Introduced25 January 1995
TLD typeCountry code top-level domain
RegistryMercantile Communication Pvt Ltd
SponsorMercantile Communication Pvt Ltd
Intended useEntities connected with Nepal
Registration restrictionsLocal presence requirement; names must be based on company/organization or brand name
StructureRegistrations are made at the third level beneath various second-level names
DocumentsTerms and conditions
Registry website.np domain registration

.np is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Nepal. It is administered by Mercantile Communication Pvt Ltd.


Domain registrations under .np ccTLD is free of cost.[1] Registrants need to provide proof of Nepali citizenship for personal websites or a copy of company registration for organization websites. Foreign nationals with a Non-Resident-Nepalese ID Card or Nepalese resident visa can also register a domain.[2] Foreign companies are required to have an official presence in Nepal as a joint venture, partnership, agent, or a licensee in order to qualify to register a domain.[1] It could take a working day to get the domain reviewed.

Registering a .np domain in Nepal typically involves providing specific documents. These include a completed Registration Application Form, obtainable from the official registry or chosen domain registrar. A formal cover Letter for np domain must be submitted, addressing the purpose and use of the domain to the .np domain registry. Applicants can include primary and secondary name servers if they want to point it to a web hosting provider.


For individuals, a photocopy of their Citizenship Certificate is usually required. Organizations need to furnish a photocopy of their Company Registration Certificate. In cases where a third party handles registration, a Letter of Authorization may be necessary.

Information about Domain Name Servers (DNS) is also needed, encompassing primary and secondary DNS details. Multiple domain name preferences may be requested in case of unavailability. A registration fee is commonly associated with acquiring a .np domain, though costs may vary. Depending on the nature of the registration, additional documentation might be needed for specific organizations or government entities.

Registered domain name must be an exact match, abbreviation or acronym of the registrant's name of trademark; or otherwise closely and substantially connected to the registrant.[3]

.gov.np domains are managed by and registered through National Information Technology Center.[4]


Registrations are taken only at the third level, under a number of second-level domains.[5]

Second level domain nameIntended use
.com.npCommercial, because it is an open domain, any person or entity is permitted to register
.edu.npEducational institutions, such as primary, middle, secondary schools, colleges, and universities
.gov.npNepalese government and governmental entities
.info.npInformation. Because it is an open domain, any person or entity is permitted to register
.mil.npNepal military
.name.npIndividuals, by name. Because it is an open domain, any person or entity is permitted to register. However, registrations may be challenged later if they are not by individuals (or the owners of fictional characters)
net.npNetworks or "portal" sites
.org.npNon-profit organisations


  1. 1 2 "Registry Policy". register.com.np. 2022-12-24. Archived from the original on 2022-05-22. Retrieved 2022-12-24.
  2. "About documents for registration". register.com.np. 2022-12-24. Archived from the original on 2022-05-22. Retrieved 2022-12-24.
  3. "Terms and Conditions". register.com.np. 2022-12-24. Archived from the original on 2022-11-09. Retrieved 2022-12-24.
  4. "Domain Registration". NITC. 2022-12-24. Archived from the original on 2022-08-13. Retrieved 2022-12-24.
  5. "Available .NP domains". register.com.np. 2022-12-24. Archived from the original on 2022-12-24. Retrieved 2022-12-24.
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