
Caparezza, pseudonym of Michele Salvemini (1973 – living), Italian singer-songwriter and rapper.

Quotes by Caparezza

  • At the beginning of my career I was terrified of becoming a one-shot singer, from one song and away. Instead I managed to distract people from my so-called hits, like Fuori dal Tunnel for example, which for me are just songs.[source 1]
  • Those who only rap about content are often lacking in flow, they cannot express themselves freely either in terms of metrics or rhymes because they have to give a complete meaning to what they say, and in doing so they risk losing a lot of opportunities to come up with funny and interesting metrics which however have the flaw of not being functional to the discussion.[1]
  • From the tunnel, from every tunnel, one comes out trying to think with one's own head, not to be standardized and to be able to build an individual vision of the world.[fonte 1]
  • There are definitely some rappers who don't like me. This is clear. Even some musicians don't look favorably on me. It's a normal thing, if it were just out of empathy. It's not like that, but I don't actually care. I have never been influenced by anyone, not even by the expectations of the fans, let alone by my colleagues. There is ostracism against me. The biggest truth is that I have no interest in the opinion of the rap scene. Who cares, I say. I'll get out of it. All music is compared to cultural phenomena, even smooth music is, but I refuse that there is a sectoral and inelastic way of seeing music.[fonte 2]
  • It is always good to distinguish [sic] the word from the example: I am not a paladin. I express what I feel and what I care to communicate with the hope that my critical sense on certain issues can serve to support those who try to improve this society.[source 2]

More songs:

  • You find a job, you lose it, you start over again, | your Via Crucis in a provincial capital. (from Alita gli ani[2], 2012)
  • My nation leaves everyone breathless: | "Boss, Italy for the Italians!" | Italy breathes ani, Italy breathes ani. (from Alita gli ani[2], 2012)
  • With a strike you try to shake your head, | what does he actually do other than shake his head? (from Alita gli ani[2], 2012)
  • Your story is not that of a blackcap, | you don't get grades, but kicks in the face, Capoeira, | balancing on the rope from one end to the other, | subordinate, you pass from one end to the other. (from Alita gli ani[2], 2012)

Quotes from songs:

Template:Text authors

Like Mikimix:

I'm holding on:

Etichetta: Sony Music, 1996, produced by Matteo Bonsanto.

  • I was in a small city park, | immersed in the chirping of a thousand birds, | cip cip cip cup and among a thousand distractions, | even the one inside the trousers can be felt, | stay calm and listen to this story, it's hilarious, | about what happened to me so as not to get it on myself. (from Tengo duro, n. 1)
  • If I hold on, something will be remedied, | in front of me a girl reads the "Divine Comedy", | but how do these people read in the tram, I don't know, | but I just know that I'll have to wait a bit but in the meantime. (from Tengo duro, n. 1)
  • I'm happy to let myself go away, | I buy kilos and kilos of lottery tickets | and I think of a rude man's journey, | with palm leaves waved by half-naked girls | to millions of millions | to dive into it like Scrooge McDuck. (from It Only Happens in Films, n. 2)
  • The miniskirt exalts you, | brings you to the limelight | and when it's short it makes you taller | heats up when the butt holds tight, | elegant on the butt that shakes | or by bicycle, | lying on the seat, | to make a massacre of hearts along the way. (from Women in miniskirts, n. 7)

My lucky star:

Label: Sony Music, 1999.

  • The dream captures for hours and hours and hours, | sometimes it makes war, sometimes it makes love | and when you close your eyes you never know what happens, | goodbye to your life, see you tomorrow in the morning, | as calm as inside your pyjamas, | I hold my pillow like a child | who perhaps becomes a girl to me | or perhaps it reminds me of the stifled crying in the darkness of the cradle. (from E la notte se ne ne, n. 1)
  • How many times have I remained crouched, | that I felt like an abandoned dog, | I looked back and didn't see anyone anymore | and I took it out on fate | and right on the edge of the abyss | that I was only asking for help from myself, | I saw in the blackest night of mourning | a star that illuminated everything for me. (from My lucky star, n. 6)

Demos (C.E.1998-1999):

I start again from Capa:

Etichetta: 1998, produced by Caparezza.

  • Outside the rules music is rubbish, | challenge Caparezza only if you're up to it, "ah ha", | because if your free-style sobs | I already know that I will open you like a mussel | and your carriage, at half time, becomes a pumpkin again | and you have to go out with a wig, | better not to be recognized | in the family when it becomes a clan." (from Tutta flava e famiglia, n. 3)
  • While I reflect on my position, | here, sheltered, | under a black umbrella | which guards my silence like a monastery: | «I've learned not to trust you, | deceiving water, | I don't like your sound, | even if, for some this is music that travels, | for me it remains a damned rainy day." (from Damned rainy day, n. 4)
  • As in my sea of ​​thoughts | of which I am shipwrecked in my serious moments, | I think of the rivers, who grow fat like pigs, | then they overflow, and the walls of the houses collapse, | under the lightning catastrophes of a few moments | which have the price of a life, | waiting for clear weather to come. (from Damned rainy day, n. 4)
  • My shoes are soaked, my bones too, | my fears echo like distant thunder. (from Damned Rainy Day, n. 4)
  • Here is the jewelry seller, | broke a beer bottle and made rings with it, | they cost as much as a panettone, | calling you is like competing to see who is the biggest idiot. (from Telemonnezza, n. 5)
  • My problems come out like mushrooms | they echo in my mind like a bongo solo, | they are muds that dirty me, grease me, immobilize me if | I go mad as in a check against the king, | even if I got out of it | I admit that I am attracted to it like a bee in a field of flowers, | like a drunkard among liquors, | they go up and down inside me like hotel elevators | and even if I went to the Seychelles | they would chase me, they would wait for me | at the gate like a dog when the cat is on the tree. (from Vivo in inquietudine, n. 11)

Quotes about Caparezza:

  • Caparezza in my opinion is the only main-stream artist who really makes a difference here in Italy and the fact of being his friend and precious collaborator for years makes me a satisfied and grateful person. (Diego Perrone)
  • You must always grasp the compelling absurdities that he says about Caparezza... some expressions that perhaps you cannot immediately understand what they mean, but of an almost enigmatic beauty, as if they were riddles at times... of the words that stand there to think but what is Caparezza saying? And then you realize that in the context it is linear, it is perfect. (Roberto Vecchioni)
  • And take a quick look at the news | and discover that in Japan a poodle marries his vet, | fuck! This Turi is truly legendary, | better than Capare...mmmhh but is it really necessary? (Turi)
  • I saw Caparezza overturn on his bike | after I broke his brakes with the root breaker. (Fabri Fibra)
  • In Italy I would like to Template:NDR Caparezza, who is snubbed by the rap world, even if in my opinion he is one of the few who always manages to put content even in the most danceable pieces... (Shade)
  • Template:NDR In a normal country he wouldn't sell any. (Gianfranco Rotondi:)
  • I don't have it against him, but I find it absurd that he is seen in a more intellectual way than me because he is long-haired and badly dressed and condemns politicians for things that even stones know. (Marracash)
  • For this reason the most convincing Template:NDR was Caparezza, a talented madman who expresses protest in an obliquely cheerful way. (Andrea Scanzi)
  • All the criticism that doesn't listen to us | if you act busy unless you are Caparezza. (Marracash)


Etichetta: 1999, produced by Caparezza.

  • If being the MC means being a bricklayer who builds | the calligraphic rhyme is as stylish as it is static, | practice practically absent of theory, | it's not my story, well yes, I'm not an MC, but so be it. (from The Hoe Shoe, n. 1)
  • The human race craves a fate that smacks of clinical death, | but he recites the usual cynical mimicry: | «Okay, that's it for today but tomorrow uou hou, uou hou!» (from But tomorrow uou hou, n. 8)


Etichetta: Extra labels, 2000, produced by Caparezza.

  • Easy to stay blind as an alley, | dumb f*cking puppet for my ventriloquist. (from Mea culpa[3], n. 2)
  • I strongly wanted to grow tired of madmen | to understand that I wasn't among them | but among the rebels. (from Mea culpa[3], n. 2)
  • I would like to know my language less than Biscardi, | criticize scrawl drawn by Sgarbi, | put hair under Barbie's armpits, | knowing that Wilma is having it out with Barnie, | who secretly Red Ronnie gorges himself on meat." ref>, n. 3)
  • Everything that is there, is already there. | So what happens in my pieces? | I will make the impossible possible | until reality is made possible. (from Everything there is[4], n. 3)
  • I would like to raise chalices like a perfect priest, | Marilyn Manson will be my altar boy. (from All There Is[4], n. 3)
  • Shout | thinking about jewels, waste, | these mothers attached to the rings more than Yuri Chechi, | they go to the hairdresser and don't make love so as not to ruin their hair | and dads blowjobs on the buttocks of Pirelli calendars. (from Mammamiamammà, n. 4)
  • All mothers in the world are beautiful, | you're right, | but they only have children if the seed tears the goldone, | it works when the baby is hungry | and moans, | feed the breast with silicone milk | and good breakfast. (from Mammamiamammà, n. 4)
  • Chat also because talking is more difficult! (from The original people[4], n. 5)
  • I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I don't do drugs, I don't drink, | sometimes I think I'm the real alternative! (from The original people[4], n. 5)
  • I like normal people, who lead normal lives, | who has children to feed, bills to pay and doesn't even have time to shit. (from The original people[4], n. 5)
  • If conflict was the solution to my problems | I would always be in conflict. (from The conflict, n. 6)
  • If my woman shits missiles I repudiate her. (from The conflict, n. 6)
  • If they have humiliated you, insulted you, made you a cuckold... | Well, if they've pushed you to the limit, you stay silent! (from Fuck the violence[4], n. 7)
  • Take example from many great men, such as mahatma Gandhi, | by many non-violent who have become Saints. (from F*ck the violence[4], n. 7)
  • If the soul was born free then it cannot be calibrated. (from F*ck the violence[4], n. 7)
  • If there is someone who provokes you, don't fuel his fire, | It's of little use anyway and you'd be playing his game. (from F*ck the violence[4], n. 7)
  • The next is easy to hate, | if you are strong love him | that we are all the ones who commit massacres Capaci. (from Fuck the violence[4], n. 7)
  • A crumb of the good I want for you is enough to feed you, | I would like to comb your hair with my fingers, | I would like to tie you up | to a grain of sand like Fidenco[5], | in love with you because I have nothing to do like Tenco[6], | you know I like the breath of your nostrils, | when you sew me on | sweet kisses like scars. (from Ti clonerò, n. 8)
  • You're a hallucination, | the obsession | of each of my neurons, | if I don't have you near me I fall into depression, | I would be happy with you even if you were a clone, | in fact I think this is the solution. (from Ti clonerò, n. 8)
  • Let yourself clone my beloved, | if you were a phone card I would have collected you, | as an original | or as a pirate copy you sound good | and what concerts when we are together! (From I will clone you, n. 8)
  • There are those who want me crazy and those who madly hope that he will top career, | from evening to morning he gets stubborn, sticks needles into my doll! (From La fitta sassaiola dell'ingiuria'[7], n. 9)
  • The water you throw on my fire becomes gasoline, | every insulting is manikin for my window. | Know that my doctrine | doesn't give a damn about who is after and who before. (from La densssaiola dell'ingiuria[7], n. 9)
  • I like that it hail on my face | the thick pear of the iniuria, | the handle just to feel alive | to the shell of my hair.[8] (from La fitta sassaiola dell'ingiuria'[7], n. 9)
  • There is a shortage of walls used for memory, | pure vanad, it hurts like a tooth that cays | my weakness for the victims of history; | they hated them, humiliated them, left them to fate | to court them after death. (from La putta sassaiola dell'ingiuria[7], n. 9)
  • I'm satiated with a dictionary varied more than the saints of the calendar! (From La thick sassaiola of the insult[7], n. 9)
  • I like to know myself different, | perverse pleasure that I pour in verses on scattered sheets, | in the paragraphs of the days lost in my remorse. (from La stta sassaiola dell'ingiuria[7], n. 9)
  • Who tampers with the tits of the sculpture | ignores its love and care. (from La thick sassaiola dell'ingiuria[7], n. 9)
  • I have not changed, | the heart and the thoughts are the same | on the magnificent carpet of the verses | I want to tell you something that touches you.[8] (from La densssaiola dell'ingiuria[7], n. 9)
  • Sti quindicenni have malaria, | the lazy face, they already use Viagra, | in the festival of fools the fools are many, | thick flocks of dead goths statev' accuorti! | They preach death, they want death, death in spade, | if you like death explain ... what do you not kill yourself? (From Chi c*zzo me lo[4], n. 10)
  • Leave me just like Rita Pavone | if you go to see the football game[9]' | because I don' | Slogans thugs who know of fascist ances, | on 'stles are fans mixed with terrorists, | you want to be sad if the murder escapes, | this caciara gives me an intense sense of annoyance. | Hooligans and swastika perfect combination, | I would put that pole straight in your ass with the Scudetto, | too many Ultrà peasants without names have armed hands, | as Antoine said those throw you stones.[10] (from Il secondo me, n. 1)
  • English professors who do not learn another language, | English will never have to change currency, | English will always drive on the wrong side | that's why those who go to London I know they come back a little changed. (from The second me, n. 1)
  • They say that the Arabs write to the contrary, | Mohamed said that I write in reverse, | so everything right reveals its opposite | and if not you agree I feel sorry for you! (From The second second to me , n. 1)
  • When there was him the trains left on time, | when he was there they deported us on time, | when he was there we weren't there | that if we were there we would have been pale. (from The second opinion of me , n. 1)
  • Then vote for me and you'll see, I'll find you a job, | vote for me and you'll see that you won't get hurt, | vote for me and you'll see, from tomorrow I'll love you, | son, once here it was all electoral campaign. (from The second according to 1)
Caparezza in 2008
Caparezza in 2008
  • Do you want to be a singer? You will need a pust! | Do you want to be a councilor? You'll need a boost! | Do you want to make a career? You'll need a boost! | On the edge of a ravine I would need a boost! (From The second second to me , n. 1)
  • I'm not married, let's say I live together. | I'm not unemployed, let's say I'm studying. | I'm not a delinquent, let's say I'll make do. | Let's say let's say let's say a lot of bullshit! (From The second second to me , n. 1)
  • Don't look Devilman you become violent! | Don't read Spiderman, you get violent! | Don't listen to Method Man, you get violent! | Imagine what it's like to stay one day in parliament... (from The second in my opinion , n. 1)
  • Politicians no no no are no longer what they used to be | the women no no no they are no longer those of the past | I no no no no no I'm no longer what they used to be | only the rhetoric has remained the same! (From The second second to me , n. 1)
  • I have my balls full of it | rather I don't go out, | in the herd I stay | only if I'm the German shepherd. (from No breed, n. 2)
  • Assums tity that as suppositions | if he puts them in his ass. (from No race, n. 2)
  • The situation is delusional, | it's like the naia where | the more he had power the more was ignorant. (from No race, n. 2)
  • If I talk about bullshit everyone says it's nice, | if I make controversy they are slaughter meat. | For heaven's sake, much better the platitudes, | "talking about emotions", this is the motto. (from The Law of the nettle, n. 3)
  • I don't give a fuck about poetry, | I myself was born for a condom that broke. (from The Law of Nettle, n. 3)
  • When I drop the text, what do you want me to tell you? | There is no taste if it does not irritate. (from The Law of the Hives, n. 3)
  • But love what is it? | It is a concept that means everything and nothing, | from the obvious love of the man in love | to love in the broad sense for people. (from The Law of the nettle, n. 3)
  • I like those who croak, | those who crippled what they play, | the singer with the good voice | go to the monastery, | in the choir of the clergy. (from The law of nettle, n. 3)
  • Bacco, | you guide this insane man who fell at the hands of a female, | I insist, since the weather has predicted clouds of fog on my retina. | Here you toast and do not skimp | even if you give | a bad image of yourself, | after yet another sip assimilated for you! (From Sango and Drunken, n. 4)
  • Politicians who play actors, | guys who have their parents for work? | Uè! They have all gone crazy, | they convinced them that they will all be entrepreneurs ... (from Sango e Srunkzo, n. 4)
  • Here, | comes the bad and persuasive oc, | a proud liar who knows how to say only what people want to hear, | I do not touch his sago, | I am a deaf sorce to the piper. [11] (from Dagli to the untore, n. 7)
  • I'm out of the tunnel | of fun, | I'm out of the tunnel | of fun, | when I leave home and I get bored | I'm very happy. | When I leave the house and get bored | I'm much happier. (from Out of the tunnel, n. 8)
  • Of you spending salaries, | crammed into stupendous places | between asses on cubes, | succubi of horrendous beats, | brandy juices and you lie down. (from Out of the tunnel, n. 8)
  • Being a friend of Baldan Bembo, | they are a silence | that can become music[12] (from The insects of the farm, n. 4)
  • Come and see, come on, come and see | the wonderful insects of the farm; | and if you bend down, but you can't see, | all normal, they got into your butt. (from The insects of the farm, n. 4)
  • And the grilli, shiny idyll singers, | muted by purifying insecticides. (from The insects of the farm, n. 4)
  • Extraordinary edition of the "Podere della sera"! | Black saw cries for the warrior bee, | fired in the trunk the termite despairs, | centipede kick ass at the border, | the mite laughs because the world is a powder keg. (from The insects of the farm, n. 4)
  • I am the toro with a great size, | but I miss the words, | like yeti you think I'm abominable | because you see me precipitating, | but it's just the disposition | with which fairy tales paint me. (from On the side of the bull, n. 5)
  • The torero who knows it is the authoritative, | he behaves with me like an honorable, | he wants to impose his rules on me, | for fame he would also kill the offspring, | of the bullfight he believes the Hercules | well, you give up your sword and take me to wave. (from From the side of the 5)
  • Already that I'm a earth sign | I leave you on the ground with a sign. (from On the side of the bull, n. 5)
  • The life is reprehensible | because it makes the joy of the culprit | and I who wanted it enchanting, | like rain I fall from the clouds. (from On the side of the bull, n. 5)
  • Now there are too many bulls outside the fence | with beltd head like Moreno and Hillary Clinton. (from On the side of the bull, n. 5)
  • Open your eyes baby, be careful baby, | don't fear the black man, don't fear the wolf man, | don't fear the gloomy man, just fear the cunning man. | He is a tutor he takes everything he can. (from Ninna nanna di Mazzarò, n. 6)
  • Baby'Baby, lullaby, Mazzarò is coming. | Stay awake that otherwise, take away what you can. | Lullaby, lullaby no, Mazzarò is coming. | Stay awake that otherwise, take away what you can. (from Ninna nanna di Mazzarò, n. 6)
  • On the canvas your entire life with a prologue: | your mother opening her legs to the gynecologist. (from The Silence of the Guilty, n. 7)
  • Speak, the truth is there you don't have to deny it. | Speak, whoever closes the hole does not stay afloat. | Speak, from your mouth free the fall | like a butterfly that soars from the calla. | Speak, mutisms are inlistenable. | Speak, mors have weak rudders. | Speak, use endless terms. | Speak, because the silence is of the culprits. (from The Silence of the Guilty, n. 7)
  • The silence is golden and you sell it to the worst bidders. (from The Silence of the Guilty, n. 7)
  • Make an opinion | or you will end up like the facts of metadone. (from The Silence of the Guilty, n. 7)
  • Who tace is subject to the will of loquacious, | you drink bullshit like the war of peace. (from The Silence of the Guilty, n. 7)
  • I have amletic doubts typical of solds: | to be or not to be pathetic? (From My intolerant part, n. 9)
  • I don't live on a ball, I don't talk about pussy, | I don't wear good clothes | so I'm out of any discussion! (From My intolerant part, n. 9)
  • I study in a class of fighters excited by red blood cells | they weren't even Bela Lugosi.[13] (from My Intolerant Part, n. 9)
  • At severeen years old the options are two: since you either become pushing | or you become like me, that I'm weak, | that I have no rules, that I have demodé stuff, | that I hate the cliché of man | who must never ask[14], | since if you don't ask you don't know.' (from My intolerant part, n. 9)
  • Better depressed than assholes like 'I don't give a fuck', | why don't they say 'I'm interested'? | Let a cypress be buggered, therefore, | so much my destiny is to be alone with anyone. (from My intolerant part, n. 9)
  • Ambrace the rifle, prepare the cannon, | defend the green from the golden curls. | Eject the negròn, inforca the terròn, | and serve your people with shining love. (from [Innins from the Songs|Inno]] Verdano, n. 10)
  • Now I understand how right he was, | now that I am a state soldier without the south, | now that the toilet paper is over, | but it doesn't matter, I put the constitution in it anyway. (from Inno Verdano, n. 10)
  • The Verdano people are eager | for the separation from Italy that tears apart. | And if the wall falls in Germany who cares | I raise it in Verdania since... (from Inno Verdano, n. 10)
  • I want to wave with emotion | a tricolor without white or red. | I want to praise the exalted deputy, | who wants the immigrant humiliated and beaten. (from Inno Verdano, n. 10)
  • It's none of my business if it doesn't add up, | if politics is sick and thieving, | I'm going down the street, but be careful, | only if you touch my team! (from Epocalypse, n. 11)
  • I want the calendar of a naked and bent over actress, | John Cena's photo. | I want a trans in a bikini | in my rum and cocaine parties. (from Epocalypse, n. 11)
  • I live in a Masonic family, | than in comparison the members of P2 of Gelli | they look like those of Catholic Action. (from The Auditels Family, n. 13)
  • Setting a net will be humiliating | for Boris Becker not for us, | secrets like the mirror by Nanni Loy[15]' ' | but famous like Leroy[16], | heroes like Brad Pitt in "Troy", | we fill the graves more than hindsight." (from The Auditels Family, n. 13)
  • We have a plan with a cornerstone: | turn shopping recommendations into an order, | sinking quality programs | because the intelligent user knows himself | who doesn't like advertising. (from The Auditels Family, n. 13)
  • They will vanish as per the command of the ubi maior[17] | stuffing yourself with psychotropic drugs, trust 'this chemical doughs, | they give them to you doctors who go on vacation to the Tropics. (from I'm too constipated, 18)
  • You and I will fly together in flesh and blood[18]', | but I will be the flesh and you will be the bones for the pit. (from I'm too constipated, n. 18)
  • Nuntio Vobis Gaudium Magnum: Habemus Capa! (From Habemus Capa, n. 19)
  • I sifting terms and I don't end if I go arm in arm, | but is it me or the one I'm pretending to be? (From Habemus Capa, n. 19)

Quotes on Habemus Capa:

  • It is the record I am most fond of, because it took over a year of work and allowed me to continue on an even more personal path, identified by some as a new way to the singer-songwriter. (Caparezza, Mental sagas)
  • Habemus Capa is my most political record, therefore a suicide. The whole concept of the album develops from the last sentence of the previous record: "Mom, how many records will they sell if I spend myself!" [19] (Caparezza, Mental sagas)
  • This song Template:NDR reveals the meaning of the whole album Habemus Capa. Caparezza is dead and through his corpse he observes his surroundings and pours it into verse. He will never speak in the following songs, but he will make someone else speak for him, possessing his body. (Caparezza, Mental sagas)

The dimensions of my chaos:

'Label: Virgins Records, 2008, produced by Carlo Ubaldo Rossi.

  • God's name is Zappa Frank Vincent. (from La rivoluzione del Sessintutto, n. 1)
  • The fricchettoni wanted to change the world, | those of my world want to watch porn | of reduced newsstands and expose more sterns | of the fleets in the port of Livorno . (from La rivoluzione del Sessintutto , n. 1)
  • Schoolchildren, are forced so | that the Pierino of Vitali | is an aristocratic figure. (from La rivoluzione del Sessintutto, n. 1)
  • There's a new sign at the sex shop: | 'You're going to pay dearly, you're going to pay for everything! (From La rivoluzione del Sessintutto, n. 1)
  • The plague of modern man | is to spend the nights with eyes on the screen | to become adult with a click on 'Confermo. (from La rivoluzione del Sessintutto, n. 1)
  • The idea of making a career doesn't touch it. | She doesn't suck coke at the Flora hotel. | In the parties of the Christian Democrats | if you have an illness you go down the plunge. | He does not go with the deputies, | he does not do the lolita, | he does not have the standard of living standards in life. | He invites me to challenging ties | like Tenco and Dalida, Radamés and Aida! (From Ulisse (You listen), n. 2)
  • Brother do you know what a pocket is? | It is a tub in which it meers, | in which every sin is programmed more than Pascal.[20] (from Don't put your hands in your pockets, n. 3)
  • You are an unhealthy pocket bearer, | it suits you | confess | who with his hands in his pockets | you want to protest. (from Don't put your hands in your pockets, n. 3)
  • We excommunicated in the name of God | a book by Dan Brown | on the Priory of Sion | giving the start | to an era of putting to death | from Crozza to Andrea Rivera, | passing through Harry Potter. (from Don't put your hands in your pockets, n. 3)
  • There's jail | for those who carry pockets | because there is no control in the pockets! (from Don't put your hands in your pockets, n. 3)
  • From that moment on, whoever carries a pocket | or is an artist | or a drug addict | or both like Basquiat. (from Don't put your hands in your pockets, n. 3)
  • People who just need to be contrary like bastian | to give himself more airs than Bach Sebastian composed. (from Don't put your hands in your pockets, n. 3)
  • This is why you were arrested, | you believe in the tale of the free pocket | in the free stratum.[21] (from ' 'Don't put your hands in your pockets, n. 3)
  • In nome Libertatis vincula edificamus. | In nome veritatis mendacia efferimus.[22] (from Don't put your hands in your pockets, n. 3)
  • The years of lead, | the massacres, the kidnappings... but no! | I'm not interested in topics like these. | Me from those times | I just want to remember | "The high school student in the repeating class".
  • Ilaria from life wants more, | at least a friend of Tim-Tribù, | dumps crazy and stupid emu frogs. | She puts her tits on Badoo. (from Ilaria condizionata, n. 5)
  • Where is the air? | Where is he now? | They saw her at the procession in the shirt of Che. | He was Yelling: | "No! At your mercy" | while swallowing Nestlé chocolate. (from Ilarian air conditioning, no. 5)
  • With his hair straight at the live of the Misfits. | With the bullet-strick at the live of Fifty. (from Ilaria condizionata, n. 5)
  • Great works that begin | but will never end. (from The Great Work, n. 6)
  • More than the building hobby | I have the building lobby, | breaking the law like a bobby who serves you. | I take everything but people minimize | because I roll papers that are not called Rizla. (from The great work , n. 6)

Quotes about Exuvia:

  • It's a journey inside my head. This is the most painful album of my career. It comes after seven albums and is the result of a feeling of anguish and amazement, the same one you feel when moving inside the interactive forest that we created. Entering a forest and not knowing where you are going is strange, it is possible to enjoy the most beautiful situations, but also the bad ones. I think that this journey, similar to a video game, can help the public understand the project: it's like when you order a wine at a restaurant, if someone explains it to you it immediately takes on more value.[source 3] (Caparezza)
  • EXUVIA, in short, is what remains of the body of some insects after having developed a formal change.
    A perfect cast, so precise in detail that it seems like a sculpture, a kind of transparent case that once housed the life and which now sits there, motionless, a simulacrum of a phase that has now been overcome.
    On the cover there is a symbol that represents the passage from a current condition (large circle) to a future one (small circle) through a series of spirals (symbol of death and rebirth in most cultures).
    My EXUVIA is therefore a personal rite of passage in 14 songs, the path of a fugitive who escapes from the imprisonment of times gone by to let himself be swallowed up by a forest in which to lose your tracks.<ref group="source">From a post on the official Instagram page, 31 March 2021.</ ref> (Caparezza)
  • [...] I don't really care how Exuvia will be received. Really. However, it matters a lot to me that people perceive the commitment that went into doing it, the commitment that I put into it. Because if taste is subjective, and it is, other things are not. And I can tell you that I could talk to you for hours, really hours, about every single sentence contained in this record; I went back to the lyrics a thousand times before finding the definitive version. In short, I don't care if you like this album, but you have to recognize the commitment behind it. Yes, this is what I ask of you, I demand this a little.[1] (Caparezza)


  1. 1 2
  2. 1 2 3 4 Composed for the soundtrack of the film Viva l'Italia.
  3. 1 2 Previously published in the demo Ricomincio da Capa (1998).
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
  5. Template:Cfr Nico Fidenco, Tied to a grain of sand (1961): «I want you cradle, cradle | placing you on a wave of the sea, of the sea | tying yourself to a grain of sand so you | in the fog you will no longer be able to escape and you will remain next to me.»
  6. Template:Cfr Luigi Tenco, I fell in love with you, track n . 7 of Luigi Tenco (1962): «I fell in love with you | because I had nothing to do, | the day I wanted someone to meet, | at night I wanted something to dream about.»
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Published previously in the demo Con Caparezza... nella monnezza (1999).
  8. 1 2 Strofa sampled by the text Confessioni di un malandrino (1975) by Angelo Branduardi. The text of Branduardi's song is the result of a translation and adaptation by the slavista Renato Poggioli of a 1920 poem by the Russian poet Sergej Aleksandrovič Esenin, entitled Confessions of a Thugist. Template:Cfr [Mental saga]], p. 48.
  9. Template:Cfr Rita Pavone, The football game: «Because, because | on Sunday you always leave me alone | to go see the football match.'
  10. Template:Cfr Antoine, Stones' | Sunday we also bring the trumpet for the charge, | I know that not even at the seed bank | I have seen so many cocks put together | to jump, sometimes I would like to heal. (from Chi c*zzo me lo, n. 10)
    • I want to be among men of great faith, | among those who see, among those who believe in it, | only among men of great faith, | because the designs of the wise men are in vain.<ref>Template:Cfr First letter to the Corinthians 3, 20: 'The Lord knows that the designs of the wise 12)
    • If this is not a reminder it will be an embroidery on the soul, | wine to be watered down with a tear, | physical dwells for now because I merit it, | further on you will see where my spirit will dwell, | following a proverbial motto: | 'better to do good than to do nothing wrong. (from Men 12)
    • I give you my place: it is not to win that I live but to burn, | so if I have to lose let me lose and I will have lost, | aware that I am neither worse nor better than anyone as long as I am different. (from Walk alone, n. 13)

    Suppository Truths:

    'Label: ExtraLabels, 2003, produced by Carlo Ubaldo Rossi.
    • Italians good people, Italians with a heart of gold, | the Italy is a republic founded on the work | of saints, poets, mafia and navigators | but everyone would like Montessori in their fingers. <ref>Template:Cfr Constitution of the Italian Republic, art. 1: 'Italy is a democratic Republic, founded on work' and Benito Mussolini: 'A people of saints, heroes and navigators'.
  11. Template:Cfr the entry The Pied Piper of Hamelin 4)
    • The wine makes bad jokes | but I drink it on behalf of third parties and suffer. (from Sango e Srunkzo, n. 4)
    • I don't care, another fiasco and I'll fall asleep peacefully | and when I wake up I know I won't see what I saw being lusted, | for you. (from Stinguishing and Drunk, n. 4)
    • Lure laugh but the situation is tragic for those who are convinced that knitting is magical, none | logic saves me, you know, I'm a fucking nostalgic, I'll never recover. (from Limits, n. 5)
    • I come from the moon | that the sky crosses you | and I find inappropriate | fear | for a different culture. (from I come from the Moon, n. 6)
    • He wants to put me under 'sto signorotto | who boasts of the saint | attached to the dashboard, | did not understand that I am willing | to stay under | only when I fuck . (from I come from the Moon , n. 6)
    • "Go back to your country, you're different!" | "Impossible, I'm from the universe! | The route I lost, | what do you want me to tell you | you were born here | because here a cunt gave birth to you". (from I come from the Moon, n. 6)
    • I am not black, | I am not white, | I am not active, | I am not tired, | I am not from any nation. | I do. I come from the Moon. (from I come from the Moon, n. 6)
    • You have it with me | why do I fuck your work, | fuck your car, | or do I fuck the girl under the moon? | What do you want it to be then | it's not my fault | if your last name woman does | Pompilio as Numa! (From I come from the Moon , n. 6)
    • Keep the earth, man, I want the moon! (From I come from the Moon , n. 6)
    • Warm in the house | in front of your television, | the truth | of your mentality | is that fiction is better | than real life. (from I come from the Moon, n. 6)
    • I am the untore | and when it gets dark | cue like a mushroom, | ungo where I come from, | I stay guard in my ramingo wander, | who wants to send me to shit must shout: | 'Give to the greaser!' (From Give him to the unifier , n. 7)
    • Cinica figure in the dark night, | dirty the doors, I bring the death, | who cares, | if they catch me they smash me with a beating, | at least you find me clicked on Rotten! <ref>Template:Cfr the entry on Wikipedia.
  12. Template:Cfr Dario Baldan Bembo, Friend is (1982): The friend is something that the more there is, | it is a silence that wants to become music 8)
    • I like the cinema | and a lot, | that's why they call me old. (from Out of the tunnel, n. 8)
    • I have a second-hand Tipo | that works for me as a pub, as a disco and as a sofa, | I'm here, like a lark this is my branch. (from Out of the tunnel, n. 8)
    • Immune to the trash | of the costume TV | in flight without feathers | in a volume of comics | under the light | there is no comparison. (from Out of the tunnel, n. 8)
    • You live on memories, | gentlemen, and games, | of sincere hugs, | of kisses and fires, | of all moments, | sad and funny, | and not of moments | sadly funny. (from Out of the tunnel, n. 8)
    • Bush?! Saddam?! Arafat?! Sharon?! | (Mah...) The new Benetton collection... (Yuhuuu!) | I wish you an electrifying life, | electrocuted by the current of a hair dryer! (From Juuda me, n. 9)
    • Reality down from me is a virtual reality and how, | I have the distinct feeling that everything dissolves into a soap bubble... (from Juuda me, n. 9)
    • They call it emancipation | that of getting the lamps in the South. (from Juuda me, n. 9)
    • I'm up in the South which is on me | and in the South I'm succubus. (from Juuda me, n. 9)
    • How is it that a fact on the steps is just a fact | and on a stage is it always cool? (From In the land of fools, n. 10)
    • You, | stingy more than a brand store, | go to the gallows, | you know more of bullshit than a Turkish. (from In the land of fools, n. 10)
    • Lucignolo, | you have the name of a stoppino, | you are a saw, | I'm a puppet, | don't be close to me, | damn. (from In the land of fools, n. 10)
    • Template:NDR Her dad abandoned her that she was three years old to marry a transsexual; does anyone want to have his say? (From The age of the extras, n. 11)
    • What a nice broadcast, | it precisely resembles | the brown mush, | of my chiappone | after breakfast. | But where is the modesty | of these people, | paid to give an opinion, | drugged by television. (from The Age of the Extras , n. 11)
    • Accustomed to a TV on that seems to us to be off, | it weighs people who are satisfied from home | and do not fall asleep, but gas, | comments, | and follow carefully ' this havoc while the share increases! (From The age of the extras, n. 11)
    • Because in life the one who figures wins, | will make steps of giants who figures, | we can all do it, | welcome in the age of the figures! | Because in life the figure who wins, | will make steps like giants who figure, | puts it in everyone's ass, | welcome to the age of the figures! (From The age of the extras, n. 11)
    • In the TV lounges | foolish extras do more | ratings than many cultured programs, | so much so that many have removed them giving power to stands of judges. (from The age of the extras, n. 11)
    • Poor God brought up by men, | macché religion, are matters of economy! | These little men minimize roars of bolidi, | they always make their pigs comfortable . (from Preferential follies , n. 12)
    • Dear Country of good pretensions ask me | if I see you as a friend or as an enemy, | you like to make peace but then explain to me | 'this missiles whistling in the air like a theremin'. (from Preferential follies, n. 12)
    • I prefer to kill the time, | I prefer to shoot bullshit, | I prefer to blow up a fashion, | I prefer to die of love, | I prefer to charge the alarm clock, | I prefer to bet on roulette, | I prefer the fire of a goal, | I prefer you to stay alive. (from 12)
    • Men | pay tribute of | nostalgia for eras that have never lived. | The flag, the greeting, | either with us or be mute, | this is the third millennium, | welcome! (From Preferential follies, n. 12)
    • I am Caparezza! | I'm from the garbage! | I'll crush you on the pillow | like a gth | on a windshield! | I am Caparezza! | Far from a caress! | You can't kill me | because I live in you, | you live in me! (From Dualisms , n. 13)
    • I've been in therapy for days: | "Hello doctor, | I need cures for schizophrenia, | I see ghosts with all the crismi in my house, | they told me that it's all the result of fantasy", | yes, | they are right, | but the question, is that tonight the vision gave me with 13)
    • I don't do show, | I give a show like | my grandfather drunk on the day of my communion. | So out of melon | that I have relatives not at all happy | to carry my own last name. | Leave me the presumption | to feel manure | sometimes hard, sometimes sewage. (from Jodellavitanonhocapitouncazzo, n. 14)
    • I'm happy in the fece, | I should cry and instead... (from Jodellavitanonhocapitouncazzo, n. 14)
    • Stzzo da schifo, | I drink to sbafo, | escaped my fate as a clandestine in a hull. (from Jodellavitanonhocapitouncazzo, n. 14)
    Caparezza during the performance of the song From the side of the bull
    • I'm sure I get fed up, | I swear on every tuft, | I should play the trumpet for how many times I puff, | if I dive into one of my ideas | I find myself in apnea | in a flood of diarrhea, | I find it funny. (from Jodellavitanonhocapitouncazzo 14)
    • I am alive, but I don't live because I breathe, | I feel alive only if I take off the stylus and write. (from Jodellavitanonhocapitouncazzo, n. 14)
    • The only certainty is that I end up badly: | CapaRezza dies, everyone at the funeral. | It's paradoxical, | but I don't come, I don't care. | Template:Still (From Jodellavitanonhocapitouncazzo, n. 14)

    Quotes on Sumption Truths:

    • Template:NDR The message of criticism of the decerebrate fun and at all costs seemed clear to me. And instead you could hear it everywhere, it was the soundtrack of trendy bars, it was the ringtone of every mobile phone.<ref group="fonte"> Cited in Luigi Bolognini, ]
    • On the S suppository Truths record I gave more space to musicians and moved away from rap stereotypes to follow a more personal path. (Caparezza, Mental sagas)

    Habemus Capa:

    'Label: Virgins Records, 2006, produced by Carlo Ubaldo Rossi.
    • I don't frieze with a coffin that gives me | esteem and good name in the cathedral and in the mosque, | I don't like the bara Versace I like the plebean coffin, | mine the idea of shopping at IKEA. (from Announce me to the public, n. 2)
    • Announce me to the public | first of immediately with expression of jubilation. | Announce me to the public | although I doubt that everyone will follow me... | down to the underworld, up with souls, | down follow me, down, more and more. (from Announce me to the public, n. 2)
    • I don't find the hustle and bustle, | when I take a seat I don't swallow, but disgust, | in bed I don't put it with the torso and not the whip, | I don't stare at the abyss like Cousteau, | nor the space like Houston, | (From Torna catalessi, n. 3)
    • The future is like a little one with bushes | who with chalks draws circles around the casings, | girding corpses with liberty-style traits | if you reproach him you will have to die, you are not Misery. (from Torna catalessi, n. 3)
    • Buy everything the spot said, | bet on roulette, if the slot is not enough for you, | play the lot your BOTs, take the yacht to port, | find a fucking sponsor and a horrible mascot. (from Torna Catalessi, n. 3)
    • The spider knows well that you go to the farm with cards | signed by predees glued to the canvases, he knows how to do it, | the wasp grants him the hive: "Have faith, | things are about to change!" Vaneggia.<ref>Caparezza refers to Silvio Berlusconi ("snun") and Bruno Vespa ("vespa"). Template:Cfr Mental sagas, p. 201.
  13. The actor Bela Lugosi is famous for playing Dracula.
  14. {{cfr
  15. Template:Cfr the entry Secret mirror on Wikipedia.
  16. Template:Cfr Leroy Johnson, protagonist of They'll Be Famous.
  17. Template:Cfr the entry Ubi maior minor cessat on Wikipedia.< /ref> | "Sciuscià", "Il Fatto", "Satyricon" and "Raiot". | No hornet's nest will arise! (from The Auditels Family, n. 13)
    • You have tons of problems, but you entrust them to astrologers, | you are interested in other people's dicks like andrologists. (from The Auditels Family, n. 13)
    • You don't vote in politics, | but you complain if the conditions are critical | yet you televote the Island of Egypt's famous | convinced that you have exercised your right. (from The Auditels Family, n. 13)
    • Follow the Weapon in a thousand fiction as a playwright, | if the caramba stops you ask for the autograph. (from The Auditels Family, n. 13)
    • On TV there is more soccer | than in a cure for osteoporosis. (from The Auditels Family, n. 13)
    • Good morning viewer, | this is a TG that puts you in a good mood, | crimes out there but here we talk for hours | of beaches in Rimini and streams of sweat. (from Ti Giri, n. 14)
    • If you look around you will understand that gunshots | on the Bari seafront | there is no trace in the news programs of Mediaset and Rai. | I don't feel like telling you this, | but I'll count the hairs on Prince Charles' asshole." (from Ti Giri n. 14)
    • W the TG of lies, | with hidden news like whores in the sewers, | a marshal who makes the parrot on the yellow of Cogne, | but on Ustica, no, he doesn't want to have trouble! (From Ti Giri, n. 14)
    • I don't like talking about war, | too bold, | I prefer to talk about peacekeepers | offering buns to Afghan families | from their tanks made of marzipan. | All do-gooders that go to hell | if the cameras go out on inhuman conditions | of children bitten by hunger | in their villages bombed for weeks. (from Ti Giri n. 14)
    • She began that she has a strange speech | that would make unhealthy | the calm of the Dalai Lama, | perdiana! (From Felici ma trimoni, n. 16)
    • Mirror, mirror of my cravings, | I'm the model who gives it to the realm, | I haven't touched food in weeks, | I want a cake with aspartame! (From Felici ma trimoni, n. 16)
    • I fell in love with you because my dick | had nothing to do but now I stop. (from I'm too constipated, n. 18)
    • I'm too stipation to be an asshole... | Feel it! You see it! (From I'm too constipated, n. 18)
    • Love think about it, I will lift you from the fears of hypochondria'<ref>Template:Cfr Franco Battiato, La cura, track no. 3 of L'imboscata' (1996): I will protect you from the fears of hypochondria, | from the disturbances that from today you will encounter on your way. | From the injustices and deceptions of your time, | from the failures that by your nature you will normally attract.
  18. Template:Cfr Francesco De Gregori, The cannon woman, track no. 1 of The cannon woman (1983): And with my hands, love, by the hands I will take you | and without saying words in my heart I will carry you; | and | And without hunger and without thirst | and without wings and without a net | we will fly away.
  19. Template:Cfr last sentence of Jodellavitanonhocapitouncazzo, track no. 14 of Suppository Truths (2003).
  20. Template:Cfr the voice on Wikipedia.
  21. Template:Cfr Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour, speech to the Chamber of Deputies, 27 March 1861: «Free Church in free State.»
  22. Translation: «In the name of freedom we build constraints. | In the name of truth we spread lies."


  1. Quoted in Matteo Speroni, Caparezza, rapper scapigliato, Corriere della Sera, April 21, 2004.
  2. From the interview with Alessandro Alicandri, ' 'Caparezza: "Don't rappers recognize me? Who cares!", Culture., 25 June 2012.


  • What a beautiful day (C.E.2011)
  • Artists united for Abruzzo

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  1. Quoted in [http:// Caparezza, I only rap "for convenience" ],, 23 July 2015.
  2. Quoted in Giusy La Piana, ' 'Pop, rap and stories of heroes, Caparezza tells the chaos , la Repubblica, 5 February 2009.
  3. From 'interview by Claudio Cabona, Caparezza: "I can't stand seeing Scarface like life model". The interview,, 6 May 2021.
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