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Compiz is outdated and is not available in Gentoo. A replacement is available for wayland with Wayfire
Compiz is outdated and is not available in Gentoo. A replacement is available for wayland with Wayfire
Information on this page is outdated and at least needs to be updated with information for release 2.4.1 and newer.
Compiz is [[Article description::an open-source compositing window manager for X11]].
First compiz must be keyworded in, and USE flags set to pull in emerald:
Emerald package.accept_keywords examplex11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main x11-libs/compiz-bcop x11-wm/compiz-fusion x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra x11-libs/libcompizconfig x11-wm/compiz dev-python/compizconfig-python x11-libs/compizconfig-backend-gconf x11-wm/emerald x11-themes/emerald-themes x11-apps/fusion-icon x11-misc/ccsm
Emerald package.use examplex11-wm/compiz-fusion emerald
Install a backend that is appropriate for the system. Failure to do so might result in unstable compiz behavior. Possible backends include:
root #
emerge --ask x11-libs/compizconfig-backend-gconf
root #
emerge --ask x11-libs/compizconfig-backend-kconfig4
root #
emerge --ask compiz-fusion fusion-icon ccsm
Press Alt + F2. Enter "fusion-icon". Then run.
Right click the fusion-icon and select settings manager.
Some options must be selected since ccsm's default configuration is empty. These should help set the system to be configured correctly.
Turn on
Window Decoration
"window management"
Move Window, Resize Window, & Application Switcher
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