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Resources are minor conflict zones in the Alliance War. Each of the eighteen keeps has three resources around it: a farm, a lumbermill, and a mine. Maintaining control of a keep's resources allows the keep to make repairs following an assault, so it is often important to capture the resources before attacking the keep in order to counteract its ability to repair. You may receive Alliance War quests to scout or capture specific enemy-controlled resources.

Each resource controls a specific aspect of keep infrastructure: the farms increase the health and strength of NPC soldiers stationed at the keep; lumbermills are required to maintain and strengthen the keep's doors; while mines gather the required stone to repair and upgrade the keep's walls. Each resource is home to a quartermaster who sells PvP equipment. Resources can also be claimed by a guild by speaking to the quartermaster.

All resources are guarded by a watchtower; originally, only the controlling alliance could enter the tower, but the doors were removed in Update 12, allowing access to anyone. An alliance Mage Guard can be found on the middle of the three levels, while the top is a good position to set up a defensive siege weapon. Towers, like keep walls, can also be damaged by enemy siege weapons. If a tower takes enough damage, the top level can be destroyed. Towers with the Regeneration upgrade repair themselves over time; otherwise, towers can be repaired using Masonry Repair Kits purchased from Siege Merchants.


Farms produce food to increase the health and strength of NPC soldiers stationed at the nearby keep. Specifically, they can increase guards' resistance to magical damage and siege weapons, increase guards' health and power, grant more powerful abilities to melee guards and archers, and grant longer range to archers and mages.

Most farms include a windmill and a storehouse. Workers can be found carrying produce from the crop fields to the storehouse, and the Quartermaster is located by the storehouse entrance. The resource flag is located in front of the watchtower. Certain farms also have a farmhouse, but these cannot be entered.


Lumbermills produce the wood required to maintain and strengthen a keep's doors. Specifically, they can increase doors' resistance to siege damage, allow them to repair when not under attack, and subsequently regenerate more health at a faster rate. Lumbermills can also grant more powerful abilities to mage guards and menders.

Stacks of timber can be found around the lumbermills and most have a small enclosure walled off on two or three sides. Workers can be found carrying wood from the timber stacks to the warehouse, and the Quartermaster is located by the warehouse entrance. The resource flag is located in front of the watchtower.


Mines produce the required ore and stone to repair and upgrade the keep's walls. Specifically, they can increase walls' resistance to siege damage, allow them to repair when not under attack, and provide extra defensible positions such as postern houses and build-outs on corners. They can also provide thicker armor to all guards and grant more powerful abilities to honor guards.

Most mines contain a forge for smelting the recovered ore. Workers can be found carrying ore and stone from the mine workings to the forge, and the Quartermaster is located by the forge entrance. The resource flag is located in front of the watchtower.


Resources are upgraded over time for as long a they remain controlled by one alliance. It takes 10 minutes from the moment it is captured to turn level 1. Production upgrades increase the amount of wood, food and ore that a resource delivers to the keep, which in turn go towards upgrades for that keep. Defense upgrades increase the defensive capabilities of individual resources by improving the guards' abilities and the resistance of the watchtower.


  Production increases constantly for as long as your alliance controls the resource. Enemy production can be reduced by killing the workers at the resource.

Upgrade Level Upgrade Effect
Level 0
Level 1    Faster Resource Production This Resource now produces more Ore, Lumber or Food for it's associated Keep.


  Defense increases constantly for as long as your alliance controls the resource. Enemy defensive capabilities can be reduced by sieging the watchtower and killing the guards.

Upgrade Level Upgrade Effect
Level 0
Level 1    Heartier Guards Guards have more HP
   Stronger Guards Guards do more damage
   Upgrade Guard Abilities Resource guards will gain more powerful versions of some of their abilities


Ressources used to have more levels prior (?) update. The Resource Towers also used to be destructible and had base HP of 135,000.


Upgrade Level Upgrade Effect
Level 0
Level 1    Gather Amount Increased Your gatherer NPCs will collect more resources per trip
Level 2    Base Resources Increased Increases the amount of resources earned by 75%
Level 3    Gather Amount Increased Your gatherer NPCs will collect more resources per trip
Level 4    Base Resources Increased Increases the amount of resources earned by 75%
Level 5    Gather Amount Increased Your gatherer NPCs will collect more resources per trip


Upgrade Level Upgrade Effect
Level 0
Level 1    Enable Tower Regeneration Tower walls will regenerate HP when not in combat
(10 HP every 20 seconds)
   More Resistant Guards Your Keep guards are more resistant to magical damage and siege weapons
   Tower HP Increased The Tower overwatching the Resource has more HP
(Increased to 160,000)
Level 2    Upgrade Guard Abilities Melee guards will gain more powerful versions of some of their abilities
   Heartier Guards Guards have more HP
Level 3    Upgrade Mage Abilities Keep mages will gain more powerful versions of some of their abilities
   Tower HP Increased The Tower overwatching the Resource has more HP
(Increased to 185,000)
Level 4    Upgrade Mender Abilities Keep menders will gain more powerful versions of some of their abilities
   Increased Wall Regeneration Walls will regenerate 50% more HP
(15 HP every 20 seconds)
Level 5    Upgrade Honor Guard Abilities Keep honor guards will gain more powerful versions of some of their abilities
   Tower HP Increased The Tower overwatching the Resource has more HP
(Increased to 210,000)

List of ResourcesEdit

  • These are grouped by the alliance which initially controls them. Over the course of a campaign, they may change hands many times.

Aldmeri DominionEdit


Daggerfall CovenantEdit


Ebonheart PactEdit
