
Vienna (Wien in German) is the capital city of Austria.
Vienna is very extensive 414.90 km²
Number of the inhabitants: 1 840 573 (1-1-2016)
Name of the inhabitants: Viennese (in English), Wiener (in German)
Nationality of the inhabitants viennesi (wiener)
In Vienna they speak German and Austrian
At Christmas there are the Christmas markets.
Every year there is a New Year's classical music concert, transmitted in radio and television all over Europe for decades and more recently to Even more countries: in 2018, it was broadcasted to 95 countries all over the World[1].
Popular monuments/places monument
To Maria Teresa, Parliament of Vienna, Sissi Museum, Schatzkammer Habsburg Treasure House, Albertina Museum, Augustinerkirche, Burgkapelle Church, National Library of Vienna "Österreichische Nationalbibliothek ", City Hall, "Neues Rathaus"
- St. Stephan's Cathedral
- Otto Ferdinand von Abensperg und Traun (part of the Empress Maria Theresia monument)
- Statue of Pallas Athene Parlament
Nickname (for example Paris is called "the City of Light")
If you go to the baroque (Lower Sacristy) you will see the southern tower
Vienna is full of statues, dedicated to very important characters.
Meat, potato, sauerkraut with black bread and many seeds, schnitzel, dumplings with cheese, dumplings, wurstel, soup with meat, strudel, ......
Quotation in literature or ....
the foods in German
Besonderheit Fleisch, Kartoffeln, Sauerkraut mit Schwarzbrot und vielen Samen, Schnitzel, Knödel mit Käse, Knödel, Wurstel, Suppe mit Fleisch, Strudel, ......
External links
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Europe Portal — All articles about countries in Europe, traditions, monuments, and more! |