
Bugday bug

Bugday is Article description::a single day each month devoted to development efforts pertaining to a certain area of the Gentoo project. See GLEP 0006 for more information on bug day's origin.

Next Bugday: Bugday 2021-02-06

Bugday focus: Installation Manual

Who: Gentoo community (developers and users) - organized by the Bug Wranglers project.

When: On the first Saturday of every month.

Time: 24h event (Gentoo is world wide)!

Meeting: The IRC channel #gentoo-bugday on Freenode.

How to prepare (highly suggested)

  1. Create a Gentoo Bugzilla account.
  2. Create a Gentoo wiki account.
  3. Setup an IRC client (join #gentoo-bugday. See also our IRC channels: #gentoo, #gentoo-dev-help, #gentoo-proxy-maint).
  4. Read our how to contribute page.

History of Bugday calendar

See also

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