Chicory, scientific name: Cichorium intybus is a herbaceous perennial
Perennial refers to that which lasts or remains active throughout the year, or all the time. In botanical usage as a plant it can have a life cycle of more than two years (annual, biennial.). Figuratively, it means continuing without cessation or intermission; perpetual; permanent; unceasing; never failing, enduring; lasting; timeless. It could also mean recurrent; appearing or recurring again and again.
- Quotes are arranged alphabetically by author
A - F
- The dahlia which is a perennial, is a native of Mexico from whence it was first introduced into Spain, from thence it has gradually spread itself over Europe...The dahlia, or Georgina, as it is called by the botanists on the continent, belongs to the class Syngcnexia of Linnaeus, and the natural order Corymbiferce of Jussieu. The dahlia may be cultivated either as a perennial bulb, or as an annual; as, however, the old plants flower somewhat earlier than those produced from seeds, and as the finest flowers already obtained are continued in this way.
- William Blackwood in: The Quarterly Journal of Agriculture, Volume 6 , 1836, p. 72,75
- Patient, dramatic, serious, genial,
From over to over the game goes on,
Weaving a pattern of hardy perennial,
Civilization under the sun.- Gerald Bullett in: Ivor John Carnegie Brown London Newnes, 1960
- The perennial existence of bodies corporate and their fortunes are things particularly suited to a man who has long views, who meditates designs that require time in fashioning, which propose duration when accomplished.
- Edmund Burke in: Reflections on the Revolution in France, J. Dodsley, 1790, p. 234

Philosophy in India has sprung from the spiritual experience of the ancient sages; it is not the result of mere intellectual speculation. Since it aims at the knowledge of Intellectual reality it is termed as Darsana or "Vision of Truth." - Swami Chinmayananda.
- Philosophy in India has sprung from the spiritual experience of the ancient sages; it is not the result of mere intellectual speculation. Since it aims at the knowledge of Intellectual reality it is termed as Darsana or "Vision of Truth."
- Swami Chinmayananda in: The Art of Living, Chinmaya Mission, 1994 , p. 93
- Vedanta stands out as the most significant and native philosophy of India. It answers the strict demands of metaphysics, and the deep requirements of a sound religion. The system of Vedanta derives its doctrines from the Prasthana Trayi which comprises the three great text books, viz, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Sutras. Vedanta is the clearest and most comprehensive summary ever made of the perennial philosophy; hence its enduring value is meant not only for Indians, but for all mankind.
- Swami Chinmayananda in: "The Art of Living", p. 93
G - L

Solidago, commonly called goldenrods, is a genus of about 100 species of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. Most are herbaceous perennial species found in the meadows and pastures, along roads, ditches and waste areas in North America.
- Annual plants are by definition plants whose life cycle lasts only one year, from seed to blooms to seed...Perennials, like old friends, return year after year, growing in size and stature until they reach their full maturity. Although they live on longer, many perennials lose their vigor after 3-4 years, and should be replaced. Most perennial plants can be divided to produce new plants, or they can be grown from seeds or cuttings.
- Garden in: Deciding what kind of garden you'd like to grow, The Garden Helper
- Solidago, commonly called goldenrods, is a genus of about 100 species of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. Most are herbaceous perennial species found in the meadows and pastures, along roads, ditches and waste areas in North America.
- Perennials technically are enduring herbaceous plants that persist year after year, increasing in size by spreading.
- Alfred Byrd Graf in: Hortica: color cyclopedia of garden flora in all climates--worldwide--and exotic plants indoors, Roehrs Co., 1992, p. 5
- Chicory, scientific name: Cichorium intybus, family: Asteraceae, other common names: Chickory, Coffeeweed, Achicoria (Spanish) is a herbaceous perennial. It is a common weed of roadsides, disturbed areas, and overgrown fields. The ancient Egyptians cultivated this plant for food and medicine... The leaves can be used as greens. The roots are used as a coffee substitute. ...
- Florida Herbs in: Florida's Best Herbs and Spices: Native and Exotic Plants Grown for Scent and Flavor, Pineapple Press Inc, 2010, p. 60
- Sugarcane; scientific name: Saccharum officinarum; family: Poaceae, is a perennial monocot; other common name: Caña de Azúcar (Spanish). Sugarcane is the last of four sweetening agents. It is commercially important. About 75% of the world’s sugar is derived from sugarcane. It is considered a mild allergen. The fibrous consistency of raw chewing cane may present a choking hazard to children and others.
- Florida Herbs in : “Florida's Best Herbs and Spices: Native and Exotic Plants Grown for Scent and Flavor”, p. 184
- The idea that there is a perennial (lasting-forever) philosophy which can be extracted from past religions and which lays down the basic structure of spiritual practice far off into the distant future, seems to me as fanciful as the idea of a perennial natural science.
- John Heron in: Participatory Spirituality: A Farewell to Authoritarian Religion, Lulu.com, 2006, p. 24

So every man who becomes heartily and understandingly a channel of the divine beneficence, is enriched through every league of his life. Perennial satisfaction springs around and within him with perennial verdure. Flowers of gratitude and gladness bloom all along his pathway, and the melodious gurgle of the blessings he bears is echoed back by the melodious waves of the recipient stream. - Josiah Gilbert Holland.
- So every man who becomes heartily and understandingly a channel of the divine beneficence, is enriched through every league of his life. Perennial satisfaction springs around and within him with perennial verdure. Flowers of gratitude and gladness bloom all along his pathway, and the melodious gurgle of the blessings he bears is echoed back by the melodious waves of the recipient stream.
- Josiah Gilbert Holland in: Gold-foil: Hammered from Popular Proverbs, Scribner, 1860, p. 122
- We are not talking about mere instinctive conformity—it is, after all, a perennial failing of mankind. What we are talking about is a rationalized conformity— an open, articulate philosophy which holds that group values are not only expedient but right and good as well.
- Alan Gregerman in: The Necessity of Strangers: The Intriguing Truth About Insight, Innovation, and Success, John Wiley & Sons, 21-Aug-2013, p. 33
- The Gita is one of the clearest and most comprehensive summaries of the Perennial Philosophy ever to have been made. Hence its enduring value, not only for Indians, but for all mankind. The Bhagavad-Gita is perhaps the most systematic spiritual statement of the Perennial Philosophy.
- Aldous Huxley in: Steven Rosen Essential Hinduism, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1 January 2006, p. 107
M - R

It is when we unbosom ourselves to Him, and confide to Him all our cares and sorrows and temptations, that He walks with us, and abides with us, and opens to us the Scriptures concerning Himself — His dignity, His suitableness, His loveliness. His truth, His tenderness, His faithfulness, revealing Himself in us;... - Richard Fuller .
- Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.- Franky T. Respicio in: No Greater Sacrifice for Love of Country, Xlibris Corporation, 28 June 2012, p. 96
- It is when we unbosom ourselves to Him, and confide to Him all our cares and sorrows and temptations, that He walks with us, and abides with us, and opens to us the Scriptures concerning Himself — His dignity, His suitableness, His loveliness. His truth, His tenderness, His faithfulness, revealing Himself in us; causing our hearts to burn within us — to burn with love, gratitude, devotion, courage, joy — to burn with a celestial fire, which consumes all selfishness and sin, and glows, a pure, perennial flame, upon pure, living altars.
S - Z

The strawberry (Fragaria X ananasa Duch) is a perennial plant, which belongs to the family Rosaceae. This family consists of about 100 genera and 3000 species, most of which are perennial herbs, shrubs and trees... - Amina Sirag Saied.
- I think this war has rather crystallised my pacifism. I think in the past I was like a lot of people who said I’ve got pacifistic inclination but I’m not a pacifist because what I couldn’t find in my own mind was the answer to that perennial question: ‘Ah, yes, but what would you have done when the Nazis were coming?’ And as someone with Jewish blood I’ve always found that difficult to answer, but the thing with this war which makes it so wrong in so many different ways is that it exposes that argument about the Nazis as a specious argument, in that it assumes a conditional assumption i.e. that you are in 1939, because it can be answered with a similar kind of conditional question: ‘But hang on a minute, if everyone had been a pacifist in 1914 then the Nazis would never have come to power.
- Will Self in: Self : Feeding Frenzy : Biting The Hand That Feeds, Spike Magazine, 1 January 2002
- The strawberry (Fragaria X ananasa Duch) is a perennial plant, which belongs to the family Rosaceae. This family consists of about 100 genera and 3000 species, most of which are perennial herbs, shrubs and trees. The family is divided into three subfamilies: Rosoideae (rose subfamily), which contains Rosa spp., Rubus spp. (raspberries and blackberries), and Fragaria spp. (strawberries).
- Amina Sirag Saied in: Differences in NaCl Stress Tolerance of Strawberry (Fragaria X Ananassa Duch.) Cultivars "Elsanta" and "Korona", Cuvillier Verlag, 2004, p. 1
- We can set our deeds to the music of a grateful heart, and seek to round our lives into a hymn — the melody of which will be recognized by all who come in contact with us, and the power of which shall not be evanescent, like the voice of the singer, but perennial, like the music of the spheres.
- William Mackergo Taylor in: Alexander McConnell, William Revell Moody, Arthur Percy Fitt Record of Christian Work, Volume 30, Record of Christian Work Company, 1911, p. 516
- The grape is a perennial, deciduous, woody, climbing vine, which makes itself fast to its support by strong persistent tendrils, opposite or alternate with the large angular, lobed, toothed, and generally hairy leaves. The stems are numerous...
- Herbert Treadwell Wade in: The New International Encyclopaedia, Volume 10, Dodd, Mead and company, 1930, p. 253
- The common carline thistle, the centaury star thistle, and the stemless plume-thistle infest pastures with sandy or calcareous soils oftener than clayey or grass lands... The marsh plume-thistle, the various - leaved plume-thistle, and the meadow-plume thistle prevail most in loamy and clayey soils; and must be dealt with in the manner of other perennial thistles.
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