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Void Rot
Location The Dark Descent, Library of Arkthzand
Species Voriplasm
Health 66121
Reaction Hostile
Void Rot

Void Rot are a type of slime-like creature comparable to voriplasms present in areas where void energy is present. They are often wherever Voidmothers can be found, and can also be summoned by some void mages. Void Rot can occasionally be seen being feasted upon by starving members of the Nighthollow Clan.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Grasping Void
A basic ranged attack dealing low Oblivion damage.
A basic melee attack dealing low physical damage.
The void rot pulses down into the ground, splashing void energy, indicated by a red circle around itself, dealing moderate Oblivion damage.
The void rot spits at its target, indicated by a red cone, dealing moderate Oblivion damage and snaring them.
The void rot spreads out and attempts to grab its target, and if successful, it will hold them in place as it slowly consumes them, dealing continuous low physical damage. Break Free to escape.
Replicate Residue
The void rot leaps away from its target and spits out a dark green lump which grows into a smaller void rot, indicated by a small red circle where the spawned void rot lands, dealing low continuous Oblivion damage.

Generic Void RotEdit

Generic, unnamed void rot can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These specimens have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of void rot, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
Anywhere void rots can be found Summoned from void rots 3800
Arkthzand Cavern
Summoned by some void mages
Chamber of the Dark Heart, Nighthollow Archives, Near Nighthollow Keep
Grayhaven Location occupants 60,370
Summoned by the Shade Colossus on the main path 5600
Halls of Arkthzand (The End of Eternity) Location occupants 60,370
Summoned by the Shade Colossus spawned by Mortas' death 9275
Vateshran Hollows: Champion's Circle Summoned by Maebroogh the Void Lich (Veteran only)    (?)
