
Jamaica is a small island nation in the Caribbean. Along with 15 other countries, its head of state lives in a large palace in England. Jamaica is the birthplace of the Rastafari movement, a religion which posits that Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is God (or "Jah") and that enlightenment is achieved through smoking lots and lots of pot. It's also known for its reallyFile:Wikipedia's W.svg reallyFile:Wikipedia's W.svg fast sprintersFile:Wikipedia's W.svg, fast bowlersFile:Wikipedia's W.svg, excellent musiciansFile:Wikipedia's W.svg, and bobsled teamFile:Wikipedia's W.svg.

"My wife's visiting the Caribbean."
"No, she went of her own accord."


Unfortunately, it is also ranked consistently as one of the most homophobic countries in the world. Male homosexual activity is illegal with a penalty of up to ten years in prison, and to make matters worse, the country has a serious problem with violent attacks on gay and transgender people. Examples include the murders of Oshane Gordon, a 16-year-old who was stabbed to death in his home in 2011, and Dwayne Jones, a 16-year-old trans woman who was killed in 2013, reportedly during a party in which somebody recognised her as being transgender.[1][2] On the bright side, Jamaicans like Maurice TomlinsonFile:Wikipedia's W.svg[3] and former Prime Minister Portia Simpson-MillerFile:Wikipedia's W.svg have thankfully spoken out in favor of queer rights in Jamaica; Tomlinson's rallying cry is "no more Oshanes or Dwaynes."

See also


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