way of saying I'm dead man walking.
  • I asked you a simple question.
  • Death is a surprise party. Unless, of course, you're already dead on the inside.
  • The rules of our game have been very clear. You need to abide by those rules.
  • [To Amanda in a flashback] Amanda. Do not be afraid. Your life has just begun.
  • You will give everything to me.
  • There is no turning back.
  • [To Amanda whilst setting up the Bathroom trap] Put his left leg in the shackle.
  • Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet.[2]
  • You're walking us toward a precipice, Amanda. Step back.
  • Your time's running out.
  • Game over.
  • (Last words) Live or die, Jeff. Make our choice.


  • Hello, Troy. I want to play a game. This game will take place in a room not much bigger than the one you've spent most of your life in: a prison cell. Despite all of the advantages and privileges that you were given at birth, you have returned to prison again and again. More comfortable in chains than you are in freedom? Tonight, we will see how far you are willing to go to break those chains once and for all. Live or die, Troy. Make your choice.
  • Hello, Kerry. I want to play a game. Up until now, you have spent your life among the dead, piecing together their final moments. You're good at this because you, like them, are also dead. Dead on the inside. You identify more with a cold corpse than you do a living human. I believe you want to join your true family - indeed your only family - in death. The device you are wearing is hooked into your ribcage. And by the time this tape has finished, you will have one minute to find a way out. At the end of that minute... you should know better than anyone what happens then. There is a single key that will unlock the harness, Kerry. It's right in front of you. All you have to do is reach in and take it. But do it quickly. The acid will dissolve the key in a matter of seconds. Make your choice.
  • Hello, Jeff. Over the past few years, you have become a shell of your former self, consumed with hatred and vengeance. Vengeance against the drunk driver who killed your only son. Vengeance against the killer who, to your surprise and dismay, was set free after a hasty trial. Today, however, it will be you who will be put on trial. To escape from where you are, you will have to face a series of tests. You will have to suffer to move through each of them. But with each one, you will have a chance-- a chance to forgive. When you complete the tests, I promise you will finally come face-to-face with the man responsible for the loss of your child. That will be your ultimate test. Can you forgive him? You better hurry, though. In two hours, the doors will lock and this place will become your tomb. This is what you've been waiting for, Jeff. Let the game begin.
  • Welcome to your first test, Jeff. In the past three years, you've cursed the names of all those you thought were responsible for the death of your son. You fantasized those accountable will pay. Well, in this room you will find a woman in front of you chained in place. This will prevent her from running... much like she did the day your son was hit. Her name is Danica Scott. She was the only witness present at the scene of your son's untimely demise. If not for her own self-absorption and cowardice, she could have brought your son's killer to justice. Now it is you who has a chance to bring her to justice. You alone can grant her the gift of life before she freezes to death. Behind the pipes on the back wall, you will find the key that will free her and bring you one step closer to the man responsible for the loss of your child. Will you claim the key to save only yourself, or can you find it within you to save another? Make your choice.
  • Jeff, when the judge presiding over your case sentenced your son's murderer so lightly, your soul never recovered. Now you have the power to sentence his soul straight to hell. Or you can forgive. The key that will free him is hidden inside your son's possessions. Possessions you have clung to for far too long. Now, if you flip the switch on the incinerator beneath you, a fire will cleanse you of this obsession and destroy them all, leaving only the key remaining. It is also the key that will bring you closer to the man accountable for taking your child. He doesn't have much time, Jeff. Let the game begin.
  • Hello, Jeff. If you're listening to this, that means that the confrontation you so long dreamed of is finally unfolding. In your head, he is a cipher, a symbol of your life changing. A symbol of death. I present him to you now as a simple human being. His name is Timothy Young. He is 27 years old, a medical student with a mother and a father just like you. A man whose life also changed the day your son died. That day, he made a terrible mistake. You believed he didn't pay for that mistake, and now is your chance to make him pay. The device Timothy is strapped to is my personal favorite. I call it The Rack. The human body is a miraculous creation. Ever wonder how far the arm can twist? This device is going to start twisting. There is a chance he might live, though, with your help. To your right is a box. At the back of a box is a key. It's tied to the trigger of a shotgun. The question you have to ask yourself is this: Are you willing to take a bullet for the man who killed your son? Does "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" apply here, Jeff? Make your choice.
  • [Theatrical Ending tape] Hello, Jeff. I made this tape as an insurance policy, if you will. And, if you're listening to it, then it's time to collect. I was your final test of forgiveness. And if you're listening to it, then you failed. Now you must pay the price. The price of living for nothing but vengeance. Now I will give you something to live for. I told you that you couldn't kill me, Jeff, but I didn't tell you why. And the answer is simple: I am the person responsible for the loss of your child. I am the only one who knows where your daughter is. She only has a limited supply of air, Jeff, and if you want to get her back, you'll have to play a game.
  • [Director's Cut tape] Hello, Jeff. I made this tape as an insurance policy, if you will. And, if you're listening to it, it's time to collect. I was your final test, Jeff. Your final test of forgiveness. And if you're listening to this, then you failed. Now you must pay the price. The price of holding on to all that anger. The price of driving your wife away from you. The price of living for nothing but vengeance. Now I will give you something to live for. I told you that you couldn't kill me, Jeff, but I didn't tell you why. And the answer is simple: I am the person responsible for the loss of your child. I am the only person who knows where your daughter is. She only has a limited supply of air, and if you want to get her back, you'll have to play a game.

Amanda Young

  • Game over.
  • Are you gonna behave?
  • Why don't you fucking tell me something that I don't know, you stupid cunt?!
  • I know it's hard to concentrate when you're surrounded by so many things you could kill me with.
  • I'd go for the neck but I'm not the brain surgeon. Just do it quietly so John doesn't hear me die.
  • You can try and take it off yourself. That could be tricky. Slightest knock in the wrong place could trigger it. I should know. I built it.
  • The judge is alive.
  • He's not all the way.
  • It's all bullshit. It's all a fucking lie. And I'm just a pawn in your stupid games.
  • Eric Matthews learned nothing from your test. He was the same person he was when he arrested me. He framed me when he took me down.
  • Fix me, you motherfucker!
  • She's nothing.

Jeff Denlon

  • You fucking killed my son. Don't you fucking beg. Do you know who I am? I'm your fucking teacher, you motherfucker.
  • That's exactly it! You didn't do anything!
  • You don't remember me. Maybe you remember Timothy Young? He was the driver who killed my son. You gave him six months! Six months! People get more for fucking parking tickets!
  • Every day, I wanted to to kill him. For three years I wanted to kill you. You know what? Maybe I am [a murderer].
  • Got the key.
  • I forgive him! I forgive him!
  • I forgive you.
  • [Director's Cut Ending/After Jeff kills Jigsaw and moves to Lynn's corpse] Lynn! I'm gonna get us outta here, okay? But your beautiful hair... your beautiful hair. I'm gonna get us outta here. [Plays tape]

Lynn Denlon

  • What do you want from me?
  • My 20 second analysis without any medical equipment is that his brain is herniating.
  • I can't perform miracles.
  • You fucking freak.
  • It's like we're strangers now. Last time I saw him, we were so disconnected. But now, I'd give anything in the world to see my husband.
  • I don't know what you think you know, but my marriage has survived more suffering than someone like you could ever grasp.


  • Rigg: [Discovering Troy's remains in a classroom] Oh, my god. Someone call Kerry.
  • Kerry: [Last words] You.
  • Eric: You're not Jigsaw, bitch!


[examining the aftermath of Troy's trap]
Kerry: I really had this feeling it was going to be him.
Rigg: Kerry, Eric is a missing person case, not a homicide case.
Kerry: I've been having nightmares where I... I see him. I'm never gonna be able to forgive myself for what happened.
Rigg: Listen, it's not your fault.
Kerry: It's always somebody's fault, Rigg.
Rigg: But that somebody isn't you. That someone is still out there. So put all your anger into finding them and putting them away.
[While examining one of Troy's remains, Hoffman apparently pockets one of the rings]
Rigg: What I don't understand is how the hell could Jigsaw do all this. He was damn near on his deathbed last time we saw him.
Kerry: I'm not so sure he did. So far, this doesn't follow any of his patterns.
Hoffman: Meaning?
Kerry: Well, how'd you get in here?
Rigg: We cut the door down.
Kerry: Why?
Hoffman: Because somebody heard an explosion and called us.
Kerry: I mean, why did you have to cut the door down?
Rigg: It was welded shut. Bloody truck couldn't get through there.
Kerry: Exactly.
Rigg: I don't follow.
Kerry: If the aim of Jigsaw's game was to escape the room before the bomb went off, then why was the door welded shut? Guy couldn't get out even if he wanted to.

John: Hello, Dr. Denlon. You may not remember me, but I most certainly remember you. I was a guest... at your hospital once.
Lynn: Where am I?
John: Do you remember me?
[Amanda tosses Lynn a folder containing John's diagnostic report]
Lynn: I've seen you on television. Lawrence Gordon was your doctor.
John: I was his patient and he was mine. As you can see from that report, my prognosis isn't good. Would you agree?
Lynn: There's no preventative treatment for what you have.
John: I remember you saying that to me once before in almost the exact same tone. Leave it to a doctor to find such a cold, clinical way of saying I'm dead man walking. Looking at me, how long would you say I have left?
Lynn Denlon: I'd have to examine you. Even then, a frontal lobe tumor is unpredictable. The growth depends on the rate of mitosis versus apoptosis and-
John: I'm sorry, but is all this crude medical equipment around me causing you to believe that you're still inside a hospital?
Lynn: No.
John: Then why are you speaking to me in that graduate-school medical jargon? [beat] LOOK AT ME! Now you look at me. I asked you a simple question: Based on your experience, how long do you think I have left?
Lynn: It's not a simple answer. Based on your file, I'd say... not long.
John: Death is a surprise party. Unless, of course, you're already dead on the inside. Unless you're the type of person who swallows antidepressants to hide the pain. Turns their backs on their husband and neglects their child; who has every possible advantage in life but chooses not to advance.

Lynn: What do you want from me?
John: What do I want? I want to play a game. The rules of the game are simple. The consequences for breaking them are great; death. You are being tested. Your will is being tested, your will to keep someone alive. Can you do that? Can you follow the rules and grant someone the gift of life?
Lynn: What is this?! No, get it-!
[Amanda places a large collar onto Lynn's shoulders]
John: The device you are wearing is hooked to my heart rate monitor. The second that heart rate monitor flatlines, or you move out of range, an explosion will go off in that collar. Your life and my life will end simultaneously.
Lynn: Please. Please don't do this to me. I have a family. I have a family.
Amanda: Let me give you the simple version: you will keep him alive, whatever it takes. No excuses, no equivocations; no crying.
Lynn: What do you mean, "Keep him alive?"
Amanda: [turns Lynn's head to show her a room full of monitors] Out there, on those screens, we have another test subject. A man. He will face a series of tests [Arms two shells] You have to keep John alive until he makes it through. [Arms the third shell] If he completes all of his tests and John is still breathing... [Arms the fourth shell] then I will remove your collar [Arms the final shell] and you're free to go.
John: You're a vital piece of my puzzle, Dr. Denlon. A critical part of what could be my final test. Amanda, it's time to start our game.

(Amanda walks in to check on John after Lynn did medical procedures on John)

Amanda: (To John) It's begun. He's out of the box.

(John groaned while Lynn looks at her watch)

Amanda: So?
Lynn: My twenty second analysis without any medical equipment is that his brain is herniating.
Amanda: [sarcastically] Oh.
Lynn: He needs to go to the hospital and have an operation to decompress his brain.
Amanda: Come here. No, really, come here. [Lynn backs away] Come here.
Lynn: No.
Amanda: Let me ask you something. [Grabs Lynn] Did I bring John to you, or did I bring your self-centered ass to him? Now you better start fucking paying attention. No one's going to any hospital. [lets her go]
Lynn: I can't perform miracles. You're giving him pain killers. For a tumor like this, he needs steroids, prednisone.
Amanda: [sarcastically] Oh, good, yeah. Maybe we could try some corticosteroids. [holds up a large medicine book] You know, like Dexamethasone! [throws it on the floor] Why don't you fucking tell me something that I don't know, you stupid cunt?!
Lynn: The only place that he can get those drugs is in a hospital. Or else he's gonna die.
Amanda: You are not a good listener. I think you missed the part that if he dies, you die.
Lynn: You're asking me to do the impossible.
Amanda: I'm not asking you. He is. He chose you. [Hits a table] Not me!
John: Amanda. Our doctor can't do what's being asked of her if you're threatening her. The rules of our game have been made very clear. You need to abide by those rules.
Amanda: Sorry.

[Jeff finds Danica, naked, in freezer room and a tape in the back]
Tape: Welcome to your first test, Jeff. For the past three years, you've cursed the names of all those you thought were responsible for the death of your son. You fantasized those accountable will pay. Well, in this room you will find a woman in front of you chained in place. This will prevent her from running. Much like she did on the day your son was hit. Her name is Danica Scott. She was the only witness present at the scene of your son's untimely demise. If not for her own self-absorption and cowardice, she could have brought your son's killer to justice. Now it is you who has a chance to bring her to justice. You alone can grant her the gift of life before she freezes to death. Behind the pipes on the back wall, you will find the key that will free her and bring you one step further to the man responsible for the loss of your child. Will you claim the key to save only yourself...
Danica Scott: Help me!
Tape: ... or can you find it within you to save another? Make your choice.
[Danica is sprayed with freezing water, which stops after a few seconds]
Danica Scott: I didn't do anything. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU!
Jeff: That's exactly it! You didn't do anything!
Danica Scott: I'm fucking... dying.
Jeff: He died! In my arms. My eight-year-old son died in my arms.
[Danica is sprayed again]
Danica Scott: [shivering] I made a mistake. I'm so sorry. I'm human. I'm human just like your son was. Okay? Look at me. I said look at me.

Lynn Denlon: Amanda, if you really care about John, you won't let me do this to him. You're a smart woman. You know what's right for him.
Amanda: I'm sorry. I know it's hard to concentrate when you're surrounded by so many things you could kill me with. Like this axe I saw you looking at. [Picks up an axe] Take it. Please, it's yours. [Hands it to Lynn and turns around] I'd go for the neck but I'm not the brain surgeon. Just do it quietly so John doesn't hear me die otherwise he's likely to get upset, rip off his heart rate monitor-[Whispers] boom! Then you just have to find the sensor and disarm it so you can walk more than thirty feet out that door without the collar detonating. Or, you can try and take it off yourself. That could be tricky. Slightest knock in the wrong place could trigger it. I should know. [Turns around] I built it. [Grabs the axe] So, do you have everything you need?
Lynn Denlon: I have the tools to cut someone open. I don't have the tools to save a life.
Amanda: [Looks down at the Reverse Beartrap on the floor] You'd be surprised at what tools can save a life.

Amanda: He made it through the freezer room. He tried to save her.
John: There are some things I need you to do for me. In my desk, in the center drawer; an envelope, with your name on it.
Amanda: She's gonna do a procedure on you.
John: Yeah.
Amanda: To relieve the pressure on your brain.
John: Yeah.
Amanda: To help with the headaches. I can't do this.
John: Amanda. You can. You can. You're stronger, now. And I believe in you.
Amanda: You chose her 'cause she's the best, right?
John: That's one reason I chose her.

[Jeff watches while Judge Halden is slowly drowned in ground-up pig remains]
Halden: I'm a criminal court judge, for Christ's sake! You can't do this to me!
Jeff: You don't remember me? Well, maybe you remember, Timothy Young? He was the driver who killed my son. You gave him six months!
Halden: Okay, all right. We can talk about your case. Obviously, you want answers. I can't give them to you like this!
Jeff: Six months! People get more for fucking parking tickets!
Halden: Listen to me. Now, I can see you're in great deal of pain. But there are ways we can have his sentence extended. I can help you!
Jeff: Too late! They let him go!
Halden: Don't become what he is! Don't become a killer. Please, [Extends his hand out to Jeff] I have a son, too. [Jeff walks down the stairs to the incinerator] Where are you going?
Jeff: [looking at his son's belongings] Oh, God. [tries to open door]

[while Lynn is operating on John's skull]
Lynn: John, how are you doing?
John: Never better.

John: You will give everything to me. Every cell in your body. Is that understood?
Amanda: Yes.
John: The marks on your arms. They're from another life. We'll leave that life behind. When you go down that corridor... there is no turning back. Do you understand that?
Amanda: Yes.
John: [Hands her a folder] Then start with this.

[As the Rack progressively breaks Timothy Young's limbs]
Halden: We've got to help him, Jeff!
[Halden grabs Jeff, but he fights him off]
Jeff: [sickened] Fuck.
Timothy: Please stop. No! Please stop!
Halden: [Trying to stop the gears] Jeff. Jeff, just standing there, you're an accomplice to murder. Are you a murderer?
Jeff: I've wanted to kill him every day. For three years, I've wanted to kill you. Yeah. Maybe I am.
Halden: What about your family? Your wife, your daughter?

John: Don't you think it'd be wise to engage me in conversation for your own sake? I asked you to tell me about your husband.
Lynn: It's like we're strangers, now.
John: And?
Lynn: Last time I saw him, we were so disconnected. But now, I'd give anything in the world to see my husband.
John: Matrimony's always fascinated me. Husbands barely able to look at their wives. Wives on their backs in hotel rooms with perfect strangers. People who bear children, only to neglect them. Till death do us part, indeed.
Lynn: I don't know what think you know, but my marriage has survived more suffering than someone like you could ever grasp.
John: Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet. Someone like me? Who am I?
Lynn: A monster. A murderer.
John: I don't condone murder and I despise murderers.
Lynn: Please. [John looks at her wedding ring] Please, let me go.

John: If you make it through this, Lynn, you'll thank me one day just as Amanda did.
Lynn: Please. Let me go. I saved your life.
John: Maybe my life isn't the one you were saving after all.
[Amanda opens a letter, making her extremely distraught.]
John: [Pouring wax on a tape [3]] Tell me about your daughter. I understand she's quite a little athlete. Or we could talk about your son.
Lynn: What did you say?
John: Why are you living with the dead when you have such a beautiful family? A husband who's endured alone. A daughter who needs a mother. Patients who need a competent physician who looks them in the eye and treats them like human beings.

Amanda: He's completed the third test.
John: Congratulations, Lynn. You're free to go.
Amanda: Yeah, but he's not all the way out.
John: Undo her collar, Amanda, and let her go.
Amanda: No, he's not finished. He's not all the way.
John: Amanda, Lynn is more important than you know. Unlock her collar and let her go.
Amanda: I said no.
John: Amanda, there are rules-
Amanda: I said no! She doesn't deserve to go free.
Lynn: You promised.
Amanda: I didn't promise you shit.
John: Amanda, even with that gun, it is Lynn who holds your life in her hands.
Amanda: Fuck you. You gave her control over me?! Fuck you!
Lynn: I won't tell anyone. I promise I won't.
Amanda: Shut up.
Lynn: Please, I have a family.
Amanda: Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up! And stop fucking moving around!
John: And what about the other test subjects that we left alive?
Amanda: What about them?
John: Is that how you felt about them? Is that how you felt about Eric Matthews?
Amanda: Eric Matthews?
John: Mmm-hmm.
Amanda: I'll tell you how I felt about Eric Matthews. Eric Matthews learned nothing from your test. He was the same person he was when he arrested me. He framed me... when he took me down.

Amanda: That's right. I'm a murderer. He took my life from me so I just returned the fucking favor.
John: No, Amanda. That's what you thought. But I know differently. You left him for dead, didn't you?
Amanda: [Whispers] Stop fucking with me.
John: But I cleaned up your mistakes. I forgave you for them.
Amanda: What you do is no different than murder. You torture people. You watch them die. But now you're begging me not to kill this worthless bitch on the grounds of some game?
John: You're walking us toward a precipice, Amanda. Step back.
Amanda: It's bullshit. Nobody changes. It's all a lie.
John: If you fail in this, we all fail. Succeed, and we all succeed.
Amanda: It's a lie. I'll tell you. She hasn't changed because nobody fucking changes. Nobody is reborn. It's all bullshit! It's all a fucking lie! And I am just a pawn in your stupid games.

Amanda: I don't mean anything to you.
John: No, you mean everything to me.
Amanda: Fuck you!
John: Our fates are linked. I've tried to help you, Amanda.
Amanda: So help me. Fix me. Fix me, you motherfucker! I'm standing right here! Why is she so important to you?
John: She's not important to me. She's important to you.
Amanda: She's not important to me.
John: I beg you to reconsider that.

John: This is your last chance, Amanda.
Amanda: She's nothing.
John: Your time's running out. Now you think about what you are doing. Think about everything that you've done. You think about what you promised me. Think about our dreams. Think about tomorrow.
[Jeff stands just outside the room]
Jeff: Lynn?
Lynn: Jeff!
[Amanda shoots Lynn]
John: You just destroyed four lives. You just murdered Jeff's wife.
[Jeff shoots [4] Amanda in the neck. She collapses at the counter next to John.]
John: Amanda. It's okay. This was your test. Your game.
John: What do I want? I want to play a game. You are being tested. Your will is being tested. Your will to keep someone alive. Can you do that? Can you follow the rules and grant someone the gift of life?
John: I was testing you. I took you in.
John: You will give everything to me.
Amanda: Yes.
John: Every cell in your body.
John: [Narrating] I selected you for the honor of carrying on my life's work. But you didn't.
Amanda: That's right. I'm a murderer.
John: I despise murderers.
John: [Narrating] You didn't test anyone's will to live.
Amanda: Game over.
John: [Narrating] Instead, you took away their only chance. Your games were unwinnable, your subjects merely victims.
Kerry: You.
John: There is no turning back. Do you understand that?
John: [Narrating] In my desperation, I decided to give you one last chance. So I put everything in place.
Amanda: You chose her 'cause she's the best, right?
John: That's one reason I chose her.
John: [Narrating] You didn't know that Lynn and Jeff were husband and wife. I had to keep that from you for the purposes of my game. I had to leave out the ruined marriage, the cheating wife, the vengeful husband, the neglected daughter, and I let you make your own choices.
John: I wanted you to succeed.
John: Amanda. Put it away. Trust me. Even with that gun, it is Lynn who holds your life in her hands.
Amanda: She's not important to me.
John: I beg you to reconsider that. Unlock her collar and let her go.
Amanda: I said no!
John: The rules of our game have been made very clear. You need to abide by those rules.
John: You couldn't. Oh, god.
[Amanda collapses and dies]
John: Game over.

[John turns and sees Jeff pointing a gun at him]
John: [scoffs] You haven't learned anything tonight, have you? Your rage and your vengeance will only hurt the ones you love. Killing me will only add to your misery. It will not bring back your son. Think of your daughter, Jeff. She needs you, now more than ever. You can't kill me, Jeff.
[Jeff laughs and pulls the trigger. It clicks empty.]
John: Your wife's dying, Jeff. Her time's running out. [Jeff walks over to Lynn] Jeff, do not miscalculate. Your fate is in my hands. Your wife's fate is in my hands.
Jeff: [Quietly, to Lynn] I love you.
Lynn: [To Jeff] I love you.
Jeff: I'm taking you home, okay?
John: Though you may not see any threat, there are threats all around you. Jeff, if you try to move your wife, she will die. I can have an ambulance here in four minutes. Would you like to take your wife out of here tonight? Would you like to take her to safety?
Lynn: Stay.
John: Stand and face me, Jeff.
Lynn: Stay with me.
John: Right now. Would you like to get your life back? Would you, Jeff? I can make that happen. Which is it, Jeff? Come on. Yes or no?
Jeff: Yes. What do you want?
John: One final test. The rules are simple. Over on that table is a host of vicious implements which you can use to exact your pound of flesh, to take your vengeance, to indulge your obsession. Or, you can choose to put your vengeance aside and you can forgive. You can forgive me for the pain that I've caused you and your wife tonight. Which is it going to be, Jeff? It's up to you. Live or die, Jeff. Make our choice.
[A long, tense moment passes by]
Jeff: I forgive you.
[Jeff walks away]
Lynn: [Weakly] Jeff. Jeff. [Jeff approaches John with a power saw] Jeff!
John: Yeah.
Lynn: Jeff, no...
[Jeff slashes John's throat]
Jeff: I forgive you.
[Lynn's shotgun collar activates. John starts a tape]
Tape: Hello, Jeff. I made this tape as an, insurance policy, if you will.
Lynn: Jeff!
Tape: And if you're listening to it, then it's time to collect. I was your final test of forgiveness and if you're listening to this, then you failed. Now you must pay the price. The price for living for nothing but vengeance. Now I will give you something to live for. I told you that you couldn't kill me, Jeff, but I didn't tell you why. And the answer is simple: I am the person responsible for the loss of your child. I am the only person who knows where your daughter is. She only has a limited supply of air, Jeff...
Jeff: [Screaming] No!
Tape: ...and if you want to get her back, you'll have to play a game.
[John dies]
Jeff: No!
Lynn: Jeff!
[Jeff turns around as Lynn's shotgun collar detonates, blowing her head apart]
Jeff: NO! NO!


  • Every game has its loopholes...
  • Hello, America. Do you want to play a game?
  • If it's Halloween, it must be Saw...
  • Legends never die.
  • Like Father, Like Daughter.
  • Opening wide this Halloween.
  • Pain: it's part of the puzzle. Blood: it's the price of freedom. Death: it's not that easy.
  • Some Rules Are Meant To Be Broken...
  • Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet...
  • To the victor goes the spoils.
  • This Halloween He's Pulling Out All The Stops.
  • This Halloween... I will judge you... your blood shall flow... throughout the land... for I have spoken. (Ezekiel 21-33-37) [5]



  1. The eight people are Danica, Halden, Timothy, Amanda, Jigsaw, Lynn, Jeff, and the couple's daughter Corbett.
  2. Originally scipted to be Never compare your suffering to mine.
  3. Saw IV
  4. Jeff found a bullet, clip, and pistol as he moved through his tests.
  5. While this is an actual Bible verse, it has been significantly re-worded. Also, depending on the Bible, the verse is sometimes Ezekiel 21:30-32.

See also

  Films     Shorts     "Saw" (2003)  
  Features     Saw  (2004) · Saw II  (2005) · Saw III  (2006) · Saw IV  (2007) · Saw V  (2008) · Saw VI  (2009) · Saw 3D  (2010)   · Jigsaw  (2017)   · Spiral: From the Book of Saw  (2021)   · Saw X  (2023)  
  Comic     Saw: Rebirth  (2005)  
  Video games     Saw  (2009) · Saw II: Flesh & Blood  (2010)  
  Miscellaneous     Last words in Saw media · Scream Queens  (2008–2010)  
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