Baldr (also Balder or Baldur) is a god of light and purity in Norse mythology. A son of Odin and the goddess Frigg his death is a great tragedy to the Æsir and a harbinger of Ragnarök.
- Quotes of Baldr as portrayed in various works.

- The dark does not weep for itself because there is no light. Rather, it accepts that it is the dark. It is said that even the gods must die. … But not without one hell of a fight.
- As portrayed in Going Bovine (2009) by Libba Bray, p. 365
Quotes about Baldr

I don't know what that means, but it's not doing anything to uncreep me. ~ Libba Bray

Shall conquer Death the best,
Yea, whosoe’er grows beautiful
Shall grow divinely blest. ~ Robert Williams Buchanan

Tho’ mortal man he be,
Shall in his season rise again,
And live, with thee, and me! ~ Robert Williams Buchanan
- Neither does the Scandinavian Hel or Hela, imply either a state or a place of punishment; for when Frigga, the grief-stricken mother of Bal-dur, the white god, who died and found himself in the dark abodes of the shadows (Hades) sent Hermod, a son of Thor, in quest of her beloved child, the messenger found him in the inexorable region — alas! but still comfortably seated on a rock, and reading a book.
- H.P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, Vol. II, Chapter III], (1877)
- "Oh, hello," Dr. M says, shaking Balder's hand. "Wonderful costume. I'm a bit of a role player myself on the weekends. Tell me, where did you get the helmet?"
"It was forged in the North, blessed by the hands of Odin, given to me by my mother, Frigg," Balder answers.
"Lovely. I got mine on the Internet."- Libba Bray, in Going Bovine (2009), p. 318
- Balder holds up a completely blank rune. Wyrd. The beginning and the end. Fate.
I don't know what that means, but it's not doing anything to uncreep me.- Libba Bray, in Going Bovine (2009), p. 338
They felt the land of the folk-songs,
Where the gifts hang on the tree,
Where the girls give ale at morning
And the tears come easily.The mighty people, womanlike,
That have pleasure in their pain
As he sang of Balder beautiful,
Whom the heavens loved in vain.As he sang of Balder beautiful,
Whom the heavens could not save,
Till the world was like a sea of tears
And every soul a wave.There is always a thing forgotten
When all the world goes well;
A thing forgotten, as long ago,
When the gods forgot the mistletoe,
And soundless as an arrow of snow
The arrow of anguish fell.
The thing on the blind side of the heart,
On the wrong side of the door,
The green plant groweth, menacing
Almighty lovers in the spring;
There is always a forgotten thing,
And love is not secure.- G. K. Chesterton, in The Ballad of the White Horse (1911)
Balder the Beautiful (1877)
- Balder the Beautiful : A Song of Divine Death (1877) by Robert Williams Buchanan, Full text online
- “O Balder, he who fashion’d us,
And bade us live and move,
Shall weave for Death’s sad heavenly hair
Immortal flowers of love.
“Ah! never fail’d my servant Death,
Whene’er I named his name,—
But at my bidding he hath flown
As swift as frost or flame.
“Yea, as a sleuth-hound tracks a man,
And finds his form, and springs,
So hath he hunted down the gods
As well as human things!
“Yet only thro’ the strength of Death
A god shall fall or rise —
A thousand lie on the cold snows,
Stone still, with marble eyes.
“But whosoe’er shall conquer Death,
Tho’ mortal man he be,
Shall in his season rise again,
And live, with thee, and me!
“And whosoe’er loves mortals most
Shall conquer Death the best,
Yea, whosoe’er grows beautiful
Shall grow divinely blest.”
The white Christ raised his shining face
To that still bright’ning sky.
“Only the beautiful shall abide,
Only the base shall die!”
Along the melting shores of earth
An emerald flame there ran,
Forest and field grew bright, and mirth
Gladdened the flocks of man.Then glory grew on earth and heaven,
Full glory of full day!
Then the bright rainbow's colours seven
On every iceberg lay!In Balder's hand Christ placed His own,
And it was golden weather,
And on that berg as on a throne
The Brethren stood together!And countless voices far and wide
Sang sweet beneath the sky —
"All that is beautiful shall abide,
All that is base shall die."