What matters most in terms of Cross-Strait relations is that both sides demonstrate goodwill to each other. Nothing works if they (both sides) hold grudges.
Many people say ‘first be friends, then get married’. But if you cannot even reach the first stage, it is hard to tell what comes afterward.

Ko Wen-je (柯文哲; Kē Wénzhé) (born 6 August, 1959) is a politician in Taiwan (Republic of China). He currently serves as the Mayor of Taipei since 25 December 2014.


  • This is an ever-changing world. Seven years ago, who would have thought that the iPhone would change the world? A year ago, who would have thought that I would become the mayor of Taipei? Just a month ago, who would have thought that I would be standing here in front of you today? However, one thing remains unchanged, and that is the long-lasting friendship that Taipei and Shanghai have established.
  • If we work to (make) the welfare of the people our goal based on the concept that both sides (Taiwan and Mainland China) belong to one family, increase the exchange and cooperation between the two sides so as to construct a cross-strait community of a common destiny and to pursue a better future for people on the both sides, then certain deadlock we're facing at the moment can be broken.
  • I am willing to respect the 2020 Tokyo Olympics name rectification campaign (from "Chinese Taipei" to "Taiwan"), but I do not like being forced or to encounter people who want others to express their political ideas and do so with loud demands. Frankly speaking, I really dislike this kind of behavior.
  • I used that phrase (both sides of the Taiwan Strait are one family) in 2015 and last year (2017). Like I said at the very beginning, we should avoid throwing a wild card and should just stick to old practices.
  • What matters most (for Taiwan in dealing with Mainland China) is exerting the positive influence of Taiwan and making (mainland) Chinese people envy life on the (Taiwan) island. This would be key to the survival of Taiwan.
  • Why would anyone (referring to the Tibetans) choose self-immolation to take their own life? That is weird. Why self-immolation? I do not get it.

Quotes about Ko Wen-je

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