Bay of Bengal

The Bay of Bengal is the largest bay in the world. It is an almost triangular bay located in the northern part of the Indian Ocean. It is bordered by India and Sri Lanka to the west, India and Bangladesh to the north, and Myanmar and Thailand to the east. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India are located right in the middle of the Bay of Bengal.
The Bay of Bengal covers an area of 21,72,000 km2 (8,39,000 sq m). Several large rivers have merged into this bay. Notable among these are the Ganges and its two main tributaries Padma and Hughli, Brahmaputra and its tributaries Jamuna and Meghna, Irrawaddy, Godavari, Mahanadi, Krishna, Subarnarekha, Kaberi etc. Important ports near the Bay of Bengal are Chennai, Chittagong, Kolkata, Haldia, Mongla, Paradip, Tuticorin, Visakhapatnam and Yangon. Cox's Bazar, the largest beach in the world, is located on the shores of the Gulf of Bangladesh. Famous tourist destinations on the shores of this bay are Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chennai, Puri, Visakhapatnam, Sundarbans, Digha, Phuke, Chittagong, Cox's Bazar, Trincomalee etc.
The boundaries of the Bay of Bengal defined by the International Hydrographic Organization are as follows:
East: A line from the Negris Peninsula of Myanmar (16 ৩ 03 'N) is drawn over the large islands of the Andamans in such a way that the narrow waters in the middle of the islands fall east of the line and are separated from the Bay of Bengal. This line extends to the Little Andaman Islands (10:48 'north axis and 92 ° 24' east longitude). Then the Bay of Bengal extends to the southwestern boundary of the Sea of Myanmar. (A line from the Weizang king of Sumatra (5 ২ 32 ′ N 95 ° 12 ′ E) to Poelo Bru extends over the islands on the west side of the Nicobar Islands so that the narrow waters in the middle of the islands fall into the Myanmar Sea. Stretched.
To the south:
From Adam's Bridge (between India and Sri Lanka) and Dondra Head (south point of Sri Lanka) to the north point of Poelo Brew (5 ° 44 ′ north 95 ° 04 ′ east).