Bugday is Article description::a single day each month devoted to development efforts pertaining to a certain area of the Gentoo project. See GLEP 0006 for more information on bug day's origin.
Next Bugday: Bugday 2021-02-06
Bugday focus: Installation Manual
Who: Gentoo community (developers and users) - organized by the Bug Wranglers project.
When: On the first Saturday of every month.
Time: 24h event (Gentoo is world wide)!
Meeting: The IRC channel #gentoo-bugday on Freenode.
How to prepare (highly suggested)
- Create a Gentoo Bugzilla account.
- Create a Gentoo wiki account.
- Setup an IRC client (join #gentoo-bugday. See also our IRC channels: #gentoo, #gentoo-dev-help, #gentoo-proxy-maint).
- Read our how to contribute page.
History of Bugday calendar
- Bugday 2021-01-02 — Bugday focus: Installation Manual
- Bugday 2020-12-05 — Bugday focus: LDFLAGS
- Bugday 2020-11-07 — Bugday focus: LDFLAGS
- Bugday 2020-10-03 — Bugday focus: Wiki documentation!
- Bugday 2020-09-05 — Bugday focus: BDEPEND testing!
- Bugday 2020-08-01 — Bugday focus: BDEPEND testing!
- Bugday 2020-07-04 — Bugday focus: -fno-common package testing!
- Bugday 2020-06-06 — Bugday focus: Wiki documentation and -fno-common package testing!
- Wishlist for future Bugdays
See also
- Contributing to Gentoo — explains how users can contribute to the development of Gentoo
- Submitting ebuilds — explains how to submit ebuilds through the Bugzilla bug tracking web application.
- Bugzilla/Guide — covers the recommended method of reporting bugs for Gentoo.
- Bugzilla/Bug report guide — explains how to report bugs on the Gentoo Bugzilla
- Project:Quality_Assurance/Backtraces — provides users with a simple explanation of why a default Gentoo installation does not provide meaningful backtraces and how to set it up to get them.
- devmanual: Ebuild Development Guide
- devmanual: The Basics of Autotools
This article is issued from Gentoo. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.