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Skins are cosmetic collectibles which visually replace your skin texture. They are overwritten by polymorphs. Skins were originally classed as costumes and could not be worn in conjunction with one.

Some skins are affected by your character's age. On an elderly character, certain skins (such as Deadlands Scorcher or Xoleel Scale) are noticeably duller or more grey. Some skins (such as Amber Plasm and Meridian Purified) don't override your entire character's body; there are spaces where your character's flesh can be seen. With a skin like this equipped, you can see any body markings your character is wearing (like tattoos or Argonian scale patterns) beneath the cosmetic skin.

Most head markings cannot be seen underneath skins without transparent patches. However, lipstick and alterations to the eyes are visible over all skins.


Earned Through Gameplay
Base Game
DLC Dungeons, Trials and Arenas
Crown Store
Crown Crates

Aether-Tempered MysticEdit

"There are many wonders in this world, and many mysteries, too. One can never hope to unravel them all. Those who peer too deeply are likely to find themselves changed by the journey."—Mage Gwenieth
Aether-Tempered Mystic skin worn by a female Breton
Aether-Tempered Mystic skin worn by a male Redguard

The Aether-Tempered Mystic skin is available as an Apex-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crown Crates.

Amber PlasmEdit

Proudly display your victory in Mazzatun with this daub of glowing and magically-infused amber plasm!
Amber Plasm skin worn by a female Argonian
Amber Plasm skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Amber Plasm skin is acquired by completing the Ruins of Mazzatun Challenger achievement. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Arctic Rime SkinEdit

"I found the shipwreck locked in ice. The crew were all frozen and frostbitten, and I thought they were dead ... until they rose, frost-crusted and icy, and picked up their weapons." —Aelfrydda of Dawnstar
Arctic Rime Skin worn by a female Breton
Arctic Rime Skin worn by a male Redguard

The Arctic Rime Skin is available as an Epic-level reward in Dragonscale Crown Crates, and can be purchased for 0004040  . Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Ardor's DevotionEdit

You have bathed in the pool of Dibella's adoration and come out transformed. Flowers of many pastel hues decorate your form, bringing joy and smiles to those who interact with you.
Ardor's Devotion skin worn by a female Argonian
Ardor's Devotion skin worn by a male Redguard

The Ardor's Devotion skin is a Dibella-themed floral skin. It is available as an Epic-level reward in Dark Brotherhood Crates.

Astral SheenEdit

"Let the power of the stars wash over you, my friend. Your skin will take on an astral gleam. On hazy nights when constellations grow dim, the Star-Gazers may turn their eyes to you instead!"—Overheard in Belkarth
Astral Sheen skin worn by a female Khajiit
Astral Sheen skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Astral Sheen skin is available as an Apex-level reward in Celestial Crown Crates, and can be purchased for 00400400  . Equipping it plays a unique animation where your character throws their arms to the sides and nebulae burst from their upper body.

Ayleid Ruins WildgrowthEdit

Potent magic lies buried in the roots of the Dawnwood. Ancient Ayleid ruins have been touched by the Green. Verdant, wild, and uncontainable, some resist the pernicious growth. Others embrace this fertile power.
Ayleid Ruins Wildgrowth skin worn by a female Orc
Ayleid Ruins Wildgrowth skin worn by a male Redguard

The Ayleid Ruins Wildgrowth skin will be available in the Crown Store for 020002,000   from March 14 to March 21, 2024.

Azure Imp EpidermisEdit

"Some, shall we say, ambitious sorts came up with a way to look a bit like those azure imps you sometimes see flitting about. No, you don't gain wings, but you'll very likely frighten most people out of their wits regardless."—Divayth Fyr
Azure Imp Epidermis worn by a female Breton
Azure Imp Epidermis worn by a male Dunmer

The Azure Imp Epidermis skin was available in the Crown Store for 025002,500   from August 18 to August 25, 2022. This skin mimics the appearance of a blue imp.

Bargain-Marked SkaafinEdit

Whether you hope to travel safely through the Fields of Regret by looking more like a Skaafin or wish to appeal to Clavicus Vile, this skin has you covered—literally.
Bargain-Marked Skaafin worn by a female Breton
Bargain-Marked Skaafin worn by a male Redguard

The Bargain-Marked Skaafin is a yellow skin with red markings made to resemble a Skaafin. It is available as a Legendary-level reward in Stonelore Crown Crates.

Barkroot BlessingEdit

Some druids seek an understanding of nature by opening themselves to the cycle of the seasons. Rooted, they gain leaves and bark, taking in water and nutrients as would a tree. Or so the druids at the Jaded Ornaug claimed last night".—Aurilienne Broles
Barkroot Blessing worn by a female Redguard
Barkroot Blessing worn by a male Dunmer

The Barkroot Blessing skin is acquired by digging for Antiquities in Galen.

Blackmarrow NecromancerEdit

Feel the uncanny power of Necromancy radiate from your very flesh with the eerie Blackmarrow Skin! It's as creepy as undeath itself, and a great conversation starter down at the tavern.
Blackmarrow Necromancer skin worn by a female Altmer
Blackmarrow Necromancer skin worn by a male Khajiit

The Blackmarrow Necromancer skin is awarded for completing the "Scalecaller Peak Challenger" Achievement.

Black Sacrament SkincarvingEdit

Some carve themselves in symbols of the Black Sacrament out of devotion to the Night Mother. Others do so because they came to the Dark Brotherhood after performing their own Black Sacrament. Which are you?
Black Sacrament Skincarving skin worn by a female Imperial
Black Sacrament Skincarving skin worn by a male Redguard

The Black Sacrament Skincarving is a Dark Brotherhood-themed skin. It is available as a Legendary-level reward in Dark Brotherhood Crates.

Blood-Drained ThrallEdit

Are you the thrall of a vampire? Would you like to show the truth of that to the world? Now you can!
Blood-Drained Thrall skin worn by a female Breton
Blood-Drained Thrall skin worn by a male Argonian

The Blood-Drained Thrall skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in New Moon Crown Crates.


"Whether afflicted by the Rivenspire blood-curse or some other vile vampiric corruption, the result is the same: Victims transform into ravenous monsters. These creatures know nothing but rage and hunger. Appalling."—Nalana, Advisor to House Tamrith
Bloodfiend skin worn by a female Breton
Bloodfiend skin worn by a male Orc

The Bloodfiend skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Gloomspore Crates. It can be seen on Harrowfiends.


Blood. Nirncrux. Iron. Combined with the unholy rites of the Reachmen at the Bloodroot Forge, the result is a clinker-cracked, glowing-hot skin like no other: the Blood-Forged!
Blood-Forged skin worn by a female Khajiit
Blood-Forged skin worn by a male Orc

The Blood-Forged skin is available in the Crown Store for 012001,200  .

Bloodmarks of MalacathEdit

Malacath demands utter devotion from his followers. Only the most ardent are rewarded with the chance to bloody their skin in his honor. The scars and wounds are a sign of one's worthiness.
Blood-Forged skin worn by a female Breton
Blood-Forged skin worn by a male Redguard

The Bloodmarks of Malacath skin is acquired by completing the Scions of Ithelia Delver achievement.

Boralis Wolf PeltEdit

"Be wary of spending too long in the wild, traveler. It may be freeing to give in to your more feral instincts in the moment, but too long away from civilization may reveal truths that were better left unspoken."—Widow Granger, Northsalt Village
Boralis Wolf Pelt skin worn by a female Imperial
Boralis Wolf Pelt skin worn by a male Redguard

The Boralis Wolf Pelt skin is available as an Epic-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Bright-Throat ScaleEdit

"Kaoc! That luridly patterned Scale Skin style worn by the Bright-Throats is far too gaudy. Could a serious person appear in public like that? I think not."Jaxsik-Orrn of the Dead-Water Tribe
Bright-Throat Scale skin worn by a male Orc
Bright-Throat Scale skin worn by a female Argonian

The Bright-Throat Scale skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Xanmeer Crown Crates. It can be seen on Xukas.


Extensive proximity to a certain breed of ornaug may cause these unusual luminescent markings to appear. Or such is the claim of the druids. True or not, they make for great tavern discussions.
Brineglow skin worn by a female Argonian
Brineglow skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Brineglow skin is navy-gray in appearance with blue bioluminescent rosettes on the back. It is available as an Apex-level reward in Wraithtide Crates.

Cold-Flame EpidermisEdit

Fancy Frost Atronachs, do you? Their frozen blue flames? That rock-hard physique? Well, now you can make those elements your own! Perfect for when you need to give someone the cold shoulder.
Cold-Flame Epidermis skin worn by a female Breton
Cold-Flame Epidermis skin worn by a male Altmer

The Cold-Flame Epidermis is a skin designed to resemble a Cold-Flame Atronach. It was first available in the Crown Store for 00400400   (080008,000  ) from August 19 to September 2, 2021. It returned to the store from January 5 to February 9, 2023, where it was offered to ESO Plus Members at a discounted 00320320   (064006,400  ).


"The Crystalfrost skin is a cosmetic Alteration spell that gives a mortal the appearance of a Frost Atronach. Why would a mortal want to look like a Frost Atronach? Don't ask me, I don't even like putting on makeup." —Gabrielle Benele, Mages Guild
Crystalfrost skin worn by a female Khajiit
Crystalfrost skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Crystalfrost skin is acquired by completing the "Newly Charitable" achievement, which involves completing 12 New Life Charity Writs, Deep Winter Charity Writs, or Imperial Charity Writs.

Culanda-Born SkinEdit

"Grant your skin the vibrant hues of Culanda with this luminescent golden enchantment! That's what they promised, these Summerset High Elves, and they delivered—magnificently! People's eyes light up when I enter the room!"—Tarquinius Truptor, Esquire
Culanda-Born Skin skin worn by a female High Elf
Culanda-Born Skin skin worn by a male Orc

The Culanda-Born Skin was available in the Crown Store as a Crown Gem exclusive for 00100100   from April 13 to April 27, 2023.

Dagon's ViscerentEdit

You'd give anything to Mehrunes Dagon. Offerings of destruction. Of blood. Even your life. Already, you've earned the crimson-fire brand of his viscerents after feeding your epidermis to him bit by bit. Your devotion is bared to all. Glory to Dagon!
Dagon's Viscerent on a female Altmer
Dagon's Viscerent on a male Orc

The Dagon's Viscerent skin is awarded for earning The Cauldron Conqueror Achievement by completing The Cauldron on Veteran difficulty.

Dawnwood Tender's SkinEdit

The Dawnwood Tender's Skin is an upcoming Dawnwood-themed skin.

Dead-Water ScaleEdit

"Not to be overly critical, but in my opinion the shadowy Scale Skin of the Dead-Waters is entirely too austere. Though it is, I admit, simple and elegant."Xukas
Dead-Water Scale skin worn by a female Argonian
Dead-Water Scale skin worn by a male Argonian

The Dead-Water Scale skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Xanmeer Crown Crates.

Deadlands BrandEdit

Do you revel in cataclysmic forces? Is vindication best reflected in ruining all who thwart you? Perhaps you revere the destructive Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. Whatever the case, this ruddy-hued skin reflects your true nature.
Deadlands Brand on a female Imperial
Deadlands Brand on a male Dunmer

The Deadlands Brand skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates.

Deadlands ExcoriatedEdit

"Those who swear loyalty to Mehrunes Dagon and receive his blessing are forever changed. The flensing of the skin to receive the sacred crimson ink, though painful, purifies the recipient for what's to come."—Disastrix Zansora
Deadlands Excoriated skin worn by a female Breton
Deadlands Excoriated skin worn by a male Altmer

The Deadlands Excoriated skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Iron Atronach Crates.

Deadlands ScorcherEdit

The glow of the Deadlands has seeped into your very essence, causing your skin to both redden and blacken. The brands of Mehrunes Dagon's realm blaze upon you. Do not fail him.
Deadlands Scorcher on a female Imperial
Deadlands Scorcher on a male Redguard

The Deadlands Scorcher skin is obtained by combining three different upgrade fragments with an Unstable Morpholith pet. Further details on how to acquire this collectible can be found here.

Decayed ZombieEdit

Decayed Zombie: the skin condition no amount of Lillandril Moisturizing Lotion can cure! Pairs well with Worm Cult style armor.
Decayed Zombie skin worn by a female Imperial
Decayed Zombie skin worn by a male Redguard

The Decayed Zombie skin was available from the Crown Store for 012001200  . It is also obtainable as a Legendary-level reward from Hollowjack and Scalecaller Crown Crates. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Do'Krin Ascetic's HennaEdit

"To teach within the Order of the Claw, one must first pass the Trials of the Ascetic. In one trial, you must meditate without pause while another designs patterns on your skin with henna. Perhaps next time this one shall pass that trial."—Kansur-jo
Do'Krin Ascetic's Henna skin worn by a female Breton
Do'Krin Ascetic's Henna skin worn by a male Orc

The Do'Krin Ascetic's Henna skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Unfeathered Crown Crates. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Dreadhorn ShamanEdit

Those who assist in the dark rituals of the Dreadhorn Reachclan must first coat their skin in a chalky whitewash, and then draw scarlet sigils of power upon it in a thick paint mixed of nirncrux and blood.
Dreadhorn Shaman skin worn by a female Altmer
Dreadhorn Shaman skin worn by a male Khajiit

The Dreadhorn Shaman skin is awarded for completing the "Falkreath Hold Challenger" Achievement.


One who wears this skin adopts the eerie appearance of a dro-m'Athra or Bent Cat, an evil ancestor spirit of the Khajiit.
Dro-m'Athra skin worn by a female Khajiit
Dro-m'Athra skin worn by a male Khajiit

The Dro-m'Athra skin is obtained by completing Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj.

Dusky GuarhideEdit

Murkmire itself accepts you as its champion, transforming your body to suit the deeper wallows and afford greater camouflage in its murky swamps and marshes. As mud is your mother!
Dusky Guarhide skin worn by a female Argonian
Dusky Guarhide skin worn by a male Redguard

The Dusky Guarhide skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Akaviri Potentate Crates. The Ambergill Guar, Tawny Lambent Guar, Lambent Guar Body Markings, and Lambent Guar Face Markings match this skin.

Ebony EpidermisEdit

Never trust an alchemist with a Daedric scroll—you might end up with skin that's the color and hardness of Ebony! Unless you think that's a good idea, of course.
Ebony Epidermis skin worn by a female Breton
Ebony Epidermis skin worn by a male Redguard

The Ebony Epidermis skin was available in the Crown Store for 012001,200   from August 10 to August 14, 2017. It returned to the store from October 7 to October 14, 2021. It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in New Moon Crown Crates.

It is seen on Stonefiends in Vassir-Didanat Mine.


"I walked through the waters of the Ancient Darkness. The waves of the Void washed through me. Tread in the nothingness too long and it seeps into you. Mangles you. Twists you into something other than what you were."—Opius Balvel, Oblivion Walker
Ethertide skin worn by a female Breton
Ethertide skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Ethertide skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Dark Chivalry Crates.

Fabrication SheathEdit

Proudly display your victory in the Halls of Fabrication with this sheath of burnished bronze!
Fabrication Sheath skin worn by a female Altmer
Fabrication Sheath skin worn by a male Khajiit

The Fabrication Sheath is awarded for completing Veteran Halls of Fabrication. Equipped body markings are barely visible on characters wearing this skin.

Fargrave WalkerEdit

"Walk the streets of Fargrave. Take in the exotic scents of this fabled city. Listen to the mysteries that whisper to you with every breeze. And, when you're ready, let the Celestial Palanquin claim you as one of its own."—Tirasie Mirel
Fargrave Walker skin worn by a female Imperial
Fargrave Walker skin worn by a male Redguard

The Fargrave Walker skin is a Daedra-themed skin available as a Legendary-level reward in Mirrormoor Crates.

Flesh of the HarrowedEdit

The power of the harrowstorm ripples just beneath your skin. Let that energy surge forth and impress—or terrify—all those around you.
Flesh of the Harrowed skin worn by a female Khajiit
Flesh of the Harrowed skin worn by a male Orc

The Flesh of the Harrowed is available as an Apex-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates.

Fractured GloryEdit

Sometimes the most beautiful things are those which have shattered and been pieced back together. Bear your cracks proudly—they are the hard-won trophies of all the things that could not break you.
Fractured Glory skin worn by a female Orc

The Fractured Glory skin is available to those who complete the Adventurer Across a Decade achievement.

Frosthaunt GlisterEdit

"Be it icy gales or vengeful souls that drag ye into the Sea of Ghosts, your fate will be the same. To join the reef of frozen dead in the frigid depths. Locked in ice as dark as that abyss for all eternity."—Frig the Stormrider
Frosthaunt Glister skin on a female Breton
Frosthaunt Glister skin on a male Argonian

Frosthaunt Glister skin is an ice-themed skin, similar to the Crystalfrost Skin but darker. It is available as a Legendary-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Glimmertarn GlowEdit

"Druid chants drift through the air as one of their number drinks deeply of the glowwine. Slowly, the alchemy spreads throughout the body and skin, suffusing it with the amaranthine-hued blessing of the God of Song and Forest."—Book of the Leaves
Glimmertarn Glow skin worn by a female Breton
Glimmertarn Glow skin worn by a male Altmer

Glimmertarn Glow is a purple collectible skin that is available as an Apex-level reward in the Stonelore Crown Crates.

Glowgill GuarhideEdit

Skin tone changes, taking on the texture of rough hide. Glowing blue markings. Some attribute these skin changes to the Hist. Riders of these glowing steeds believe that this transition occurs as you increase your bond with your beast.
Glowgill Guarhide skin worn by a female Argonian
Glowgill Guarhide skin worn by a male Orc

The Glowgill Guarhide skin is available as a Legendary-level reward from Unfeathered Crown Crates.

Grace of the GreenEdit

The forest god Y'ffre's blessings manifest in many different ways. Feel your own connection grow as flowers sprout from the vines weaving underneath your verdant skin.
Grace of the Green skin worn by a female Breton
Grace of the Green skin worn by a male Orc

The Grace of the Green skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Grim Harlequin Crates.

Harvestleaf LacquerEdit

"In my dream, the lava poured down the valley. I called to the winds and the trees to save me, and they answered. A shield from the flames. Their mark has never left me."—Initiate Selyna
Harvestleaf Lacquer skin worn by a female Khajiit
Harvestleaf Lacquer skin worn by a male Redguard

The Harvestleaf Lacquer skin is available as an Epic-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates.


"Hist-Tsoko are the elder Hists. Rarely, they mark one to carry out a sacred task, and we know to provide aid to them. Sometimes we give words. Sometimes goods. Sometimes distance."—Attributed to Sap-Speaker Kuzei
Hist-Tsoko skin worn by a female Argonian
Hist-Tsoko skin worn by a male Altmer

The Hist-Tsoko skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Iron Atronach Crates.

Hollow Void HuskEdit

The nothingness inside you—that boundless emptiness—wants out. It craves to swallow all that is not you and make it nothing. It won't fill the void inside you, but letting it consume gives your hollowed body a moment's release from its gnawing.
Hollow Void Husk worn by a female Altmer
Hollow Void Husk worn by a male Orc

The Hollow Void Husk skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Ayleid crates.

Impish EpidermisEdit

Morality is a useless cause with no end other than smug self-satisfaction. Cast that aside and showcase your mischievous nature. You'll know you've succeeded in shirking your former self when your scarred skin pulls tightly across your chest.
Impish Epidermis worn by a female Khajiit
Impish Epidermis worn by a male Dunmer

The Impish Epidermis skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Celestial crates.

Infernal EpidermisEdit

Look like an ever-burning Flame Atronach from Oblivion with the Infernal Epidermis, a smoking-hot skin of fire, ash, and charcoal.
Infernal Epidermis worn by a female Argonian
Infernal Epidermis worn by a male Orc

The Infernal Epidermis skin is available as an Apex-level reward in Flame Atronach crates. While it appears bright, it does not emit light.

Kyne's FuryEdit

Those who anger Kyne must meet her fury. Transform yourself into a living embodiment of her wrath with this skin.
Kyne's Fury skin worn by a female Khajiit
Kyne's Fury skin worn by a male Argonian

The Kyne's Fury skin was available in the Crown Store for 00400400   from September 17th to September 24th, 2020. While equipping it, your character releases a blast of electricity. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Labyrinthian LuminaryEdit

Originally gifted to students who passed his most difficult tests in Labyrinthian, the mazelike designs that the Archmage Shalidor's magic granted lingers. To this day, worthy newcomers sometimes gain these ornate patterns.
Labyrinthian Luminary worn by a female Imperial
Labyrinthian Luminary worn by a male Redguard

The Labyrinthian Luminary skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Sunken Trove crates.


"Little stops the patient flow of magma, or so druids have always known. Seeing this quality in you, they whispered words that set your very being aflame. Now, I free you. Go, heart of magma. Burn."—Druid Llanith
Magmaheart skin worn by a female Argonian

The Magmaheart skin is available as an Apex-level reward in Wraithtide Crates.

Maormer FishEdit

It's said that under certain conditions the Maormer, like chameleons, can change the appearance of their skin. Emulate that legendary ability with this blue-scaled Fish Skin.
Maormer Fish on a female Bosmer
Maormer Fish on a male Redguard

The Maormer Fish skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates. The skin can be seen on Storm Shark NPCs in Sunhold, including as Konnugil the Leviathan. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Marshmist PalescaleEdit

Most Argonians live above ground, where the sun can shine on the leaves of their Hists, but some, strange and reclusive, live in subterranean caverns. Over time their scales grow as pale as marsh mist.
Marshmist Palescale on a male Argonian
Marshmist Palescale on a female Dunmer

The Marshmist Palescale skin is an Argonian-themed skin. It is obtained by earning the "Blackrose Prison Conqueror" achievement, which is accomplished by completing Veteran Blackrose Prison.

Meadowbreeze MemoriesEdit

Spring flows through your veins even as greenery traces itself across your skin, creating white blooming flowers. Thanks to Y'ffre, the scents and sensations of past springs on breezy meadows sweep over you.
Meadowbreeze Memories skin worn by a female Breton
Meadowbreeze Memories skin worn by a male Redguard

The Meadowbreeze Memories skin was available in Q2 of 2023 by combining event fragments with a Passion Dancer Blossom.

Meridian PurifiedEdit

"Those who betray their oaths to the Lady of Infinite Energies will be purged of their corruption, lustrated and Purified so they can endure to fulfill their vows ... forever." — Sayings of Valasha
Meridian Purified skin worn by a female Altmer
Meridian Purified skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Meridian Purified skin is obtained by completing the "Depths of Malatar Conqueror" achievement in Veteran Depths of Malatar. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.


This costume gives the wearer the appearance of those tragic mortals whose will and mentality have been stolen by Molag Bal.
Mind-Shriven skin worn by a female Imperial
Mind-Shriven skin worn by a male Redguard

The Mind-Shriven skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Storm Atronach Crown Crates.

It was originally sold in the Crown Store for 012001,200  , or as part of the Imperial City Collector's Bundle. It returned to the Crown Store from September 16 to September 23, 2021, and was available to ESO Plus Members at a discounted 00960960  .

Mireheart ScaleEdit

Most adventurers who drink corrupted Hist sap die in frothing agony. But for a precious few, the ritual bestows dubious "gifts," such as polished green scales and veins that glow like precious amber.
Mireheart Scale skin worn by a female Breton
Mireheart Scale skin worn by a male Orc

The Mireheart Scale skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.

Mirrormoor MetamorphosisEdit

"I find peace and soul's release when casting on the 'moor. With oiled skin, reflections spin, mirror's grace implored. A shimmer here, a glimmer there, my form reflects the light. Forever lost, forever found, mirror's fated knight."—Lost in Mirrormoor
Mirrormoor Metamorphosis skin worn by a female Argonian
Mirrormoor Metamorphosis skin worn by a male Redguard

The Mirrormoor Metamorphosis skin is a Daedra-themed skin available as an Apex-level reward in Mirrormoor Crates.

Mossblood Imp EpidermisEdit

"The mossblood imp's coloration lends itself well to walking undetected among the foliage of Valenwood. But perhaps that's not what the mages intended given the provenance of the imp. Unintended consequences abound with imp-related projects."—Divayth Fyr
Mossblood Imp Epidermis skin worn by a female Breton
Mossblood Imp Epidermis skin worn by a male Redguard

The Mossblood Imp Epidermis skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Dark Chivalry Crates.

Mystic Magicka MoltEdit

Harnessing the power of magicka is an art—one that requires care. This source can be quite volatile at times, leaving arcane energy crackling just below the skin of the unwary user. Anyone can become a conduit if they are not careful.
Mystic Magicka Molt skin worn by a female Khajiit
Mystic Magicka Molt skin worn by a male Redguard

The Mystic Magicka Molt skin is available as an Apex-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crown Crates.

Namira's BileEdit

A life in Namira's service often brings bleak and horrifying side-effects. Praise Namira, the Lady of Decay and the Great Darkness! With eyes awash in pitch black ichor, you shall see her will fulfilled.
Namira's Bile skin worn by a female Bosmer
Namira's Bile skin worn by a male Orc

Namira's Bile is available as a Legendary-level reward in Gloomspore Crates. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin. Nighthollow vampires wear this skin.

Ocean LamellarEdit

When threatened, the scales on some Sea Elves lengthen from flimsy scales to broad plates. With wider scales of your own, you'll look ready for the danger of crossing the seas in search of enemies and adventure.

The Ocean Lamellar skin is an upcoming Maormer scale-themed skin.

Opalescent EpidermisEdit

Shimmer with a variety of hues, taking on the colors of the famed opals of Yokuda, with this skin. Perfect for star-strewn celebrations in Sentinel and beyond.
Opalescent Epidermis on a female Redguard
Opalescent Epidermis on a male Dunmer

The Opalescent Epidermis skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates. It was offered in the Crown Store for 030003,000   from November 10 to November 17, 2022.

Orphan of the StarsEdit

"The night sky isn't absent of Meridia's light, lonely one. In fact, it's the place where it can be felt the most keenly, when the smallest mote of luminance stands in stark contrast to the abounding shadows."—Dorathil, Hollow City mage
Orphan of the Stars skin worn by a female Breton
Orphan of the Stars skin worn by a male Redguard

The Orphan of the Stars skin is available as an Apex-level reward in the All-Maker Crates.

Peryite's AfflictedEdit

Join the ranks of Peryite's plague-ridden adherents and enjoy all they have to offer, including a diseased appearance!
Peryite's Afflicted on a female Breton
Peryite's Afflicted on a male Redguard

The Peryite's Afflicted skin is available as an Epic-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Preening PeacockEdit

"I felt beige. All over. Very beige. People ignored me, and I was sad. Then I got an idea. People pay attention to peacocks. So, why not look more like them? Colorful. Delightful. And very much not beige. My magic worked!"—Entry from an Anonymous Journal
Preening Peacock skin worn by a female Argonian
Preening Peacock skin worn by a male Redguard

The Preening Peacock skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates.

Rain's Hand RenewalEdit

"After a dry winter, priests of Y'ffre perform a ritual intended to ensure gentle storms arrive. During a successful ritual, leaves appear to grow on the body of a chosen one, who can forevermore call upon this leafy appearance at will."—Richien Thalin
Rain's Hand Renewal skin worn by a female Khajiit
Rain's Hand Renewal skin worn by a male Orc

The Rain's Hand Renewal skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Rainsiren NereidEdit

Dance in joyful waters and cavort in turbulent tributaries while flaunting the brilliant blues of the Riversiren Nereid. While you may not choose to live in the waters of Tamriel's rivers, you'll certainly make a vibrant splash wherever you go.
Rainsiren Nereid skin worn by a female Khajiit
Rainsiren Nereid skin worn by a male Redguard

The Rainsiren Nereid skin is available as an Apex-level reward in Sunken Trove Crates.

Reanimated Vampiric ThrallEdit

"Despite the secrecy surrounding Lady Thorn, a vampire, recent rumors suggest her castle teems with activity and ghastly new thralls. Disturbing, if true. I await further details."—Nalana, Advisor to House Tamrith
Reanimated Vampiric Thrall on a female Breton
Reanimated Vampiric Thrall worn on a male Dunmer

The Reanimated Vampiric Thrall skin is obtained by earning the "Castle Thorn Conqueror" achievement by clearing Castle Thorn on Veteran.

Red Diamond GuardianEdit

After the Soulburst, mysterious slate-skinned figures appeared in the Imperial City to fight Daedra. Each one has the Red Diamond encrusted upon their torso. To this day, none know where they come from or where they go after each fray.
Red Diamond Guardian skin worn by a female Breton
Red Diamond Guardian skin worn by a male Argonian

The Red Diamond Guardian skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Akaviri Potentate Crates.


The colorful inhabitants of High Isle reefs often act differently when land-dwellers approach. To better swim among the local aquatic life, druids imitate them by imbuing their skin with gorgeous blues and greens. Care to try it?
Reefdweller skin worn by a female Breton
Reefdweller skin worn by a male Dunmer

Reefdweller is available as a Legendary-level reward in Dark Chivalry Crates.

Runic SeabrumeEdit

Enter crashing waves to take part in an ancient ceremony known only to the clever women of Skyrim. Runes bind your blood to the tides, and your skin mirrors the sea's restless waters. To what end? Only time will tell.
Runic Seabrume worn by a male Argonian
Runic Seabrume worn by a female Bosmer

The Runic Seabrume skin is a Nord-themed skin that is available as a Legendary-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Sable Man-BeastEdit

As a murderous beast who lurks in the darkness, to become the color of shadows is only natural. As natural as the blood of the innocents that drips from your claws.
Sable Man-Beast worn by a female Khajiit
Sable Man-Beast worn by a male Dunmer

The Sable Man-Beast skin is acquired by completing the Moon Hunter Keep Challenger achievement.

Sanctified SilverEdit

Shine with the radiance of the purified Saints of the Asylum Sanctorium with this sheen of silvery skin.
Sanctified Silver skin worn by a female Breton
Sanctified Silver skin worn by a male Khajiit

The Sanctified Silver skin is acquired by defeating Saint Olms, Saint Llothis, and Saint Felms in the same fight in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.

Sanguine's DiscipleEdit

The Sanguine's Disciple skin is an upcoming Sanguine-themed skin.

Scales of AkatoshEdit

Not content to simply bear Akatosh's symbol, some of the Dragon God's most ardent worshipers use magic to adorn their skin with golden scales. Display your devotion to the greatest of the Divines with this resplendent skin!
Scales of Akatosh skin worn by a female Breton
Scales of Akatosh skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Scales of Akatosh skin is obtained by combining three different upgrade fragments with an Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Scales of the Celestial SerpentEdit

The honor of being born under the Serpent is a mixed blessing that heralds life's harshest distresses as well as its sweetest celebrations. Embrace being a charge of the Serpent and hold on to all that comes to you in a crushing embrace.
Scales of the Celestial Serpent skin worn by a female Khajiit
Scales of the Celestial Serpent skin worn by a male Orc

The Scales of the Celestial Serpent skin was available in the Crown Store for 00400400   from February 4th to February 13th, 2022. It returned in 2023 and will be available from August 24 to September 14.

Scourger's ScalesEdit

After performing bloody rites of devotion, Dagon's most zealous cultists earn the right to shed their mortal form. Hours of ritual scourging shears their skin, revealing a coat of crimson scales beneath. Are you willing to endure this metamorphosis?
Scourger's Scales skin worn by a female Imperial
Scourger's Scales skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Scourger's Scales skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Grim Harlequin Crates.

Seaborn SilverEdit

The legendary might of the Sea Giants is the envy of any warrior. A superstitious few choose to dye their skin like stormy skies and paint themselves with silver markings in hopes of channeling that power.
Seaborn Silver on a female Bosmer
Seaborn Silver on a male Dunmer

The Seaborn Silver skin is acquired by completing the "Kyne's Aegis Conqueror" achievement in Kyne's Aegis.

Shallowbay NereidEdit

"Splash among the fish and flora? Looking like a nereid scaled in hues of coral, pearl, and night? Speak to me no more of this pure joy. This unadulterated bliss. You merely tease, yes. Yet … magic, you say?"—Tariran, Seeker of New Experiences
Shallowbay Nereid skin worn by a female Argonian
Shallowbay Nereid skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Shallowbay Nereid skin is scaly in appearance with orange, white, and black coloration. It is available as a Legendary-level reward in Wraithtide Crates.

Shivering Isles AnointmentEdit

Butterflies. Glowing pink eyes. The Shivering Isles calls to you. Will you fight the call or bend the knee to the Mad God?
Shivering Isles Anointment skin worn by a female Imperial
Shivering Isles Anointment skin worn by a male Redguard

The Shivering Isles Anointment skin is themed around the Shivering Isles, realm of the Daedric Prince Sheogorath. It was available in the Crown Store from August 17 to August 24, 2023 for 016001,600  . Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Skin of the AnchoriteEdit

The followers of Molag Bal give themselves over to the Prince's will. For most, this means forfeiting their souls. For others, their sacrifice burns them from the inside out.
Skin of the Anchorite skin worn by a female Altmer
Skin of the Anchorite skin worn by a male Redguard

The Skin of the Anchorite skin is available as an Apex-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Slag Town DiverEdit

Treasure rests beneath the oily waters in Clockwork City for those with the guts to plumb deeply into its viscous lubricants. Your valiant efforts to dredge up valuable scrap gives your skin a slippery, many-hued sheen.
Slag Town Diver worn by a female Breton
Slag Town Diver worn by a male Dunmer

The Slag Town Diver skin is obtained from Tribunal Coffers and Glorious Tribunal Coffers during the Tribunal Celebration Event. The luster and saturation of the oil's black sheen are affected by your character's age. It's darker on younger characters.


Donning this costume gives the wearer the guise of one of the Soul-Shriven, Molag Bal's slaves in his Oblivion plane of Coldharbour.
Soul-Shriven skin worn by a female Breton
Soul-Shriven skin worn by a male Argonian

The Soul-Shriven skin can be earned by completing the Barathrum Centrata event in the Imperial Sewers, as part of the Imperial City DLC. It is a very rare drop from the event's final boss, the Simulacrum of Molag Bal. It was also available to buy from The Impresario during the 2019 Imperial City Celebration Event and the 2023 Guilds and Glory Celebration for 000001010  Event Tickets.

Spellscar SheatheEdit

The power of the Spellscar transforms your appearance with its mesmerizing display of colorful light peeking out from under a cracked shell of darkness. Those who recognize this effect may wonder if you're entirely stable—which is exactly what you want!
Spellscar Sheathe skin worn by a female Breton
Spellscar Sheathe skin worn by a male Redguard

The Spellscar Sheathe skin is part of the Spellscar's Kiss Bundle, which contains 25 Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates and is sold in the Crown Store for 080008000  .


Kissed by spider, Spiderkith, Daedric legend, tale, and myth!
Spiderkith skin worn by a female Altmer
Spiderkith skin worn by a male Khajiit

The Spiderkith skin is obtained by completing the Cradle of Shadows Challenger achievement.

Sunspire Ice-FireEdit

The melding of ice and fire might seem out of reach for the average person, but you're not the average person, are you? Show your mastery of Sunspire's Ice-Fire by exhibiting it on your body.
Sunspire Ice-Fire on a male Dunmer
Sunspire Ice-Fire on a female Redguard

The Sunspire Ice-Fire skin is acquired by completing the Sunspire Conqueror achievement in Veteran Sunspire. The skin can be seen on various enemies in the Sunspire trial.

The Taskmaster's BannerEdit

"My task list saved me. Yes, I know. Every Peryite priest says that. It's true in my case. So true that I prayed at the bank the moment I found out I'd barely missed a Dragon disaster at home. Now I look like this when I want to."—Slera Cinna, Banker
The Taskmaster's Banner skin worn by a female Redguard
The Taskmaster's Banner skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Taskmaster's Banner is a green skin with glowing marks displaying Peryite's heraldry. It is acquired by collecting the Bal Sunnar Conqueror achievement.

Thief StarskinEdit

When the Thief constellation shines brightest, bandits, assassins, and all who favor stealth and shadow breathe a little easier. Some hope for this protection every day, invoking the Thief's blessing on their skin.
Thief Starskin skin worn by a female Breton
Thief Starskin skin worn by a male Redguard

The Thief Starskin is available as a Legendary-level reward in the All-Maker Crates.


An ancient, Nenalata Ayleid ritual shaped your form into that of their beloved Varla stones. The shimmering hues and stony striations that make up your new "star" form can bedazzle even the most jaded of observers.
Varla-Born skin worn by a female Altmer
Varla-Born skin worn by a male Orc

The Varla-Born skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Ayleid crates.

Void PathosisEdit

Your soul once drifted through the boundless Void, and though it found purchase on Nirn, it can't escape the relentless pull of its former home. Signs of its vast emptiness creep over you, hollowing out your mortal shell to eventually leave behind a husk.
Void Pathosis skin worn by a female Bosmer
Void Pathosis skin worn by a male Dunmer

The Void Pathosis skin is acquired by completing the "Vateshran Hollows Conqueror" achievement in Vateshran Hollows. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.

Warrior StarskinEdit

Some claim that when the Warrior constellation shines brightly, those born under its sign are assured of victory in battle. Those who seek to win through force of arms often take on the Warrior's mantle during times of great crisis.
Warrior Starskin skin worn by a female

The Warrior Starskin skin is a Celestial-themed skin that is available as a Legendary-level reward in Mirrormoor Crates.


"Those who provide the gift of the Night Mother's Kiss to others tend to dress in dark colors—the better to blend into shadows. But if you unwrap us, you may find the glorious hues of our guild's stained glass writ upon our skin."—Nevusa
Woebringer skin worn by a female Imperial
Woebringer skin worn by a male Redguard

The Woebringer skin is available as an Apex-level reward in Dark Brotherhood Crates.

Xoleel ScaleEdit

Colorful. Vibrant. Toxic. Those who take part in the sacred Argonian Xoleel Ceremony are transformed into a deadly sacrifice to Leviathans that threaten the Deepmire Hist.
Xoleel Scale skin worn by a female Argonian
Xoleel Scale skin worn by a male Redguard

The Xoleel Scale skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.

Z'Maja's ShadowEdit

Z'Maja's powerful magic infuses those it touches with a tinge of shadow.
Z'Maja's Shadow skin worn by a female Dunmer
Z'Maja's Shadow skin worn by a male Khajiit

Z'Maja's Shadow is acquired by completing the Cloudrest Vanquisher achievement. It is worn by the Welkynar shadow clones in Cloudrest.