The 2N2907 is a commonly available PNP bipolar junction transistor used for general purpose low-power amplifying or switching applications. It is designed for low to medium current, low power, medium voltage, and can operate at moderately high speeds. This transistor was made by several manufacturers; Texas Instruments released a data sheet for their version of this part dated March 1973.[1] An "A" suffix indicates a slightly higher breakdown voltage.[2] These transistors have an enduring popularity with electronics hobbyists.[3]
It is a 0.6-ampere, 60-volt, 400-milliwatt transistor. Its transition frequency fT (where the current gain drops to one) under specified test conditions is 200 Megahertz. At low frequencies, the current gain (beta) is at least 100. The 2N2907 is used in a variety of analog amplification and switching applications.
Part numbers
The 2N2907 (PNP) and 2N2222 (NPN) are complementary transistor pairs.[4] Other types of transistors with different properties and connections have different part numbers. The prefix of each part number varies for each physical package type.
BJT | Thru-hole | Surface-mount | ||
TO-18 | TO-92 | SOT23 | SOT223 | |
PNP | 2N2907 | PN2907 | MMBT2907 | PZT2907A |
NPN | 2N2222 | PN2222 | MMBT2222 | PZT2222A |
Important: Pin arrangements for plastic 2N2907 and PN2907 are different; Collector and Emitter are swapped with respect to the flat side of the package.
See also
- ↑ The Transistor and Diode Data Book for Design Engineers, Texas Instruments, Inc., no date, publication number CC-413 71242-73-CSS, page 4-151
- ↑ "2N2907 2N2905 GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS AND SWITCHES" (PDF). SGS Thomson Microelectronics.
- ↑ Rudolf F. Graf and William Sheets (2001). Build your own low-power transmitters: projects for the electronics experimenter. Newnes. p. 14. ISBN 978-0-7506-7244-3.
The 2N2222, 2N2905, and 2N3055 devices, for example, which date back to the 1960s but have been improved, are still useful in new designs and are still popular for experimenters.
- ↑ "2N2907 & 2N2907A datasheet" (PDF). Comset Semiconductors. Archived (PDF) from the original on August 19, 2019. Retrieved July 7, 2022.
Further reading
- Historical Databooks
- Small-Signal Semiconductors Data Book, 1218 pages, 1987, Motorola.
- Semiconductor Data Book, 916 pages, 1965, Motorola.
- Transistor and Diode Data Book, 1236 pages, 1973, Texas Instruments.
External links