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Quick Summary: written by, checked by MolagBallet
Quest Stages: written by MolagBallet, not checked |
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Investigate north of Markarth.
- Find Rada al-Saran.
- Talk to Lyris Titanborn and Fennorian.
- Go to the Orrery Chamber and talk to Count Verandis Ravenwatch.
- Find the Land Sundered from Tamriel, go to the Nighthollow Archive, and learn about keystones in Bthar-Zel.
- Go to the Orrery Chamber and talk to Count Verandis Ravenwatch.
- Find the hidden laboratory.
- Talk to Count Verandis Ravenwatch and follow his instructions.
- Talk to Count Verandis Ravenwatch.
- Go to the Orrery Chamber and talk to Count Verandis Ravenwatch.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
You can accept this quest immediately from Verandis in Understone Keep if you've already completed the zone story quests in Western Skyrim. If you leave the building, Gwendis will contact you near the Markarth Wayshrine and tell you to speak with Verandis in the keep.
Regardless of how you begin this quest, Verandis informs you that Rada al-Saran has come out of hiding. Naturally, he'd like you to sniff Rada out. He also has a disturbing revelation: Rada al-Saran's meddling at the orrery connected the entire Gray Host to the Dark Heart—including Verandis. He tells you not to worry about that for now, but to focus on finding Rada.
He'd like you to start at the foothills north of Markarth, west of Bthardamz. Fennorian will join you there while the count returns to the orrery at Arkthzand.
Head to the foothills. Once you start climbing the hill behind the Dwemer ruin, you'll notice the Gray Host has congregated here alongside vampiric fauna. Rada's presence becomes apparent as you hear him giving a speech at the top of the hill:
- Rada al-Saran: "Brothers and sisters, we are on the cusp of victory."
- Rada al-Saran: "When the Darkstorm blows through the Void, everything we lost will be returned. Even your lives."
- Rada al-Saran: "Go without fear. Claim victory. Success will bring salvation—"
Rada recognizes you.
- Rada al-Saran: "Verandis's little birds. Give him my best."
He and his two companions vanish just as Fennorian and Lyris arrive on the scene. Speak with your allies. Lyris is frustrated that Rada al-Saran has slipped through your fingers again.
- "I was this close to finally planting my axe in Rada al-Saran's face. If Fenn hadn't insisted we wait for his Ravenwatch friends, that monster wouldn't have slipped through our fingers. Again.
You're still on the hunt for him, too, I see." - Verandis sent me, actually. He didn't mention you'd be here.
- "When Fenn got his orders to investigate the Gray Host, I invited myself along.
Sorry about my temper. It's just that we've been shadowing these bastards for awhile and it looked like the opportunity to strike was finally at hand." - Did you learn anything while stalking them?
- "Fenn's the one keeping notes, but Rada al-Saran gathered his subordinates and remaining forces here. It's clear that he's preparing to make a move, so Fenn sent word to the Ravenwatch.
I just wish we knew more about this Darkstorm Rada mentioned."
Fennorian, on the other hand, is distracted by the trinket Rada left behind.
- "What? Oh! Sorry! I was fixated on this trinket.
When Verandis said he would send someone, I assumed he meant Adusa. We weren't supposed to make a move, but Lyris feared we'd miss our chance. I don't think we ever had one, but don't tell her that." - What's so interesting about that trinket?
- "Other than I think it belonged to Rada al-Saran? I sense a powerful magic has been cast on the item. Auramancy. I recognize it. The technique is remarkably similar to what Verandis uses.
Not surprising, I suppose. They were friends once, after all." - What else have you learned while you were tracking the Gray Host?
- "Well, after their defeats in Western Skyrim and the Reach, the Gray Host has regrouped. The ancient exarchs have arrived and asserted their control over the newer troops.
We also intercepted a courier a few days ago. He carried a coded message." - Were you able to decipher the coded message?
- "My command of ancient Yokudan is elementary at best. I assumed it had something to do with harrowstorms until Rada al-Saran mentioned this Darkstorm.
I think he's planning something massive. More massive even than the storm over Solitude."
If you decide to investigate the trinket Rada left behind, you'll witness a vision of Count Verandis from the past, shrouded in red mist:
- Fennorian: "Is that Count Verandis?"
- Verandis: "A soul's ability to travel among the infinite planes of existence is equally boundless."
- Lyris Titanborn: "Fenn, what did you do?"
- Verandis: "Souls can go anywhere! Imagine if they had the freedom to choose their destination, or even return to life."
- Fennorian: "It's the auramancy. We're seeing an image of the past."
Meet with the CountEdit
In any case, you'll need to make your way to the orrery at Arkthzand to meet with Count Verandis. You'll find everyone grouped up in front of the Dark Heart, where Fennorian is filling the count in on what happened in the hills. The count pauses, visibly pained.
- Fennorian: "He escaped, count, but we intercepted this letter."
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "A moment, Fennorian."
The count pauses, visibly pained.
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "The darkness … has passed. Well done acquiring this letter."
- Gwendis: "Never mind the pat on the back, Verandis! What happened?"
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "It's nothing. A distraction. Our friend has arrived and we must not waste any time."
Speak with the Count.
- "The Dark Heart … the episodes grow more frequent. Each time the currents swell, it's like I'm losing myself to the darkness.
We must uncover Rada's plans before that happens. Perhaps this coded message will tell us more about the Darkstorm." - Can you decipher the message?
- "I see that Rada has employed his mother tongue to obscure the message, but I remember his language and the Gray Host ciphers well.
This—this isn't a dispatch. It's a letter. To me." - Is he taunting us?
- "No, he—he's trying to persuade me. Convince me that his path is the right one. Prove to me that the dream we once shared is within reach.
The letter outlines, in essence, the recipe for Rada's Darkstorm." - Can we use that to stop it?
- "Not in and of itself. He wants me to follow in his footsteps. To see what he did and learn the truth of what he promises. In doing so, however, I will discover how to stop it.
He's baring his throat to me, confident I will not bite. But I must." - Where is he telling you to go?
- "I must seek a place in the Reach where the land was sundered from Tamriel. Then I must study the Void through Nighthollow eyes. Finally, I must learn about keystones in Bthar-Zel.
In my current state, I don't trust myself. Will you go in my stead?" - I'll take this journey in your place.
- "I leave the course of your journey up to you, but these three will go ahead to assist you.
Lyris to Understone Keep, Gwendis to the Nighthollow Archives, and Fennorian to Bthar-Zel." - I'll meet each of them at the appointed place.
The Dark Heart's influence has been troubling Verandis. Nevertheless, he deciphers the message Fennorian gave him, which is written in the Yokudan language. Verandis realizes the message is a letter directed to him: Rada wants him to figure out how he plans to bring about the Darkstorm by visiting three locations. The Count isn't in any shape to do such a thing, and assigns the lot of you locations to scout out: Lyris is going to Understone Keep, Gwendis is checking out the archives at Nighthollow Keep, and Fennorian is investigating Bthar-Zel.
You can investigate these locations in any order.
Lyris and Understone KeepEdit
Lyris is just inside the main entrance to Understone Keep. Her disposition seems sour... speak to her and find out what's wrong.
- "I've got bad news and worse news. Caddach and I already exchanged words, most of them insults.
The only agreement we came to was that he'd stop sending his Stonehands to toss me out if I stopped breaking their noses." - You got into a fight with Ard Caddach?
- "It wasn't a fight until he sent his Stonehands against me. Wasn't much of one after that, come to think of it.
We got as far as sundered land when he shouted something about Mannimarco and called up his personal guard." - What does Mannimarco have to do with all this?
- "That's what I was trying to find out when Caddach got all angry and said something about my head and a pike on the wall.
Look, you talk to him. Maybe you'll have better luck than me." - I suppose Ard Caddach and I have a rapport.
- "Markarth would be a ghost town if it wasn't for you. If that doesn't earn you the courtesy of an audience, I can go back to breaking noses."
- I'll present myself to Ard Caddach.
- "The ard is in his throne room. We just need to know where to find the land sundered from Tamriel. According to Rada al-Saran's letter, it's somewhere in the Reach.
Oh, and I'm not apologizing. Not to Caddach, anyway. Sorry." - What did you and Caddach argue about?
- "Mannimarco, Emperor Varen, Nords, Reachmen, his flea-bitten beard.
I can stomach insults hurled at me, but I couldn't stand there quietly as he spoke ill of Varen while praising that traitor Mannimarco."
It turns out Lyris and the ard had a little bit of a disagreement. She thinks it would be best if you went to see him in her place: their meeting ended with a screaming match between her and the ard, then a brawl between her and the Stonehands. As you approach the ard's throne, you'll notice one of his Stonehands is kneeling on the ground and the other has been knocked flat on their stomach. Ascend the stairs and speak with Ard Caddach.
The ard tells you that he gave a parcel of land in the Reach to Mannimarco to do with as he pleased. In exchange for shelter, Mannimarco promised justice for the ard's people: their lands would return to Reach hands, and Varen's rule would fall—hard. The necromancer's promises did come to fruition: the Planemeld wasn't part of the deal, but it led to exactly what the ard was promised. That's about where the ard's dealings with Mannimarco begin and end: he hasn't seen the wizard since he last left the Reach.
The ard notes that the land he gave to Mannimarco was offered to Molag Bal and cast into Oblivion by the Worm Cult. There's an entrance down in Nchuand-Zel to which he promptly grants you passage. Head back towards the entrance and take Lyris down the hall leading south to Nchuand-Zel.
Once you enter the ruin, take a left turn up a short flight of stairs and proceed to the Forbidden Great Lift. Crossing this hallway and reaching the lift is a simple matter: pull the lever to find the land sundered from Tamriel.
It is immediately apparent that the lift took you directly to the sundered land: the sky above you is in turmoil, black boulders jut from the ground, pools of blue goo and ashen soil invade the local landscape, and the local ecosystem has been invaded by the inhabitants of Coldharbour. The ritual circle at the first dolmen to your left (maintained by a flame atronach and three banekin) summons two ogrim when its tenders are destroyed, and a titan descends when the ogrim fall. This encounter is entirely optional, but it's here if you want some extra XP. There's another dolmen further down the path and to the right for you to plunder if you so choose, but that's not why you're here: Rada al-Saran is at the Dark Anchor at the end of this path.
He disappears when you try to confront him, same as before, but Lyris notices that he and his lackey chipped off a piece of the stone at the center of the dolmen. Take an Oblivion Shard of your own off the boulder and investigate the glowing stone Rada left behind. You'll be rendered privy to another auramancy vision.
- Verandis: "Rada?"
- Verandis: "Are those my notes?"
- Rada al-Saran: "Hmm? Verandis! Forgive me. As ever, your genius captivates me. I had no idea you made such progress."
- Verandis: "I'm still no closer to a viable solution."
- Rada al-Saran: "You're closer than you think."
- Verandis: "How can you know that?"
- Rada al-Saran: "I discussed your findings with a new ally. They claim it will work. Only your trepidation holds us back."
- Verandis: "I … I thought you'd changed, that you sought penance. I won't participate in mass murder!"
- Rada al-Saran: "Our dream is within reach and you're still concerned for the mortals? Verandis!"
You can choose to speak with Lyris or head off to one of your other objectives once the vision dissipates.
Fennorian and Bthar-ZelEdit
It's ideal to enter Bthar-Zel from the lift in Blackreach, near the Arkthzand Wayshrine, as Fennorian is at the opposite end of the cavern down the hall leading north. Talk to Fennorian. He's noted the location of a chamber that appears related to the keystones of Arkthzand, but the path ahead is blocked. Fortunately, there are void portals up ahead, and you've dealt with those before. He suggests that you try to reach the void portal on top of the tower behind you first.
Turn around and interact with the prompt to use the void portal behind Fennorian. From here, you can interact with another void portal atop a Dwarven house right in front of where you landed (or you can do some extra walking by fighting the Shades and take the stairs), then turn south and interact with the two void portals across the way. Jump down the ledge, fight or avoid the Nighthollow Guardian in your way, and deal with the Shade Brute and Shade Voidhurler that spawn between you and the next portal.
Interact with the portal across the gap to the east, then follow the rest of the portals all the way around the cavern. Once you cross the river, you'll find two more shades whose defeat heralds the arrival of a Voidmother. Deal with her however you please and proceed to the door leading into the Bthar-Zel Repository. As Fennorian says, the repository is full of manufacturing equipment. Unassembled Keystone Components lie on the table in front of him, waiting for you to pick them up. Once you have the components, Fennorian will take notice of Rada al-Saran's trinket, a red gem situated near the table. Interacting with it shows you a scene from Verandis' past.
- Rada al-Saran: "This is feasible?"
- Verandis: "No, Rada, merely a possibility. But the soul binding required—"
- Rada al-Saran: "We can save our kindred from Coldharbour's torment and you quibble over the cost? Is your heart so cold?"
- Verandis: "Even if you returned our kindred to life, Molag Bal's claim to their souls would remain. Our contracts are inviolable."
- Rada al-Saran: "Another obstacle to overcome—"
- Verandis: "You think the Prince of Domination is merely an obstacle? Rada, listen to yourself!"
- Rada al-Saran: "Kneeling when I should have stood proud was the greatest mistake I ever made. I will not repeat it."
Speaking to Fennorian once the vision ends is optional: you're now free to proceed to the other locations.
Gwendis and Nighthollow KeepEdit
You'll find Gwendis up on a hill southeast of the Nighthollow Keep Wayshrine. The front door is locked, but the Nighthollow vampires carry keys: you can kill them to find one. You have two alternatives to direct combat: first, a Void Rot is devouring the corpse of a Nighthollow vampire whose pack you can loot to receive a Nighthollow Archives Gate Key. You can kill the monster and take that poor sap's key, or you can head in the opposite direction and climb up the overgrown patch of netherroot to get over the gate.
A Nighthollow Guardian and Nighthollow Shadowcaster guard the front door. Killing them spawns a Voidmother. Once the way in is clear, you'll notice a dead Gray Host Pentarch and a letter. Evidently, this individual was sent by Rada al-Saran to claim knowledge from within the archive.
Enter the Archive and claim the Nighthollow Testament. Once you have the book, Gwendis will notice a glowing object behind the tome. When you interact with the odd red gemstone, you'll witness another memory.
- Verandis: "Gods, I can't get the smell of her blood off my hands."
- Rada al-Saran: "It was a mercy, you know that."
- Verandis: "I ruined her, Rada! Body and soul! I played god and Lisolda paid the price. I'm a damned fool."
- Rada al-Saran: "A fool once told me there is no such thing as damnation, only souls who have lost hope."
- Verandis: "That's not fair, Rada."
- Rada al-Saran: "You said it with such conviction, I could not argue. You have not forgotten our promise, I hope."
- Verandis: "We'll seek salvation together. Thank you, Rada."
You have the option to ask Gwendis for her thoughts on the matter, but it's not required. Once you have the tome, you're free to leave and head off to one of the other two objectives.
Return to the OrreryEdit
Once you've visited all three locations, meet with the others back at the orrery of Arkthzand. Fennorian and Lyris are grilling him on his part in the conception of Rada's grand scheme.
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "The past is ancient history. Rada's intentions were to sway me back to his side."
- Lyris Titanborn: "That's not good enough, count. Why didn't you tell us that this was all your fault?"
- Fennorian: "Father, it wasn't just your research that let him revive the Gray Host. The actual procedure was your creation!"
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "You don't understand. Please, tell me you found out more about the Darkstorm."
Speak with Verandis.
- "The others see conspiracies where there are none. Just past sins that I thought long buried.
They say you found everything that Rada wanted me to discover. Tell me about the sundered land, the Nighthollow's studies, and the secret of the keystones." - I found this strange stone at the site where the land was sundered from Tamriel.
- "Remember, the journey Rada sent me on—the one you took in my place—it was to follow in his footsteps. To see how he reached this moment in time.
This stone, it's a shard of Oblivion lost in our world. How would that help him save the Gray Host?" - This is the Nighthollow Testament. It's not written in a language I can read.
- "To see the Void through Nighthollow eyes. Yes, it's written in the tongue of the first vampires. I can read it, but barely. In addition to other things, this is basically a spell book. It's full of rituals to appease and make use of the Dark Heart."
- We found this unassembled keystone in the Bthar-Zel ruins.
- "Was the point to show me the inner workings of the mysterious Dwarven keystones? We know Rada used one to link the Dark Heart's power to not only the orrery, but to the Gray Host as well.
I can feel the pull of the Heart just thinking about it." - How does any of this help us stop the Darkstorm?
- "What you discovered doesn't tell us much about the Darkstorm. At least not yet. But a picture is beginning to form in my mind.
Rada's letter provided one more clue. He claims to have a laboratory inside this very structure. We just have to find it."
Exit the orrery and head right. Take another right turn at the fork, climb the stairs, and head all the way to the west end of the garden to enter the Library of Arkthzand. Ascend the stairs on the south side of the room. As you approach the bookshelf against the wall on the highest level, the way will open. Enter the hidden door, and you'll be met with a short hall lined with urns inhabited by a single Void Rot. Take the lift at the far end of the hall to enter the Concealed Wing of the library.
A Nighthollow vampire named Mortas appears as you enter the first room, which is rife with Dwarven steam traps. He summons two Shade Brutes at the start of the fight. Once you defeat him, he summons a massive Shade Colossus, which in turn summons two weak Void Rots. Kill it and move through the door ahead.
Enter the LaboratoryEdit
Speak with the count inside Rada al-Saran's laboratory.
- "Rada has taken my research in directions I never imagined. Dwemer machines, Nighthollow rites, Reach witchcraft—all arrayed around that pedestal."
- Can you make sense of it?
- "Yes, I'm beginning to see how the pieces you retrieved fit together. He's building a bridge through the Void. The Oblivion shard serves as a lodestone to point to his destination, but Coldharbour is precisely the place he would want to avoid."
- Why is that?
- "Rada has always sought to escape Molag Bal's hold on his soul. Coldharbour is the place where Bal's power is absolute. It makes no sense … unless Coldharbour isn't his destination.
Gather the others, we need to recreate Rada's ritual." - All right, what do we need to do?
- "Fennorian will reproduce the Reach alchemy while Gwendis performs the Nighthollow rites. You must manage the Dwemer machines controlling the tonal, aetheric, and kinetic energies.
I will attempt to scry the stone and direct you accordingly." - Tell me more about what I need to do.
- "These Dwemer devices are similar to pieces of the orrery itself. They manipulate various cosmic forces—tonal, aetheric, and kinetic—to chart the expanse of the Void.
You must keep these forces under control for my scrying to succeed." - How do I do that?
- "The components you retrieved from B'thar-zel showed me that the keystones consist of these same sorts of devices, just on a smaller scale. As I conduct the ritual, I'll indicate what parts of the process require your intervention.
Be on your toes."
Join Verandis up on the pedestal. Lyris unsheathes her axe to stand watch while Fennorian takes to the Reach alchemy station and Gwendis handles the Nighthollow rite over on the glowing green rune. All you need to do now is follow his instructions.
There are three devices of import in this room: the Aetheric Beacon to the north, the Kinetic Manacle to the west, and the Tonal Cascade to the south. You'll need to activate each one as Verandis asks you for aetheric, kinetic, or tonal energies.
Follow along with Verandis' dialogue. There are no consequences for activating the wrong thing, but Verandis will tell you to carry out the process in this order:
- Activate the Aetheric Beacon to add some aetheric power to the ritual.
- Use the Kinetic Manacle to give Verandis more kinetic power.
- Use the Tonal Cascade.
- Help Fennorian over at the alchemy station.
- Use the Kinetic Manacle again.
- Use the Aetheric Beacon.
- Help Gwendis over at the Nighthollow rune.
- Use the Tonal Cascade.
- Activate the Kinetic Manacle to reduce the energy being emitted.
- Help Gwendis again.
- Use the Tonal Cascade.
- Help Fennorian again.
- Use the Aetheric Beacon.
- Use the Kinetic Manacle again.
- Help Gwendis again.
- Help Fennorian again.
- Use the Tonal Cascade.
With this, Verandis' scrying attempt is successful.
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "I can see it! I can see everything!"
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "Argh!"
Talk to him.
- "Rada found it. A piece of land sundered from the Reach, caught between Mundus and Oblivion. It is both and neither. Outside the grasp of Bal, or any Prince for that matter.
He plans to gift the Gray Host with this sanctuary." - For what purpose?
- "Don't you see? In their own realm, free from Molag Bal's tyranny, the Gray Host can live forever. And with the connection to Mundus and the power of the Dark Heart, their conquests might never end.
And now I see … the purpose of the Darkstorm …." - What do you mean?
Before he can answer, Verandis shrieks in pain:
- "Arrgh! The Dark Heart … Rada's drawing on its power. I can feel it tearing away.
To the orrery! Hurry!" - I'll get to the orrery as fast as I can.
Book it to the orrery. The nearby lift will take you up into Blackreach, right behind the orrery. The orrery is shifting, and a dark wind has whipped up in the chamber.
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "Rada! Stop! Don't make me fight you!"
- Rada al-Saran: "This is the chance you never thought possible."
- Rada al-Saran: "The door to our salvation stands open, Verandis. Come. Finish what we started. All will be forgiven."
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "Arrgh! Rada, don't do this!"
- Rada al-Saran: "The Void energy is consuming you, Verandis. I can show you how to control it. Just follow me."
Rada vanishes.
- Lyris Titanborn: "What happened? Where'd the bastard go this time?"
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "He's gone, Lyris. To the one place where he can complete his plan."
Speak with Verandis to receive your reward for the quest.
- "I understand it all clearly now. Rada has opened the gateway to his sanctuary. In that distant realm, he can summon his Darkstorm using the power of the Dark Heart.
He'll consume the Reach to fulfill his promise." - Consume the Reach? That doesn't sound good.
- "No. Not good at all. The Darkstorm requires power on an unprecedented scale. Darkness that will cover the Reach and send every mortal soul it touches into the Dark Heart. In turn, the power of the Heart will flow through the orrery to feed the storm."
- But what will the Darkstorm do?
- "It will tear the Gray Host from Molag Bal's clutches and preserve them for eternity in his sanctuary realm. Death will become as much a petty inconvenience to them as to any Daedra. They will become truly immortal."
- How do we stop the Darkstorm?
- "To end the Darkstorm once it's begun, I need to enter Rada's sanctuary realm and take control of the ritual.
I can't ask you to join me, but I won't dissuade you if your course is set. Just know that I can't guarantee we'll be able to return." - How do we enter Rada al-Saran's sanctuary realm?
- "Rada showed us the door and we forged the key. I have to follow. I have to stop the Darkstorm. For as you have seen from Rada's auramancy, this monstrosity is my creation.
Whether you decide to accompany me or not, know that I value our friendship."
- The amulet usage animation is missing when interacting with the power modules during the scrying sequence. ?
Quest StagesEdit
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
Prev: A Feast of Souls | Up: The Reach | Next: Kingdom of Ash |